This is my 3rd week of flower after months of struggles, I was about to cut them off and abort the grow ... My plants were hit with yellowing tops and leaves were being burnt for no apparent cause. I installed a chiller, reduced EC, distanced the light and still ... Only to find out that calcium toxicity was the culprit .... It caused a potassium lock out that literally burned the leaves and stunted growth completely ... They looked like seedlings despite well crossing the vegetative stage ... Flushed my tank ... removed the calcium completely and the magic started ... This week I’m attaching this beautiful time lapse video of my girls coming back from the dead and filling out my tent space completely! :)
Week 5 of flowering It’s growing 😂 There’s not much to do, keeping an eye on the leaves helps me to tell if it still needs some nutrients or just water. I’ve been able to readjust the lack of Cal on 2 plants (Strawberry Kush) unfortunately 2 others plants (1 Super Skunk and 1 Banana Kush) were too deficient to catch back. I wish the Super Skunks were a bit more Indica. They are typically Sativa phenotypes, at 80% I would say, second time it happens in 3 years with this batch (ART. 1520007 , B19). Normally they’re perfectly balanced and produce plenty of massive colas in a very short period. 1 of the White Gorilla Haze is making proper dark purple flowers, it’s a very nice pheno. I will add more bud porn on next week 😊 (I’m looking for a job in the Cannabis industry as Master Grower, Mineralogist, Quality Control)
Una cepa bastante fácil de cultivar,yo al preparar un súper soil a base de guano,ácidos humicos,bacterias,mi suero de lactobacillus casero,algas marinas y humus,tan solo regue con agua por lo que no tengo mucho trabajo en ese sentido,ademas tampoco le aplique ninguna técnica de entrenamiento cosa que me gustaría hacer si tengo oprtunidad de volver a cultivar esta cepa, sin embargo vi que empezó la floración siendo pequeña de tamaño,término dando una excelente porra central y algunos cogollos bajeros con los que me fui haciendo algunas infusiones con leche entera y también con aceite de oliva para no tener que recurrir al mercado negro y poder asi añadir mis canabinoides a mi sistema para poder mejorar mi lumbalgia y descansar mejor. El aroma es sencillamente exquisito,ha sido todo un placer cultivar esta cepa,lo malo es que es muy poco para mi ya que soy un usuario que necesita una buena reserva de cogollos potentes sobre todo a nivel físico que me ayuden a lo largo del año.muchas gracias y espero que os haya gustado mi trabajo, paz compañeros Canabicos! 💚✌️❤️💛🌱
ESPAÑOL: Hola chicos, espero se encuentren muy bien! Esta semana las chicas han mejorado un poco, se detuvo el amarillamiento, descubri que Cal-Max de Grotek interfiere en la composicion de la linea hesi por lo que las chicas sufren un bloqueo de nutrientes, dejé de utilizarlo y las chicas han continuado con su desarrollo relativamente normal. ya estan en su 5ta semana de floracion, Tutankhamon ha producido una cantidad gigantesca de resina, Lennon esta engordando a toda velocidad y aun le quedan 6 semanas aprox. Anubis a pesar de su color intenso amarillo palido esta engordando bastante bien y su produccion de resina es inimaginable y ya solo que quedan 2 semanas y media aprox. espero que a partir de ahora ya no surjan mas problemas y que las chicas terminen su floracion de la mejor manera. esto es todo por esta semana chicos, espero que se encuentren muy bien ! INGLES: Hello guys, I hope you are very well! This week the girls have improved a little, the yellowing stopped, I discovered that Cal-Max from Grotek interferes with the composition of the hesi line so the girls suffer a nutrient lock, I stopped using it and the girls have continued with their relatively normal development. They are already in their 5th week of flowering, Tutankhamun has produced a gigantic amount of resin, Lennon is gaining weight at full speed and he still has about 6 weeks left. Anubis, despite its intense pale yellow color, is gaining weight quite well and its resin production is unimaginable and there are only about 2 and a half weeks left. I hope that from now on no more problems arise and that the girls finish their flowering in the best way. This is it for this week guys, I hope you are doing well!
