🤦♀️🏼 😩 Day 40 from sprouting from soil. I think I messed up. I got bloom boost last week that I added in my water and fed them like two days in a row, about 3/4gal total. I started a new seed and added more lights & I also removed about 4 leaves from lower plant that seemed to be causing a lot of shade. Now my baby looks like this. Yesterday the leaves were curled up and some of the hairs are turning brown. I gave it a half gallon of plain water yesterday & today. I was hoping it would grow more buds. I also have had a Fungus knat problem pretty bad. I was trying to use that organic spray didn’t work, I heard Dawn dish soap- that didn’t work (not for long) so yesterday I added those white things on top. Basically it’s a mess. I started this not wanting to put a lot of money into it, but it’s fun & interesting! I just wanna get better now lol! I’ll definitely be changing it up next round