Holy moly. She's growing... like a weed.
She's loving the nutrient schedule and environment (finally). I was having an issue maintaining proper humidity levels and after exhausting EVERY possibility with venting, fans and otherwise, I have moved my dehumidifier inside the tent and it's working wonders. I drain the water with a shop-vac as I do the same for my run-off. Things are going great so far, I hope to continue this forward progress in the coming weeks. Going to LST sometime this week, just not sure when.
6/13: Started minor LST phase to open spots to light. Fan leaves are gonna be huge. I also overwatered her... I'm a noob.
6/14: No watering for 24 hours. I removed my LST. She wasn't yet strong enough for the arc I put into her. Another noob mistake and add the overwatering to this, I just wanted to destress her.
6/15: Back to regular 1 liter per 24 hours, also added Armor Si to the nute schedule.
6/16: She's showing signs of getting back to normal. Added Diamond Nectar on this day. I also LST'd her back to position.
6/18: Back to normal. I trimmed 1 fan leaf under the canopy that wasn't going to get any light.
6/19: She's better and growing well. I'm going to try and keep this vegetation stage a little longer. Added a little more water today, just a tiny bit. I have 2 other plants that are a week behind and I want them caught up for the flip as close as possible. Pray for me.