Day 107 - Day late and a dollar short on my Update! :P Haven't added any new nutes...just topping up with water on the current base and then will flush around Thursday. The Cookies Kush all look done...pistils been brown and shrunk for days now. The Purple punch still showing a lot of white pistils though and its the oldest of the 4 plants and should be done the quickest (Per Barneys Flower Time Expectations). Am well over the 8 weeks now and will play the flush by ear, like I say, expecting Thursday for a 4 day flush in Hydro but may stretch the current nutes out the end week to see if the Punch Browns (It is fox-tailing slightly...but this can be expected with Purple strains). Apart from that, nothing else to do but wait til harvest! :)
Also, have to note...can't say I have sen an increase in frosting using the 10K bulb from where they were before I introduced it a week ago but could be something that's been that gradual, its really been unnoticeable! What I have noticed with it is Cola Leaves starting to Pray, so they're getting some light intensity without bleaching or burning so it has done something...if its beneficial, I can't really say!