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12/28 - Day 43 / Day 15 Flower - Feed Day Pots were mostly dry on this day. It has been about a week since I last fed them. I've only had two small waterings since last feed, about a half gallon of water for each of my 5 gallons and about 8oz of water for my bonsais. My plants are drying out within about 48 hours of each small watering. For today's feeding I decided to pull Grow Big out of the solution and focus exclusively on bloom nutes. My solution consisted of: - 1 gallon distilled water - 4ml CalMag - 2 tsp of FF Big Bloom (2/3 dose) - 1 tsp of FF Tiger Bloom (1/2 dose) - pH: 6.7 - TDS: 582 - EC: 1.2 The pH of my solution was down around 5.3 when first mixed so I pH'd up with baking soda to get to a final pH of 6.7. I gave each of my 5 gallons about a half gallon of the fertigated water each which wasn't enough to produce runoff. I gave them each about another 1/4 gallon distilled water to generate enough runoff to test. I tested the runoff of my Z52 which gave me readings of: - pH: 6.4 -TDS: 1620 -EC: 3.3 I gave about 12oz of fertigated water to each of my bonsais. My ZB2 runoff posted readings of: - pH: 6.8 - TDS: 718 - EC: 1.5 **************************************************** 12/30 - Day 45 / Day 17 Flower Pots were close to dry so gave each of the girls a light watering. Gave about 1/4 gallon of de-chlorinated, pH'd water to each of the 5 gallons and 6oz to the bonsais. Everything looking good aside from the fact that my girls are getting too tall for my tent. I've ratcheted my lights up as far as they'll go but the tops are now starting to get within 12". May need to take action to lower the canopy. **************************************************** 1/1 - Day 47 / Day 19 Flower Happy New Year! Pots were getting pretty dry again so provided another light watering with no nutes. **************************************************** 1/2 - Day 48 / Day 20 Flower I am officially concerned with the the distance between the tops and my lights. After reading a few forums to see what other growers have done in my situation, the consensus feedback is to do some supercropping. I ended up supercropping both of the main stems on my 5 gallon pots. I counted three nodes from the top, massaged the stem a little bit where I planned to bend and and then bent each branch to almost 90 degrees. Luckily, the stems didn't snap or show any signs of breakage. Had to remove the shelf in what should be a second compartment of my tent and attempted to do a little LST to widen my plants and lower their canopy.
Beginning of week.. So instead of feed, water, feed.. I think I'm gonna feed, feed, water this week.. PPM going in is 900 PPM and runoff is still coming out around 500 PPM.. Still seems weird to me.. But whatever lol. She is looking a little deficient in some areas (more than 1)... Not horrible.. But it's there.. Some spotting.. Little yellowing here and there.. But that is expected at the end of flower, of course.. Buds look nice tho.. Fucking gorgeous plant! Trichomes are for sure gettin cloudy.. Very few amber in there.. So yeah, this should be the last week of feeding and then beginning the 2 week flush! Mid week.. Not too worried about the coloring and spotting.. Just thought I'd post it along with this lady.. She is looking pretty good tho.. Smells amazing.. Got a few pretty fat colas... Haven't really checked to see how dense.. Don't wanna just squeeze them lol.. But I'm almost positive that the nitrogen toxicity she hit may have contributed to keeping her a bit airy.. Well.. One more update and then the 2 week flush will begin!!! End of week.. Tried to get more trichome shots but trichomes kept smearing all over the lens so I gave up lol.. ALOT of cloudy.. A small amount of amber.. Starting the flush tomorrow with some pics for the next week! This is gonna be some epic bud for sure! Can't wait!!! Gonna use some FloraKleen tomorrow and just pH'd water until harvest! May use FloraKleen a couple times this week depending on how the runoff reads.. But according to my screw up during transition one time with FloraKleen should be more than enough lol.. But we shall see... On to the next week!!!...
Planta ira crescer reta para sima. Sem muitas coisas. Para fazer comparaçao com uma planta com o LST e tera apenas 2 semanas de cresimento Planta com crescimento muito rapido e com bastante folhagem
Tutto perfetto 👌 a settimana prossima. Buon anno a chi legge 😉
Esta semana, han engordado de manera espectacular, compactandose enormemente a la misma vez que produciendo resina, quien lo diria, esta 🍍CRITICAL PIÑA🍍 ni yo mismo daba nada por ella😂. Increíble olor...😍
Planta ira crescer reta para sima. Sem muitas coisas. Para fazer comparaçao com uma planta com o LST e tera apenas 2 semanas de cresimento Planta com crescimento muito rapido e com bastante folhagem
Começando a floraçao. As luzes foram trocadas para uma CFL 200W 8k. Ela ira terminar de crescer no modo de floraçao e ira acompanhar sua irma nesta jornada ( ver outro diario )
Day 95 the two that were flushing got cut and the last five are still growing strong Day 97 4 more girls getting flushed only two left growing
Começando a floraçao. As luzes foram trocadas para uma CFL 200W 8k. Ela ira terminar de crescer no modo de floraçao e ira acompanhar sua irma nesta jornada ( ver outro diario )
Começando a floraçao. As luzes foram trocadas para uma CFL 200W 8k. Ela ira terminar de crescer no modo de floraçao e ira acompanhar sua irma nesta jornada ( ver outro diario )
Planta com otimo crescimento mesmo em floraçao grandes ramos bem volumosos e lindos brotos. Leva rega de 3 em 3 dias com agua desmineralizada
Non male quest'autofiorente. Praticamente 400gr da 6 piante con una che ha reso 118grammi e quasi 5 di battitura a120micron.Le sei piante sono tutte leggermente diverse. Quella che mi piace di più aprendo il barattolo dopo 1mese di concia sa di formaggio stagionato.Al prossimo diario e grazie a chi ha seguito, commentato e messo like grazie 🙏 ❤️
Non male quest'autofiorente. Praticamente 400gr da 6 piante con una che ha reso 118grammi e quasi 5 di battitura a120micron.Le sei piante sono tutte leggermente diverse. Quella che mi piace di più aprendo il barattolo dopo 1mese di concia sa di formaggio stagionato.Al prossimo diario e grazie a chi ha seguito, commentato e messo like grazie 🙏 ❤️
Planta com otimo crescimento mesmo em floraçao grandes ramos bem volumosos e lindos brotos. Leva rega de 3 em 3 dias com agua desmineralizada
Planta com otimo crescimento mesmo em floraçao grandes ramos bem volumosos e lindos brotos. Leva rega de 3 em 3 dias com agua desmineralizada
Non male quest'autofiorente. Praticamente 400gr da 6 piante con una che ha reso 118grammi e quasi 5 di battitura a120micron.Le sei piante sono tutte leggermente diverse. Quella che mi piace di più aprendo il barattolo dopo 1mese di concia sa di formaggio stagionato.Al prossimo diario e grazie a chi ha seguito, commentato e messo like grazie 🙏 ❤️
Non male quest'autofiorente. Praticamente 400gr da 6 piante con una che ha reso 118grammi e quasi 5 di battitura a120micron.Le sei piante sono tutte leggermente diverse. Quella che mi piace di più aprendo il barattolo dopo 1mese di concia sa di formaggio stagionato.Al prossimo diario e grazie a chi ha seguito, commentato e messo like grazie 🙏 ❤️
Olá companheiros, as flores estão com 56 dias de vida, esta semana estão só a água, porque as folhas estão a fazer garra de águia ( fertilizantes a mais). De resto estão com muito bom aspecto, parece que está a correr tudo bem para o primeiro cultivo indoor.