Aug 31
- fed last on the 30th
- plant is thriving, filling out and starting to take shape. Some Pistils are present
Sept 2
- Next meal posted above; 50% volume of the last big (3L) meal & 4 days since, this starts a 4 day / 2 day cycle of feeding. (1.5 liters tonight)
- this morning I sorted the plant out tucking leaves and identifying its shape. Its continuing to grow out and away, developing a full network of branches/nodes. This morning I can say its starting to rock
** and Yes, I will turn the Fans OFF next time and find some funky tunes instead 🎶
- amending the soil tonight with a layer of Sheep-manure compost, Kelp Meal, Perlite with a bit of Epsom Salts and some real dirt. Treating all 4 plants with ~ 1” or so each.
- I’m liking how the plant is easily filling this 10 gallon pots surface. I only provided a little direction and its off and running now
- nutes get bumped-up…
- if the soil lets me, 3.5L is the targeted “big feed” tonight; Nope
- fed N.L. 3.5L first thing in the morning. Its the weekend, lites on till 12:30 and the transition to Bloom food has happened
- tds was a little high, I’ll deal with that
-last day of the week
- 1/2 feeds will be only water from here on in. Nutes will be in the big feed.