🏆 Last chance to vote!
This is week 2 for the "gelato auto" from female seeds. this week it was given it's first dose of worm tea to the soil and I also foliar fed the leaves for disease prevention. I tried to transplant some clover cover to the right side of the pot from a empty container the clover did not transfer well unfortunately and so I now have a bare section in my cover crop I'll likely leave it alone and just proceed without regard to it. the plant it's self looks healthy however it does seem to be behind some of my other varieties in size I won't know until later in the grow if this is a normal trait that is made up later or if something is off. As far as I can see though all is well. In addition a added a diy light mover to the garden to aid them in getting more light and I'm steadily increasing the intensity daily. I'm going to do some LST to this plant but because I'm not convinced of its resilience at this time I may avoid topping. thats all for this week. If your interested in "female seeds" genetics or gelato auto specifically or if you just want to know more about organic/living soil growing please follow me and let's watch her grow!
Wilkommen zu Woche 5 Die Ladys befinden sich nun am Ende der fünften Wachstum Woche. Sie entwickeln sich einfach nur prächtig . In dieser Woche haben Sie die letzte Fütterung bekommen . Ab Morgen werden die Ladys unter einer schönen Sanlight EVO 4 80 in die Blüte geleitet. Freu mich mega auf die nächste Phase und hoffe ihr Bleibt dabei . Falls ihr Lust auf unschlagbare Preise in Sachen Grow habt und gute Beratung , lasse ich euch gerne einen Link da 🍻 https://www.tomate-growshop.de/ Danke und bis nächste Woche Much love 🍀 GrowWithFlow 🍀
Erste woche in blüte geschaft. Heute ein wenig entlaubt und weiter gehts Hoffe noch auf etwas mehr strech. Da ich bei SOG spargel beforzuge. Aber extrem robust die mädels👌😊🔥 Die besten und saubersten stecklinge (weil im labor alle 2-3 monate getestet) gibts wie immer hier bei ROOTS-FARMS österreich👌🌱 the best in austria and maybe europe
Wilkommen zu Woche 5 Die Ladys befinden sich nun am Ende der fünften Wachstum Woche. Sie entwickeln sich einfach nur prächtig . In dieser Woche haben Sie die letzte Fütterung bekommen . Ab Morgen werden die Ladys unter einer schönen Sanlight EVO 4 80 in die Blüte geleitet. Freu mich mega auf die nächste Phase und hoffe ihr Bleibt dabei . Falls ihr Lust auf unschlagbare Preise in Sachen Grow habt und gute Beratung , lasse ich euch gerne einen Link da 🍻 https://www.tomate-growshop.de/ Danke und bis nächste Woche Much love 🍀 GrowWithFlow 🍀
Segunda planta cosechada (automaria). En las imagenes se ven las 2 plantas cortadas hasta la fecha (automaria, la más ramificada es preciosa). La humedad relativa en el cuarto de secado es de 63% y la temperatura 21 grados celsius. El resto de plantas siguen madurando. He reducido todos los fertilizantes hasta regar sólo con agua a partir de ahora. Espero poder cortar pronto porque no voy a estar en casa 2 semanas desde el 29 de junio, pero los tricomas no terminan de ponerse de color ambar.