Week started off well. Day 50 and no major hiccups. Lets get to that finish line soon! Day 51 - Everyone is healthy and great. CDLC is really putting on the weight now. All five of them are stellar. MB #1 stopped stretching and her nugs are starting to swell. She is one fast lady. The other Miracle Berry Remix looks like it will stretch some more and so does the Mango Smile. Strawberry and CDLC have a ways to go but they are blowing up. I am feeding everyone every day at least 2 liters of the above mixture. Depending on coloration (light green to dark green) I will change the nitrogen content. These things are eating phosphorous up like candy. I have experienced NO nutrition burn. All of my issues thus far have been underfeeding due to PH issues. I have a theory that I want to feed them as much as possible regardless of feed schedule and fear of nutrition burn. Ensuring a healthy root system with proper PH and monitoring Potassium in your watering should give the best results. I am finding that the only nutrient that cause the physical representation of nutrition burn (burned tips) is too much Potassium. I think I stated it before but Nitrogen toxicity doesn't burn tips and Phosphorous is really difficult to overdose your plant with. Pinpointing this is extremely important I feel. Are there any other growers who find this to be true? Day 53 - Everyone is great. Notable things from today...Mango Smile is sad cuz I gave her a hair cut and Strawberry Nuggets revealed a massive nitrogen deficiency after I gave her a hair cut. I switched to bloom nutrients too early on her. Upped her nitrogen PPM for today's feeding and hoping I didn't stunt her too badly. Lot's of node sites though. Day 54 - Mango Smile was just being a diva. Today her entire canopy was an inch higher...and she shows no signs of swelling yet. She's gonna end up going over 90 days for sure. My Maxigrow got moisture in it went bad. I went out and bought some NPK Raw Grow for my Strawberry Nuggets. She is so hungry I feel bad. She is the only one I fed today. Everyone else was fine. Pistils on MB#1 are turning orange/brown. She might be ready at day 70. MB#2 will be right behind her. They are quite fast for being so big. CDLC is looking great. Didn't take a photo today but she is getting frosty and her flower stretch is on. Humidity is a little high in tent since I added additional pots with soil in them. I turned up my light to around 80% and the humidity tanked. Temperature went up to about 81F. I think we can manage that. I'm not seeing any signs of heat stress or fox tailing. My lights are powered by two HLG-600H drivers. Theoretically, I have 1200 Watts in the tent. Just to clarify since the journal won't let me specify my wattage for the QB96s. They can go up to 250 Watts each with active cooling. Day 55 - Moved everyone in the tent around to increase airflow. Trying to keep everyone off the walls but Miracle Berry Remix 1 is taking over the tent. Probably going to have to supercrop soon. Miracle Berry 1 smells deeply of berries. No gas or funk smell. Smells like a blue raspberry slurpee.
It was very easy to grow this plant, she did everything by herself. The results are amazing, the taste is absolutely stunning and one joint is enough to be stoned for the rest of the day.
Ya las queda poco ningún problema en todo el proceso recomiendo esta tabla de floración delta 9 cada 10 días hasta 4 veces empezando de 0,5 foliar hasta terminar con 5 ml L la penúltima semana . Terpesin de Terranabis a 1 ml L durante todo el proceso. Propolix cada 10 días foliar I torta de Neem cada 20 para evitas plagas I bio heaven a 2 ml por litro cuando aya algún problema de nutrientes como recomendación.
This weeks update! Grow tent- so I had a buddy do my res change I talked him through the whole process couldn’t make it to the grow this week. Number and everything where perfect but!. He didn’t close the valve all the way to the blue dream res tank and left the drain pump on🤦‍♂️🏾. So when I got there this week leaves where curling and brown thought it might be a nutrient issue. Opened the res to check it. And there was only about a gallon of water in there out of the usual seven. No major harm I was planning on doing my last defoliation to her this week anyway. But that could have been bad. They are both receiving half strength nutes of the ripening mix GH recommends. Would have been a perfect week if not for that. No harm no foul tho. But def bout to start pushing them on the flower nutes and get back up to my 1000 ppm range buy adding extra bloom formula! #Staykited
The gorilla glues are looking better but the wedding cheesecake not so much. The cakes are going down tonight because i see a couple of brown spots.I guess this is budrot.The smell is amazing and its sticky a.f.So i see what i am left with. Cheers
Primera experiencia de scrog y no estoy muy satisfecho. Las plantas han tenido un estres y han madurado más rápido de lo normal. El resultado son cogollos pequeños. La calidad parece igual. Supongo que ha tocar demasiado las ramas para controlarla con la red es la origen del estres. Era un experimento de defoliación. Lo he hecho en varias plantas para comparar. Es un desastre, vale mejor no tocar las hojas salvo en ciertos casos.