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10 /11 Weeks Flower¬¬ It's going to be a long flowering phase! 18/01/2024 Performed a mid-day clean using hydrogen peroxide Moved Spicy Temp to the flower tent Noted that the temperatures are a little high Searching for a new, large heatsink for the CropMaster Pro 1000 to resemble the SK600. Considering modifications to the CropMaster's heatsink as it is currently equipped with a 12-watt fan driver, PC fans, and connected to the LED mains power. It still works well, but planning to replace some LEDs once this grow is completed. Fed 200ml of organic random feed to 5 plants Discovered a sprouted seedling beneath the Forgotten Haze and relocated it to the veg tent 19/01/2024 Noted the arrival of the flowers 20/01/2024 Conducted a mid-day photoshoot Started using natural fertilizer as flowering has commenced, applied 150ml for every 5 liters of water 20-01-2024 Recorded a video of the pre-flowering stage, indicating anticipation of a substantial yield 20/01/2024 Performed defoliation before the onset of substantial flowering and cleaned up the lower growth Implemented SCROG (Screen of Green) 22/01/2024 Recorded a video of the pre-flowering stage 23/01/2024 No major changes, just observing more leaves and flowers 23/01/2024 Trimmed off the small undergrowth shoots Missed a few of the lower growth shoots 24/01/2024 Gently stretched the plant within the SCROG setup I'm aware that I need to reposition the pot more to the left to ensure the plants stretch evenly from both sides, but honestly, I'm feeling a bit lazy to do it tonight. I'll tackle it first thing in the morning, I promise! Originally, my plan was to have two plants in the set-up, but it turns out that Freaky Pablo is male. And now for a plant-related joke: Why did the Forgotten Haze Cakes go to therapy? Because she had too many hang-ups! _____________________________________ #IT WAS A RIDDLE YA DIDDLE SEE IT- "I was so stoned & baked last night and a little bit pebbled and tripped over a rake and then I finally had a ''eureka moment'' of what, ''Banana Shrimps are symbolic of! haha, my innocence is now ruined! The question I'm asking is; will I ever grow up? and leave Mushroom Town" _____________________________________. REAL CONCLUSION: The Skunk Of Trutn. Answer: Not for another 3-4 Weeks, then you get to leave Mushroom city. "But it's about Forgotten Haze Cake maturity in to woman hood begins. But she still stays in mushroom land, the land of the Forgotten, she's lost amongst the Haze and Cake strains of the cold damp soil where mushrroms grow. This is a Kind symbolic gesture reminder here, to keep the top soil clean during these colder times. We don't want mould or bud rot. Some hazes like to see 3 days of dropped temps to change her colours like a psychedelic trip during the start of maturity" "Shes always tripping over rakes, I have a little baby rake I use to freshen up her top soils" Allso she was living next door to Freaky Pablo that turned out to be male to where Bananas come from and shes the shrimp. This riddle is told by the perspective of the Plant realising she's a woman going through the stages womanhood" So, in conclusion, my fellow thinkers and growers, let's embrace the absurdity, cherish our innocence, and ponder the enigma of find a rake to trip over and lead us to that illuminating "eureka moment," no matter how stoned, baked, or pebbled we may be. Cheers to growth, both in the mind and the garden! _____________________________________ At mid-day on January 25th, 2024, I accidentally placed the light too close to the plants for a couple of hours, resulting in burnt leaves and pistils. It can't be a calcium deficiency since I have been feeding 6ml of calcium to 5 liters of water. The only difference was the proximity of the light.