Day 85 Add 5L water PH 5.5 - 5.7 EC 1.0 - 0.9 TDS 470 - 420 DLI/20h 39 PPFD 540 Water 21c Day 86 Add 5L nuts PH 5.3 - 5.8 EC 0.8 - 1.2 TDS 420 - 580 DLI/20h 39 PPFD 540 Water 21c Day 87 PH 6.0 EC 1.2 - TDS 590 - DLI/20h 39 PPFD 540 Water 21c Day 88 PH 5.6 EC 1.2 TDS 590 DLI/20h 39 PPFD 540 Water 21c Day 89 PH 5.6 EC 0.4 TDS 180 DLI/20h 39 PPFD 540 Day 90 PH 5.8 EC 0.2 TDS 80 DLI/20h 39 PPFD 540 Day 91 PH 6.0 EC 0.2 TDS 90
6/9 I can't believe it but I had faith. The transplant yesterday LOOKED like it was fucked. I cleaned it up though and left it outside. This morning it was standing straight up. Both transplants were! I put tarps up to block the wind tunnel between buildings. It's still overcast and rainy. Sun isn't supposed to come out for a couple poke days. Chance of thubder storms tomorrow but I'm going to try to get everyone in their forever homes today. Or at least most of them. I plan to light dep a few right in the 3 gallon. I'm sure I'll be updating this after I get some work done. UPDATE: I WENT OVER AND GOT THREE MORE TRANSPLANTED. THAT MEANS FIVE ARE OUTSIDE IN THE CAGE. TWO 10TH PLANET, 2 BLUEBERRY CHEESE AND A LITTLE PURPLE PUNCH. THE 3 GALLON POTS WERE RELATIVELY HEAVY SO I PICKED THE LIGHTER ONES TO TRANSPLANT. I LEFT THE ORHER TWO 10TH'S IN THE GARAGE WITH THE DOOR OPEN WITH THE REMAINING PLANTS. I ALSO ADDED WIND BREAKS AND SUPPORTS TO EVERYTHING. I WANTED TO GET EVERUTHING DONE TODAY BUT THERE MAY BE A THUNDER STORM SO IF I DONT GET IT DONE ITS NOT A BIG DEAL AND ILL FINISH TOMORROW. TRANSPLANTS WENT SMOOTH. I THINK THEY'LL GO EVEN SMOOTHER IF THEY DRY OUT A BIT. STILL HAVE THE 50 AND 40'S TO FILL. Took a bunch of videos but the don't want to load. I'll have to try tomorrow or later tonight. UPDATE: I TOOK TONS OF PICTURES AND VIDEOS BUT THEY DONT WANT TO SEEM TO UPLOAD. IVE GOT SIX IN THERE FINAL HOMES OUTDOORS 20s and 30 gallon smart pots. Still have massive plants but I'm going to out those in the 50 and the 40. I'll finish this shit up tomorrow and get all the girls in their forever homes and if I don't have room for some I was planning on doing a light dep anyway so that will work out good. I learned a lot and transplanting went a lot smoother todsy than before. I feel really proud of myself. The last Transplant I did break a few leaves off that I didn't notice but whatever. I used tomato cages for suppirt on two and bamboo poles and string on the others. I'll add the vertical trellis as they grow. I'm proud of myself. 6/10 I got a lot done yesterday. Six are outside already. Two are in 20s in the garage. I'm planning on transplanting the rest today or tomorrow. I'll update later. Accidently uploaded lots of stuff on the wrong week. UPDATE: I TRANSPLANTED THAT SUPER TALL PURPLE PUNCH THAT I DIDNT TOP OR HST AT ALL INTO A 40 GALLON TUB. ROOTS WERE DRY AND THIS TIME IT ACTUALLY LOOKED LIKE THEY FELL AWAY. THE PLANT HOWEVER STAYED STANDINGVUP FINE. I THINK THIS PHENO IS GOING TO BE A TOUGH ONE. LOOKS GOOD LIKE AN HOUR LATER. I HAD THE 50 READY TO TRANSPLANT THIS MONSTER BLUEBERRY CHEESE I FIMed BUT THE POTS WERE SUPER HEAVY AND I FIGURED I NEEDED TO SLOW DOWN AND THINK. WE HAVE THUNDER STORMS COMING TONIGHT. TOMORROW IS GOOD. I MAY TRY TO FINISH UP TONIGHT BUT WE SHALL SEE. THE GOOD THING WITH DOING IT A FEW AT A TIME IS THAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENS OUTSIDE IVE STILL GOT A CROP INSIDE LOL. WHAT IM PLANNING TO DO IS EITHER LIGHT DEP THAT BIG BLUEBERRY CHEESE OR PUT IT IN THE FIFTY BUT IM PLANNING TO LIGHT 