Start of week 6 now, Not sure if this is technically in the flowering stage yet, but def seeing more of the white white pistils. Accidentally overdid it a little on nutrients so had a good flush with some ph balanced water and all seems good, just 1 or 2 burn spots on a leaf here and there. Dialling it all back to keep it safe at the moment.
I've had to bend the tallest plant over and am using my tent net to secure it for now.
Included a few vids this time, so feel free to let me know if you spot any issues.
Smell is now noticeable if I leave my grow tent open whilst watering, so glad I got a carbon filter. :D
Also had to get a bit inventive to shift the LED lights up a bit as Im using a 160 CM tall tent.
I am planning to bend most of the tops down to the net hight, so hopefully this will keep things from getting light burn as still have about 25 inches of space from the net to the LED its self.
Watering is around 600 Ml per pot per 24 hrs just now.
Edit: 04/09/18
Added 2 more pics, mostly on some of the lowest leafs, noticed some marks, thankfully just 1 or 2, so not widespread and could equally just be a bit of nutrient burn, but thought Id post to see if anyone notices something I dont.