ALRIGHT! I think i had a successful first week of the first grow :D
The bitches are showing steady growth, started giving m a mix of Terra Grow, Pure Zyme & Power Roots. they seem to like it but hey what do i know? Don't know why the other half of my lights is taking so long to get here but we'll survive.
temperature is still a little on the high side during the day, around 29 degrees, i will be installing 2 fans tonight which should fix that problem.
(bought some fancy ass controller to automatically adjust the fan speed when temperatures rise, hope it works as good as it souds)
This week will also be moving week, filled 6.5L 20x20cm pots with those brown balls and Plagron Grow Mix.
started watering them in with a mix of Rain & Tapwater + Pure Roots & Power Zym. WHY?? again idk, there are so many tips online i'll just follow all of m. Doing the same again tomorrow morning and transplant them 2 hours before the lights go on.
*day 12 edit.
Moved the plants into the new pots, within 12 hours i could see them grow again so that must mean they like it, the rest of my lights arrived so we're growing under 10x 23w philips tornado CFL now because they are cheap as fuck and it works amazing.
the whole temperature activated fan cooling system is out for now since the temperature is at a stable 26 degrees, and i didnt know that fans make so much noise turning off and on the whole time damnnnnn
Let me know what i'm doing wrong & happy growing 😘