10 /11 Weeks Flower¬¬ It's going to be a long flowering phase! 18/01/2024 Performed a mid-day clean using hydrogen peroxide Moved Spicy Temp to the flower tent Noted that the temperatures are a little high Searching for a new, large heatsink for the CropMaster Pro 1000 to resemble the SK600. Considering modifications to the CropMaster's heatsink as it is currently equipped with a 12-watt fan driver, PC fans, and connected to the LED mains power. It still works well, but planning to replace some LEDs once this grow is completed. Fed 200ml of organic random feed to 5 plants Discovered a sprouted seedling beneath the Forgotten Haze and relocated it to the veg tent 19/01/2024 Noted the arrival of the flowers 20/01/2024 Conducted a mid-day photoshoot Started using natural fertilizer as flowering has commenced, applied 150ml for every 5 liters of water 20-01-2024 Recorded a video of the pre-flowering stage, indicating anticipation of a substantial yield 20/01/2024 Performed defoliation before the onset of substantial flowering and cleaned up the lower growth Implemented SCROG (Screen of Green) 22/01/2024 Recorded a video of the pre-flowering stage 23/01/2024 No major changes, just observing more leaves and flowers 23/01/2024 Trimmed off the small undergrowth shoots Missed a few of the lower growth shoots 24/01/2024 Gently stretched the plant within the SCROG setup I'm aware that I need to reposition the pot more to the left to ensure the plants stretch evenly from both sides, but honestly, I'm feeling a bit lazy to do it tonight. I'll tackle it first thing in the morning, I promise! Originally, my plan was to have two plants in the set-up, but it turns out that Freaky Pablo is male. And now for a plant-related joke: Why did the Forgotten Haze Cakes go to therapy? Because she had too many hang-ups! _____________________________________ #IT WAS A RIDDLE YA DIDDLE SEE IT- "I was so stoned & baked last night and a little bit pebbled and tripped over a rake and then I finally had a ''eureka moment'' of what, ''Banana Shrimps are symbolic of! haha, my innocence is now ruined! The question I'm asking is; will I ever grow up? and leave Mushroom Town" _____________________________________. REAL CONCLUSION: The Skunk Of Trutn. Answer: Not for another 3-4 Weeks, then you get to leave Mushroom city. "But it's about Forgotten Haze Cake maturity in to woman hood begins. But she still stays in mushroom land, the land of the Forgotten, she's lost amongst the Haze and Cake strains of the cold damp soil where mushrroms grow. This is a Kind symbolic gesture reminder here, to keep the top soil clean during these colder times. We don't want mould or bud rot. Some hazes like to see 3 days of dropped temps to change her colours like a psychedelic trip during the start of maturity" "Shes always tripping over rakes, I have a little baby rake I use to freshen up her top soils" Allso she was living next door to Freaky Pablo that turned out to be male to where Bananas come from and shes the shrimp. This riddle is told by the perspective of the Plant realising she's a woman going through the stages womanhood" So, in conclusion, my fellow thinkers and growers, let's embrace the absurdity, cherish our innocence, and ponder the enigma of find a rake to trip over and lead us to that illuminating "eureka moment," no matter how stoned, baked, or pebbled we may be. Cheers to growth, both in the mind and the garden! _____________________________________ At mid-day on January 25th, 2024, I accidentally placed the light too close to the plants for a couple of hours, resulting in burnt leaves and pistils. It can't be a calcium deficiency since I have been feeding 6ml of calcium to 5 liters of water. The only difference was the proximity of the light.