3 RIGHT IN THEIR 3 GALLON CONTAINERS. HAVENT DECUDED FOR SURE BUT IM THINKING THATS WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN.......of course videos won't upload and the ones that do are old videos. Damn. I need to sharpen my computer skills....and my growing skills. Especially transplanting. I suck at transplanting. I decided not to out all my eggs in one basket and left the 10th planet amd Blue berry cheese in the 20s in the garage. I pulled them out for light further but I'm ousting them back a little tonight. That way I'll have a back up if something catastrophic happens. I doubt it but better safe than sorry. I'm proud of what I've accomplished thus far. I've successfully uploaded my 1 minute plus video several times but it won't appear. Oh well. I'll try to load the videos tomorrow I guess. Just started raining. Just a light rain. Probably what fresh transplants like. 6/11 BEAUTIFUL outside. Today is the day. Most is done and I'll add the supports as trellis as they grow. This new grow space gets about twice as much sun as my old spot. The tar stops the burrowing insects. I'm getting everything out today. I just need to decide if I'm going to light dep that MASSIVE blueberry cheese or bite the bullet and put it in the fifty. Maybe I'll try to get some help from my cousin. Plants withstood the thunderstorm like Champs. I'll update as the day goes on. I planned better this year so I SHOULDN'T have an unmanageable jungle. UPDATE: WATERED THE 3 PLANTS LEFT IN THE 3 GALLONS (1 10th PLANET WITH GREAT BRANCH STRUCTURE AND TWO PURPLE PUNCH THAT WERE THE SMALLER ONES. IM GOING TO LIGHT DEP THEM. EVERYTHING IS OUTSIDE NOW IN A MIX OF 1/3 FOX FARM OCEAN FOREST, HAPPY FROG AND ROOTS ORGANIC 707 IN EQUAL PARTS. TRANSPLANTED WITH MYKOS. EVERYTHING IS OUTSIDE NOW. FINALLY DECIDED TO GET The MONSTER BLUE CHEESE I FIMed INTO ITS FOREVER HOME A 50 FALLON POT. IT WAS TGE EASIEST BEST TRANSPLANT OF THEM ALL. JUST LIKE AETTING A POT IN THE WHOLE. I DONT EVEN THINK THE PLANT NOTICED. ONE OF THE PURPLE PUNCHES HAD ROOTS OB ONE OF ITS LEAVES WHEN I LOOKED BUTVIT WAS STILL STANDING UO STEAIGHT. I KNOW SOME OF THE PLANTS LOOK DROOPY BUT WEVE HAD SEVERAL DAYS OF RAIN AND A MASDIVE THUNDER STORM. I BROUGHT OUT THE EARLIER TRANSPLANTS AS WELL. THEY ARE OUT OF THE SHOCK. WIND IS PRETTY HIGH BUT I DONT WANT TO ADD MORE TARPS. I THINK THINGS ARE SECURED GOOD ENOUGH FOR NOW. IM SUPER STOKED THAT TRANSPLANT WENT SO GOOD! Went back at 7:30pm. Some plants have a little bit of transplant shock and a little bit of burn but it's negligible considering they've been through a thunderstorm with pouring rain and extremely high winds. That blueberry cheese in the 50 transplanted so easy and still looks like it didn't even know the difference. I'll start light dep once I get a plan. Plants are recovering nicely but should something happen to one I could replace it. I'm interested in the light dep though and I've got a pretty good idea how to start. 6/12 The plants that had a little transplant shock are coming out of it. We had a thunderstorm and pouring rain the day of some of the transplants. Wasn't forecasted. High winds moved the plants around a bunch bit they are tough as hell. Everything is out now. Suppisedcto have showers the next few days. I'm putting together a feeding schedule abd setting up a spit to start light dep on the three plants I decided to flower early. The cage now gets twice as much sun as before. This is going to be a good year. Went back over and plants