Week 5 has come so fast. At this point, I don't know which is more exciting; having a decent size harvest or passing off genetics I dont like to my friends and starting new strains from my little seed bank.
I also discontinued the pure blend tea this week as nearly every ingredient is identical to the pure blend pro, with the exception of worm castings that is only in the tea. I've noticed that the pure blend pro series base nutrients are pretty strong as well and can easily burn your plants if you're not careful.
I love that my setup doesn't require much oversight and only need to water every other day or so. I'm not going to add any boosters, hardeners, sweeteners, or any other additives to my nutrient mix. If it ain't the tasties without all that nonsense, I ain't even gonna mess with it. I'm not growing for profit. I don't care if you think my shit's dank or not. My only goal is to have an unlimited supply of weed that I love. I don't want that brown dry vacuum sealed outdoor bud nor do I want to pay 60+ FKN dollars for an 8th! 😂 All I want is a few extra large mason jars filled with what I would consider my own cannabis cup winning strains without all the hassle of having to deal with anyone. 👌👌
It has begun to heat up already here in sunny California, thanks climate change. Starting with the next watering, I will begin to reduce the nutrients by ~50% and each subsequent watering there after. There's only a few weeks left and It's time to gradually flush these girls out. Also a note for the next flower phase to lower strength of the Pure Blend Bloom as I noticed a small amount to nutrient burn on the tips of the sativas. The indicas don't seem to mind but a slight reduction in nutrients wouldn't hurt either.