She so bushy bud are everywhere some off them can get really light I wish I was defoilated them but it's okay I let her grow till day 90 let see the result thanks for reading and looking into this diary happy growing I add bio heaven for bud denser recommend by grower friends 💚
So I am harvesting sweet Bourbon Kush Autoflower. It grew really fast. It smells like a wooddy sweet Bourbon. Hence the name. 🤷. She grew great for me in coco/perlite in a 1.5 gallon Potter. She has a great smell, great frost. Looks delicious. I am super eager to try the results. Thank you Spider Farmer, and Super Sativa Seeds Club. 🌱🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱❄️🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Bienvenidos cultivadores de marihuana clandestinos, y también, a los que tienen la fortuna de no serlo!🖐️👨‍🌾 16 semanas de vida para esta planta hija de una Reina, nacida en casa y ahora cultivada al calor del hogar, siete semanas en horario de floración 12/12h y todavía tiene mucho que decir, su madre tuvo un periodo de 11 semanas de floración y si esta princesa sigue sus pasos los cogollos vana a ser majestuosos... a jugar He estado fuera unos días y al llegar todas las plantas gozaban de buena salud, las flores crecen y esta planta apesta, mis dedos se quedan pegados a las flores si las toco! Hoy al llegar he preparado una comilona para todas mis plantas, ahora, todos reunidos con música de fondo, hemos bebido felices y comido con placer y en abundancia... que siga el juego! Hasta la próxima... SALUDOS Y SALUD A TODOS!! ================================ Semilla obtenida el año pasado de la planta original, probablemente un retro cruce S1, un paso más hacia la auto suficiencia total en cultivos de marihuana! Mira el diario original: Info de la cepa original: Floración: 8 semanas Queen Mother es una cepa sativa estabilizada, gracias al minucioso y sistemático trabajo de selección y mantenimiento de la cepa, que el breeder Mario Bellandi, afincado en España desde hace más de 30 años, desarrolla sin descanso y con la máxima coherencia. El cruce inicial de esta cepa, y que hoy permanece intacto, surgió a finales de los 90 entre una sativa desconocida, cultivada en los altos de Tarragona (España) por la misma persona desde los años 60, unas semillas de la isla de Reunión y semillas de un cruce estabilizado de dos landrace congoleñas... ==============
Queen Mother x Purple Shot · Custom Breeder & Strain
Fission 300W · Custom
DS120w · Secret Jardin
Agua de Montaña ·
Miel ·
Bio Coco EM ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Purín de Ortigas ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Bio Coco EM ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Bio Coco EM ·
Lacto algas ·
Miel ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Foliar: Bio Plus EM ·
Foliar: Ormus ·
Foliar: Hidro Blood ·
Foliar: Lacto Algas ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Bio Fish EM ·
Humato Blood ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Bio Algas EM ·
Ormus ·
Purín de ortiga ·
Calabaza MMA ·
Melaza ·
Agua de montaña ·
Humato Blood ·
Bio Frutas EM ·
Ormus ·
Agua de montaña ·
Bio Guanos EM ·
Bio Fish EM ·
MMA Plus ·
Guamato LE ·
Ormus ·
Bio Plus EM ·
Bio Algas EM ·
Guamato AZ ·
Agua de montaña ·
Bio Guanos EM ·
Melaza ·
Bio Coco EM ·
Agua de montaña ·
Bio Fish EM ·
Bio Algas EM ·
Guamato LE ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Lacto Harinas ·
Guamato LE ·
Ormus ·
Animal aminoácidos ·
Bio Plus EM ·
Agua de montaña ·
Humato PK ·
Bio Mealfrass EM ·
Bio Plus EM ·
Bio PKs EM ·
Hidro Fúlvicos ·
Ormus ·
Melaza ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Bio Algas EM ·
Alga Flora MMA ·
Hidro Bones ·
Humato Bones+ ·
Ormus ·
GA3 ·
Bio SKCaMg EM ·
Guamato AZ ·
Melaza ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Guamato AZ ·
Melaza ·
Ormus ·
Humato PK ·
Lacto Mineral PK ·
Bio Coco EM ·
Bio Mealfrass EM ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Bio PKCaMg EM ·
Lacto Complex ·
Guamato AZ ·
Ormus ·
Humato Plus ·
Lacto Mineral PK+ ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Humato PK ·
Alga Flora MMA ·
Bio PKs EM ·
Guamato AZ ·
