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High, the Canna Professional Plus soil had mourning mosquitoes in it (second time I have the same problem with Canna soil). I "fight" them with Culinex pills (B.t.i.) and neem oil - works pretty good. They are almost gone.👍 I peg the leaves down, so that more light can penetrate the sprouts. EC is 1,2 with Canna Terra Vega (first and last time in veg phase). They will get another shower with neem oil the day I send them into flowering. Stay green. 💪
What a beauty, this girl is in her final days and she smells wonderful with a very distinctive scent of lemon and pine! There is some powdery mildew and as always she will get her wash in the harvest process. This has been a strong plant from the beginning and she has had the strength to fight whatever stood in her way!
There will be pleasant dreamzzzz around here in the near future, these beauties are covered in crystal and the buds are incredibly dense. They are almost near harvest and they will have a wash when the time comes. These girls have been incredible from day one and I must say, we are WOWED by this strain and the genetics within!
There will be pleasant dreamzzzz around here in the near future, these beauties are covered in crystal and the buds are incredibly dense. They are almost near harvest and they will have a wash when the time comes. These girls have been incredible from day one and I must say, we are WOWED by this strain and the genetics within!
En esta semana se puede apreciar que ya se sale de la pre flora y entramos de lleno en semanas de engorde de cogollos, he aumentado un poco más los nutrientes y se ha notado el aumento de masa de las flores. Al abrir el armario ya se nota un poco más el golpe de olor, muchas ganas de probar estás Tropicana poison 😋
Esta semana como en la anterior se puede apreciar que las flores continúan aumentando de tamaño rápidamente, De nutrientes solo le he subido un poco la proporción de el Acti-Vera, el olor ha aumentado bastante.
Welcome to 📅 day 8 of veg 3/22/2021 the little girl is doing great🌱 I'm very happy with the fast progress. note: The Mars Hydro TS 1000 is sure a fantastic light the only small problem was the blue light from my Aglex 1200 was causing the plant the lean to the side toward the light so I put up a barrier and the problem is now gone. also it looks like she is growing just a bit faster than her sister next to her🌱🌱 Update 📅Day 10 of veg 3/24/2021 she is doing very well under the TS1000 leaves are getting big and and topping is coming near I also added Fox Farms Kelp me Kelp you, to the veg cycle to see if it helps Update 📅 Day 11 of veg 3/25/2021 she grew quite a lot over night and so I micro toped ✂️ her I will upload pics in the morning
Note: At time of writing the Runtz has had 2 weeks cure, will update the review and rate it after 2+ months cure. Hermied a bit, has very few seeds so not too bad. Growth review: - vigorous grower during veg - solid stretch - medium internode distance - small sized buds - lower buds not too airy - very easy/not fussy - medium amount of smell - 80+ days flower (12/12) in hydro DWC under full spectrum led - responded well to various lst techniques Ease of growth rating: 9/10 General note: --> For me personally this strain NEEDS a good cure and is not worth smoking yet... It has a bit of a citrus grassy (not hay) taste, with some 'special' fruity smells to it that remind a bit of grapes/cassis. When grinding/opening the curing pots there is a pretty dank heavy weed smell so I think the quality will come out after a few months of cure... In its current state not worth smoking for the taste or effect after 14 days cure. --> Currently the effect is not very strong, easy to handle and I need a lot to feel a bit. The effect lasts for short compared to the average strains I smoke. Should develop more character with a longer cure. Hash making notes: - water extraction of the trim yielded 16g of hash (45mc-220mc) - rosin has a bit too much of a weird spicy grassy taste which make it a bit unpleasant, waiting till the buds improve with cure to try again - rosin color at 80c is yellow/white/beige creamy waxy, with hard consistency - rosin color at 95c is golden with hard consistency
