6/27 - Sorry I missed my update yesterday guys, but here it is.... I flushed another 2 gallons of ph'd tap water through the soil. I think the clawing is improving.
6/28 - The clawing is noticeably better today, its still clawing hard at the top but the lower branches have flattened out. And by golly this thing has grown a massive amount just overnight. I noticed I can see roots popping out the side of my smart pot, that honestly makes me very happy. I tied down some more of the tops to help them grow into the light. I cut off one of the tops at the very bottom that was growing slowly and not getting any light, For fun I put it in a cup of water to see if it will take root.
6/29 - Incredibly explosive growth. Clawing has improved further. She grew tored the light so fast the top leaves were beginning to prey. Pulled the top down some more. Now I'm playing her some Rebelution so she'll relax into her new restraints 😎
6/30 - Shes looking awesome. Soil is till very wet. nothing to do today except observe. also pretty sure she's been in preflower for at least 4 days, and I'm pretty sure she's in flower now.
7/1 -Watered her today, also decided to tie her top down again. Since I'm pretty sure she's in flower now, and I wanna make sure she has what she needs but I don't think she needs nitrogen yet I decided to give her some Humboldt Secret Flower stacker 0-7-5. I mixed it at 1/4th of what is calls for at the beginning of flower and fed it separate of my routine water. first I flooded the soil with plain PH'd tap water then I applied the flower stacker with a spray bottle around the main stem.
7/2 - On the way to the lake this morning, just wanted to update, I moved my light up away from the plant, kept the power the same. Lowered the PPFD from 1200 down to a max of 900, gonna see how she responds. Might lower the PPFD more tonight.
7/3 - Phone got wet in the lake, sorry for the wide angle shots, the other lens was fogged up with moisture. but I missed adding photos yesterday so I got it done for you. Today I raised my light up some more, now the tops are only getting 800ppfd. Just gonna see how she responds to that. I cut off two lower leaves that were damaged from the soil and no longer getting light. no water today, soil is still moist.