are perking up and doing even better everytime I see them. I took a video but it might not upload until tomorrow. I may start a new diary for the light dep. I have a few places I'm thinking to use for light dep. I need to make a solid plan before I start so maybe a day or two. Trying to upload again but I doubt it. 6/13 Had a rushed morning but I watered the plants in the 3 gallons as they were dry. I had added more soil to a couple of the bags. The top soil is startingvtj dry out but the plants look good and we are supposed to get rain so I don't really want to water if it's going to be raining. I think I've found my light dep spot and schedule. I'll update after I do something. WENT BACK OVER AND SPRAYED A LITTLE BIT OF WATER ON THE EXTREMELY DRY TOPSOIL THAT I HAD TOPPED SOME OF THE PLANTS OFF WITH. SHITTY THING IS THAT WAS ADDED AFTER THE THUNDER STORM SO IT MAKES IT HARDER TO JUSTE THE PLANTS WATERING NEEDS. I CAN TELL THAT ONE OFCTHE FIRST TEANSPLANTS IS STILL HOLDING WATER. I MEAN WE GOT A DOWNPOUR AND I DONT WABT TO WATER IF WE'RE GOING TO BE GETTING RAIN ANYWAY. IM GOING TO LOOK BACK OVER THE DIARY. THATS ONE GREAT THING ABOUT THESE. YOU CAN GO BACK AND CHECK YOUR WORK. 6/14 Glad I held off watering. It's raining today. Just showers. We haven't gotten any of that extreme wind we usually do. I have the plants supported but I still worry. Definitely more than I should. Plants are still doing good and acclimating to there homes. I have not started the light dep with the 3 gallons but I think I've found my spot. Once I start it will just be staying consistent putt8ng them in and out. I need to train them anyway. I have some research to do and a joint to smoke so I'll update later.
6/9 I can't believe it but I had faith. The transplant yesterday LOOKED like it was fucked. I cleaned it up though and left it outside. This morning it was standing straight up. Both transplants were! I put tarps up to block the wind tunnel between buildings. It's still overcast and rainy. Sun isn't supposed to come out for a couple poke days. Chance of thubder storms tomorrow but I'm going to try to get everyone in their forever homes today. Or at least most of them. I plan to light dep a few right in the 3 gallon. I'm sure I'll be updating this after I get some work done. UPDATE: I WENT OVER AND GOT THREE MORE TRANSPLANTED. THAT MEANS FIVE ARE OUTSIDE IN THE CAGE. TWO 10TH PLANET, 2 BLUEBERRY CHEESE AND A LITTLE PURPLE PUNCH. THE 3 GALLON POTS WERE RELATIVELY HEAVY SO I PICKED THE LIGHTER ONES TO TRANSPLANT. I LEFT THE ORHER TWO 10TH'S IN THE GARAGE WITH THE DOOR OPEN WITH THE REMAINING PLANTS. I ALSO ADDED WIND BREAKS AND SUPPORTS TO EVERYTHING. I WANTED TO GET EVERUTHING DONE TODAY BUT THERE MAY BE A THUNDER STORM SO IF I DONT GET IT DONE ITS NOT A BIG DEAL AND ILL FINISH TOMORROW. TRANSPLANTS WENT SMOOTH. I THINK THEY'LL GO EVEN SMOOTHER IF THEY DRY OUT A BIT. STILL HAVE THE 50 AND 40'S TO FILL. Took a bunch of videos but the don't want to load. I'll have to try tomorrow or later tonight. UPDATE: I TOOK TONS OF PICTURES AND VIDEOS BUT THEY DONT WANT TO SEEM TO UPLOAD. IVE GOT SIX IN THERE FINAL HOMES OUTDOORS 20s and 30 gallon smart pots. Still have massive plants but I'm going to out those in the 50 and the 40. I'll finish this shit up tomorrow and get all the girls in their forever homes and if I don't have room for some I was planning on doing a light dep anyway so that will work out good. I learned a lot and transplanting went a lot smoother todsy than before. I feel really proud of myself. The last Transplant I did break a few leaves off that I didn't notice but whatever. I used tomato cages for suppirt on two and bamboo poles and string on the others. I'll add the vertical trellis as they grow. I'm proud of myself. 