Ormus ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Lacto Algas ·
Bio Algas EM ·
Coco Bloom EM ·
Melaza ·
Ormus ·
Bio Plus EM ·
Humato Bones ·
Lacto Complex ·
Lacto Mineral PK ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Humato PK ·
Ormus ·
Melaza ·
Lacto Complex ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Humato PK ·
Hidro Bones AZ ·
Bio PKs EM ·
Bio SKMg EM ·
Melaza ·
Ormus ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Humato PK ·
Guamato AZ ·
Alga Flora MMA ·
Melaza ·
MMA Ultra ·
Ormus ·
I am harvesting Ztrawberriez autoflower. She grew in a 1 gallon perlite Ice cream bucket. She did excellent under the Spider Farmer SE3000. The worst issues I had was keeping her moist. She did really well. I am eager to try her out. Thank you Spider Farmer, and Fast Buds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱❄️🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 If anyone needs to purchase fastbuds here is a link for my affiliate program
Vamos familia que ya actualizamos la cosecha de estas Candy Rain de Zamnesia, para el concurso POWER BUDS Plagron x Zamnesia CONTEST. Ya era hora de cosechar, estoy bastante contento con los resultados. Vaya flores que se han marcado repletas de tricomas, y las flores se marcan aromas dulces y afrutados. Es una variedad bastante fácil de cultivar y muy resistente, crecieron desde el principio bien vigorosas, sin problemas y al final de todo recompensó. Las condiciones ambiéntales han sido máximas en 25 y mínimas en 20 y una humedad estable en torno al 36% al final de floración y en el secado. Os comento que tengo un descuento y para que compréis en la web de Zamnesia de un 20%, el código es ZAMMIGD2023 The discount 20% and the code is ZAMMIGD2023 Espero que disfruteis este diario, buenos humos 💨💨
Vamos familia que ya actualizamos la cosecha de estas Candy Rain de Zamnesia, para el concurso POWER BUDS Plagron x Zamnesia CONTEST. Ya era hora de cosechar, estoy bastante contento con los resultados. Vaya flores que se han marcado repletas de tricomas, y las flores se marcan aromas dulces y afrutados. Es una variedad bastante fácil de cultivar y muy resistente, crecieron desde el principio bien vigorosas, sin problemas y al final de todo recompensó. Las condiciones ambiéntales han sido máximas en 25 y mínimas en 20 y una humedad estable en torno al 36% al final de floración y en el secado. Os comento que tengo un descuento y para que compréis en la web de Zamnesia de un 20%, el código es ZAMMIGD2023 The discount 20% and the code is ZAMMIGD2023 Espero que disfruteis este diario, buenos humos 💨💨
Vamos familia que ya actualizamos la cosecha de estas Candy Rain de Zamnesia, para el concurso POWER BUDS Plagron x Zamnesia CONTEST. Ya era hora de cosechar, estoy bastante contento con los resultados. Vaya flores que se han marcado repletas de tricomas, y las flores se marcan aromas dulces y afrutados. Es una variedad bastante fácil de cultivar y muy resistente, crecieron desde el principio bien vigorosas, sin problemas y al final de todo recompensó. Las condiciones ambiéntales han sido máximas en 25 y mínimas en 20 y una humedad estable en torno al 36% al final de floración y en el secado. Os comento que tengo un descuento y para que compréis en la web de Zamnesia de un 20%, el código es ZAMMIGD2023 The discount 20% and the code is ZAMMIGD2023 Espero que disfruteis este diario, buenos humos 💨💨
Vamos familia que ya actualizamos la cosecha de estas Candy Rain de Zamnesia, para el concurso POWER BUDS Plagron x Zamnesia CONTEST. Ya era hora de cosechar, estoy bastante contento con los resultados. Vaya flores que se han marcado repletas de tricomas, y las flores se marcan aromas dulces y afrutados. Es una variedad bastante fácil de cultivar y muy resistente, crecieron desde el principio bien vigorosas, sin problemas y al final de todo recompensó. Las condiciones ambiéntales han sido máximas en 25 y mínimas en 20 y una humedad estable en torno al 36% al final de floración y en el secado. Os comento que tengo un descuento y para que compréis en la web de Zamnesia de un 20%, el código es ZAMMIGD2023 The discount 20% and the code is ZAMMIGD2023 Espero que disfruteis este diario, buenos humos 💨💨