09/24: Some training and defoliation today. They are all growing very differently. I heard somewhere that there is only a 1 and 4 chance of these being the level of purple that you see in the pictures on the website. Im really hoping that one of these are and that the fact that all 4 of these are so different is some small indicator of my chance being high. They are growing pretty well. They have access to all of the nutrients and water that they want. My favorite plant is PL2. She has been easy to train and i am loving her compact and consistent growth patters. Im really hoping she turns out to be a purple one. Each of the other 3 have been a challenge to train simply for my own error and them not being very resistant of it. I know, I know, I sound like a rookie blaming the pants for my poor training. But i definitely appreciate the plants that seem to respond to my aggression well. Speaking of my errors, the plant that I broke a large branch from has recovered. Well.. kinda. It healed up but not cleaning, and so i am not sure how well it will support itself during flower. But o am not going to mess with it and will see what happens with it.
Easy grow for the most part. This strain had a very tropical/gassy smell to it.
I love sativa. This is a great freaking plant. Long skinny buds (a little squeezed by me :) and the smell is incredible (strong put in jar open 5 min later my house smells strong) its sweet from the haze but it's got that gassy fuel smell to it also with a tiny bit of earthy after aroma. It's wonderful smokes great gets me higher than any weed at the stores and I never have coughed from it I don't think it's so smooth. Organically grown buds are fckin smooooothh man I never would have understood until I grew organic! This bud is the tits I'm stoned off a mix of blueberry amnesia haze northern ligbt joint as I write this lmao good harvest
Day 81. Chop day for twin Northern Lights. Day 84. Two rows hanging, not the fattest, I would trim better, but STILL - I think it will be close to hundred ... Said to my friend 80 max ;))) he is running out of previous amazing harvest and this one is definitely smaller ... Stressing him a bit ;)))))))) but you never know till you jar ... Happy Growing !
***I’m not sure why but it’s only letting me put 100 growing plants, but I actually harvested 180 plants in three separate rooms of about 300 sqfeet almost each, running in at 350 g per plant *** Given her being my first grow, I don’t really have anything to compare to but me and my plants have gone through a lot this year. Definitely going to need filters with this one, for the strong scent. 10 out of 10 would recommend this strain. I tried some fish fertilizer through some of the early growth and everytime I did, I would notice the plants beginning to burn so I completely stopped it, I learned organic is the best way to go if I’ll ever be using fertilizer again. This is the only way I would’ve learned it through experience! I didn’t think I can make it all the way through with my harvest, but ever since I got on Growdiaries everybody has helped me tremendously with every question I had, without the site my whole to harvest would’ve went to shit along time ago. Haha I really can’t thank my Growmies here enough for all their support. Every time I thought about giving up I would have uplifting comments assuring me my plants we’re doing fine. A message to all nee growers. Don’t be afraid of failure. Ask questions. I don’t know when my next grow will be but when, or if I decide to grow again, I’ll definitely document it on the best possible weed growing platform. Cheers friends!