So guys , after 4 days o germination in 0.3L pots , i decided to move them for 10-14 days in 2L plastic pots . I use the BioBizz Light Mix Soil , first time also , but until now i ve used beside the feeding scheudle also Soil with High Levels of NPK , so we burned the plants and stoped them grow.
A LUMIX 250 W vegetative light bulb keeps them warm and in 2 weeks abot , i will do tge last transplant in the 15L fabric pots .
Gold Label Nutrients and Supliments , whole professional line in small bottles ( think some of them will last for years ).
Visible Mistakes and worries :
- dont know if the Light Height is good now
- when should i start the spider-mites and other acarians treatment or pre treatment
-what level of humidity should be inside in diffrent growing stages
-I m so scared about Male plants , i have no experience at all how to spot them
I had a hard week , hope you had a better one . See you later !