6/10 I got a lot done yesterday. Six are outside already. Two are in 20s in the garage. I'm planning on transplanting the rest today or tomorrow. I'll update later. Accidently uploaded lots of stuff on the wrong week. UPDATE: I TRANSPLANTED THAT SUPER TALL PURPLE PUNCH THAT I DIDNT TOP OR HST AT ALL INTO A 40 GALLON TUB. ROOTS WERE DRY AND THIS TIME IT ACTUALLY LOOKED LIKE THEY FELL AWAY. THE PLANT HOWEVER STAYED STANDINGVUP FINE. I THINK THIS PHENO IS GOING TO BE A TOUGH ONE. LOOKS GOOD LIKE AN HOUR LATER. I HAD THE 50 READY TO TRANSPLANT THIS MONSTER BLUEBERRY CHEESE I FIMed BUT THE POTS WERE SUPER HEAVY AND I FIGURED I NEEDED TO SLOW DOWN AND THINK. WE HAVE THUNDER STORMS COMING TONIGHT. TOMORROW IS GOOD. I MAY TRY TO FINISH UP TONIGHT BUT WE SHALL SEE. THE GOOD THING WITH DOING IT A FEW AT A TIME IS THAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENS OUTSIDE IVE STILL GOT A CROP INSIDE LOL. WHAT IM PLANNING TO DO IS EITHER LIGHT DEP THAT BIG BLUEBERRY CHEESE OR PUT IT IN THE FIFTY BUT IM PLANNING TO LIGHT 3 RIGHT IN THEIR 3 GALLON CONTAINERS. HAVENT DECUDED FOR SURE BUT IM THINKING THATS WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN.......of course videos won't upload and the ones that do are old videos. Damn. I need to sharpen my computer skills....and my growing skills. Especially transplanting. I suck at transplanting. I decided not to out all my eggs in one basket and left the 10th planet amd Blue berry cheese in the 20s in the garage. I pulled them out for light further but I'm ousting them back a little tonight. That way I'll have a back up if something catastrophic happens. I doubt it but better safe than sorry. I'm proud of what I've accomplished thus far. I've successfully uploaded my 1 minute plus video several times but it won't appear. Oh well. I'll try to load the videos tomorrow I guess. Just started raining. Just a light rain. Probably what fresh transplants like. 6/11 BEAUTIFUL outside. Today is the day. Most is done and I'll add the supports as trellis as they grow. This new grow space gets about twice as much sun as my old spot. The tar stops the burrowing insects. I'm getting everything out today. I just need to decide if I'm going to light dep that MASSIVE blueberry cheese or bite the bullet and put it in the fifty. Maybe I'll try to get some help from my cousin. Plants withstood the thunderstorm like Champs. I'll update as the day goes on. I planned better this year so I SHOULDN'T have an unmanageable jungle. UPDATE: WATERED THE 3 PLANTS LEFT IN THE 3 GALLONS (1 10th PLANET WITH GREAT BRANCH STRUCTURE AND TWO PURPLE PUNCH THAT WERE THE SMALLER ONES. IM GOING TO LIGHT DEP THEM. EVERYTHING IS OUTSIDE NOW IN A MIX OF 1/3 FOX FARM OCEAN FOREST, HAPPY FROG AND ROOTS ORGANIC 707 IN EQUAL PARTS. TRANSPLANTED WITH MYKOS. EVERYTHING IS OUTSIDE NOW. FINALLY DECIDED TO GET The MONSTER BLUE CHEESE I FIMed INTO ITS FOREVER HOME A 50 FALLON POT. IT WAS TGE EASIEST BEST TRANSPLANT OF THEM ALL. JUST LIKE AETTING A POT IN THE WHOLE. I DONT EVEN THINK THE PLANT NOTICED. ONE OF THE PURPLE PUNCHES HAD ROOTS OB ONE OF ITS LEAVES WHEN I LOOKED BUTVIT WAS STILL STANDING UO STEAIGHT. I KNOW SOME OF THE PLANTS LOOK DROOPY BUT WEVE HAD SEVERAL DAYS OF RAIN AND A MASDIVE THUNDER STORM. I