Into week 10, well past the estimated 6 - 8 weeks to harvest time from the online stats, looks like i have a few more weeks to go until they are ready. There has been some expected leaf drop from the lower canopy, the signs of it autumning off are appearing, but all is going well and the buds are developing nicely so far. I started a timelapse a couple of weeks ago in the tent and i've left it to run untill the end of the grow, will be interesting to see how it turns out, i'll upload that on the harvest page.
20/11 Had a slight misshap as i was inspecting the plants and bent a stem over 😱 I utilized two matchsticks and some masking tape to splint it up again, the repair is holding nicely 😬 I've documented the repair and uploaded the video for posterity.
23/11 Fed 2 plants 1/4 tsp molasses 1ltr filtered water @6pH, ec200 with just molasses, just to see if there is any positive effect.
Trichomes are just starting to appear.
Defoliated the lower canopy, cutting all the smaller buds not getting any light and upper fan leaves to allow more light and energy to hit the main buds.