Note: At time of writing the Runtz has had 2 weeks cure, will update the review and rate it after 2+ months cure. Hermied a bit, has very few seeds so not too bad. Growth review: - vigorous grower during veg - solid stretch - medium internode distance - small sized buds - lower buds not too airy - very easy/not fussy - medium amount of smell - 80+ days flower (12/12) in hydro DWC under full spectrum led - responded well to various lst techniques Ease of growth rating: 9/10 General note: --> For me personally this strain NEEDS a good cure and is not worth smoking yet... It has a bit of a citrus grassy (not hay) taste, with some 'special' fruity smells to it that remind a bit of grapes/cassis. When grinding/opening the curing pots there is a pretty dank heavy weed smell so I think the quality will come out after a few months of cure... In its current state not worth smoking for the taste or effect after 14 days cure. --> Currently the effect is not very strong, easy to handle and I need a lot to feel a bit. The effect lasts for short compared to the average strains I smoke. Should develop more character with a longer cure. Hash making notes: - water extraction of the trim yielded 16g of hash (45mc-220mc) - rosin has a bit too much of a weird spicy grassy taste which make it a bit unpleasant, waiting till the buds improve with cure to try again - rosin color at 80c is yellow/white/beige creamy waxy, with hard consistency - rosin color at 95c is golden with hard consistency
Esta última semana he bajado 2°C la temperatura del armario y he activado la luz rojiza para recrear mejor la llegada del otoño y que las plantas lo den todo de ellas. El primer día de esta semana hice el lavado de raíces con unos 10L por planta, me gusta hacerlo poco ha poco con todas las plantas por igual, aprovechando la buena filtración de la mazeta, primero agrego 2L y dejó que drenen bien todas las mazetas y repito el proceso unas 5 veces hasta que el agua sobrante salga transparente, importante que el agua este sobre pH 6 para que los minerales sobrantes se disuelvan bien y la planta pueda absorber lo poco que quede en el substrato.
Всем привет! Эта неделя началась с того, что мне пришлось удалить штук 20 веерных листьев, потому что растение перестало вмещаться в бокс. Правда к концу недели все вернулось на круги своя. Полностью перешли на питание во время цветения. Ко всему прочему начали болеть листья. Пока не разбирался что к чему, но есть подозрения на нехватку кальция и магния, так как я перестал их давать. Сегодня полил обильно Cal-Mag, посмотрим будет или не будет прогрессировать. Стретч замедлился, но все еще продолжается. Даю 50000 люксов на верхушки растения, это примерно 90 ватт. Та мутация о которой рассказывал ранее, где шишка начала расти прям из устья листа - все почти также, прогресса нет. Но вот обнаружилась другая мутация - полиплоидия. Одни из основных веток, в самом начале, была не аккуратно загнута и получила легкий надлом. Этот самый надлом и запустил полиплоидную мутация. Я видел до этого, что листья и боковые ветки растут как-то не симметрично, но особого внимания не обращал. Единственное, что давно заметил, так интересный нарост у одной из больших веток - он какой-то продолговатый и сверху, а не по всему периметру. И вот вчера заметил, что одна из шишек растет не вверх, а вширь. Стал внимательно изучать всю ветку и понял, что она сама по себе какая-то не симметричная: у основания ветки 3 листа, при чем расположены они на разных уровнях, шишки тоже растут не симметрично, ствол со странным не симметричным узором, а наверху шишка двойная. Кажется дальше шишка будет расширяться все больше и больше. В общем каждый гровер рано или поздно сталкивается с какой-либо мутация. Я вот за раз столкнулся с двумя. Интересно будет понаблюдать что будет дальше. Спасибо что заглянули. Всем большой большой удачи и везения!
I continue with the same setting. I have 18/6 nice grow and flowering. Plants are healthy. This week I just started with Green sensation additive.
I continue with the same setting. I have 18/6 nice grow and flowering. Plants are healthy. This week I just started with Green sensation additive.
The weak plant is small and sick. The healthy plant is beautiful even I expected a little bigger plant. Leaves and flowers started to be purple.
The weak plant is small and sick. The healthy plant is beautiful even I expected a little bigger plant. Leaves and flowers started to be purple.