BROUGHT OUT THE EARLIER TRANSPLANTS AS WELL. THEY ARE OUT OF THE SHOCK. WIND IS PRETTY HIGH BUT I DONT WANT TO ADD MORE TARPS. I THINK THINGS ARE SECURED GOOD ENOUGH FOR NOW. IM SUPER STOKED THAT TRANSPLANT WENT SO GOOD! Went back at 7:30pm. Some plants have a little bit of transplant shock and a little bit of burn but it's negligible considering they've been through a thunderstorm with pouring rain and extremely high winds. That blueberry cheese in the 50 transplanted so easy and still looks like it didn't even know the difference. I'll start light dep once I get a plan. Plants are recovering nicely but should something happen to one I could replace it. I'm interested in the light dep though and I've got a pretty good idea how to start. 6/12 The plants that had a little transplant shock are coming out of it. We had a thunderstorm and pouring rain the day of some of the transplants. Wasn't forecasted. High winds moved the plants around a bunch bit they are tough as hell. Everything is out now. Suppisedcto have showers the next few days. I'm putting together a feeding schedule abd setting up a spit to start light dep on the three plants I decided to flower early. The cage now gets twice as much sun as before. This is going to be a good year. Went back over and plants are perking up and doing even better everytime I see them. I took a video but it might not upload until tomorrow. I may start a new diary for the light dep. I have a few places I'm thinking to use for light dep. I need to make a solid plan before I start so maybe a day or two. Trying to upload again but I doubt it. 6/13 Had a rushed morning but I watered the plants in the 3 gallons as they were dry. I had added more soil to a couple of the bags. The top soil is startingvtj dry out but the plants look good and we are supposed to get rain so I don't really want to water if it's going to be raining. I think I've found my light dep spot and schedule. I'll update after I do something. WENT BACK OVER AND SPRAYED A LITTLE BIT OF WATER ON THE EXTREMELY DRY TOPSOIL THAT I HAD TOPPED SOME OF THE PLANTS OFF WITH. SHITTY THING IS THAT WAS ADDED AFTER THE THUNDER STORM SO IT MAKES IT HARDER TO JUSTE THE PLANTS WATERING NEEDS. I CAN TELL THAT ONE OFCTHE FIRST TEANSPLANTS IS STILL HOLDING WATER. I MEAN WE GOT A DOWNPOUR AND I DONT WABT TO WATER IF WE'RE GOING TO BE GETTING RAIN ANYWAY. IM GOING TO LOOK BACK OVER THE DIARY. THATS ONE GREAT THING ABOUT THESE. YOU CAN GO BACK AND CHECK YOUR WORK. 6/14 Glad I held off watering. It's raining today. Just showers. We haven't gotten any of that extreme wind we usually do. I have the plants supported but I still worry. Definitely more than I should. Plants are still doing good and acclimating to there homes. I have not started the light dep with the 3 gallons but I think I've found my spot. Once I start it will just be staying consistent putt8ng them in and out. I need to train them anyway. I have some research to do and a joint to smoke so I'll update later.
Still going, a few amber thrichomes but no way near 30%.... Just gonna have to wait....
Day 85 Add 5L water PH 5.5 - 5.7 EC 1.0 - 0.9 TDS 470 - 420 DLI/20h 36 PPFD 510 Water 21c Day 86 Add 5L nuts PH 5.3 - 5.8 EC 0.8 - 1.2 TDS 420 - 580 DLI/20h 39 PPFD 540 Water 21c Day 87 PH 6.1 - EC 1.2 - TDS 590 - DLI/20h 39 PPFD 540 Water 21c Day 88 PH 5.7 EC 1.2 TDS 590 DLI/20h 39 PPFD 540 Water 21c Day 89 PH 5.6 EC 0.4 TDS 180 DLI/20h 39 PPFD 540 Day 90 PH 5.6 EC 0.2 TDS 80 DLI/20h 39 PPFD 540 Day 91 PH 6.0 EC 0.2 TDS 90