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🌱 Runtz - Week 2 Update 🌱 The second week of growth is well underway, and so far, the Runtz seedlings are showing great potential, despite a small hiccup earlier in the week. 🌿 This week started with a bit of a scare when I noticed something unusual with my Root Juice fertilizer—it had gone bad, with white spots floating inside, resembling mold. I had already applied it a few times during the first week, which led to some concerns about the soil's health. I took quick action by removing the top layer of the soil and replacing it with fresh soil mixed with mycorrhiza. To combat any lingering issues, I watered the plants with a solution of Clean Soil and Cannazym to cleanse the medium and support root health. Thankfully, the Runtz plants didn’t seem to be affected negatively—they’ve maintained steady growth and appear happy and healthy! It’s a relief to see their resilience. Looking forward to wrapping up Week 2 with bigger, stronger plants and setting the stage for explosive growth in the coming weeks! Grow Conditions (Week 2): 🌞 Light schedule: 18/6 🌱 PPFD: 600 µmol/m²/s (by week’s end) 💧 VPD: ~1.0 kPa 🌟 Thanks for following along. Let’s keep the momentum going! 💪
Trainwreck also doing great, plant is healthy in the same living soil setup like the others, only water no fertilizer. I did the same type of defoliation, removing fan leaves and leaves that grow to the center of the plant to get more light penetration. I also removed small lower branches and leaves to create a better airflow at the bottom of the plant.
I just saw that commented ... Wow thanks... Anyway of course you are right I should reduce the stress for a while... However there is a lot of plant matter being produced. The stem is finger thick ... Cannabis is such am amazing plant I am not an experienced grower by the way...
Let me guys know what you think! Feedback is always appreciated! 😎😎🙌 [DE] Tage sind an den Bildern angegeben - Pflanzen entwickeln sich sehr gut - ich entferne immer wieder Blätter - pH fällt, werde bald NL tauschen [EN] Days are on pictures - Plants are developing very well - I keep removing some leaves - pH is dropping, might need to change the res
A planta está reagindo bem ao treinamento, continuando a crescer de forma saudável. Durante o processo, acabei danificando algumas folhas, mas nada preocupante até o dia 23. Esta semana, reduzi a quantidade de nutrientes e reguei mais com água. Minha lâmpada de 240W está em 60%. Devo aumentar? Dia 24 apareceram os primeiros pistilos. 🌱
Hoffe nach den Überraschungen in der letzten Woche verlaüft diese wieder ruhiger. Habe den Leitwert des Drain bei beiden Pflanzen auf ph6 und 2000 microSiemens Ende letzter Wiche reduziert bekommen. Interessanter Weise waren die Leitwerte bei den Pflanzen trotz exakt gleicher Wasser/Düngergabe um den Faktor 2 auseinander. Der ph-wert lag bei beiden bei 4,8 [Warum auch immer]. Hab die Werte durch Spülen mit Leitungswasser und Osmosewassermix mit Leitwert 500 auf die oben beschrieben Werte gebracht und hoffe das die Damen es mir verzeihen und mich trotzdem in 3 Wochen mit reicher und vor allem leckerer Ernte belohnen werden. Gieße jetzt jeden 2Tag, so viel, dass genügend Drain entsteht um die Werte zu kontrollieren. Drain liegt bei Ph ca. 6,0 bei max 2,5mS andernfalls wird mit Osmose oder Leitungswasser (0,8mS und Ph7.2) gegegengehalten. Da sie in Stofftöpfen stehen, ist es hoffentlich nicht so dramatisch etwas zu viel Wasser zu bekommen.
Haven’t touched them much besides to look and check them out… fed them lotus nutrients for the last time today… (Week 7 of flowering). Both plants are Royal Runtz from RQS and have been grown and fed the same exact thing throughout the whole process…. The buds look crystally and healthy.. plant 1 has been having some issue which I’ve noticed the extremely light leaves but other than that she’s fed and buds are healthy so I don’t know… just gonna let her ride out..
9/22/2024 Added 80W LED lights below the canopy. Tilted the other 200W fixture to point into the canopy. Relocated circulation fans to keep air moving through the bush! Great flower development is continuing. The stretch is almost complete, but it is still stretching. Super cropping may be right around the corner. With one bucket removed from the system, the new system volume is right around 7-8 gallons. 9/23/2024 Forced to do a water change after a massive spike in PPM up to 2400. Cycled the system with about 5 gallons of pH water and pumped off about 4 gallons. Replaced 3 gallons containing appropriate nutrient concentration to get PPM back to 800 -900 range. Increased lights to 85%. Super cropped some of the lanky main stems that were growing right at the lights. Light directly over the plant is pretty much maxed out on height at this point. Looking to increase intensity by the end of this week to 90% and then to 100% by the end of week 5. Continuing to defoliate larger fan leaves a few per day. 9/24/2024 Plant is looking incredibly healthy even after the water issues. Some trichomes starting to develop on sugar leaves and flowers. There are tons of flower sights, I am excited to see how they continue to develop!!!
Der Sour Jealousy von FastBuds geht es blendend, die Buds werden langsam fetter und es glitzert hier und da ein wenig auf den Blättern. Sie ist eine Säuferin, 3 Liter am Tag.. Und sie duftet auch interessant. Ich denke 4 Wochen braucht die Pflanze noch..