The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Alle Pflanzen wachsen sehr gesund. Das Training haben alle gut vertragen. In dieser Woche gab es keine Probleme
Que hay familia ya traigo la última semana de floración de estas Lava Cake de Zamnesia. Vaya color que se marcan todavía, están bastante sanas , los tricomas están pegajosos , tiene unos aromas espectaculares, me tiene enamorado.Están ya a punto de caramelo. Temperaturas máximas en 28 y mínimas en 25 y una humedad estable en torno al 36%. Os comento que tengo un descuento y para que compréis en la web de Zamnesia de un 20%, el código es ZAMMIGD2023 The discount 20% and the code is ZAMMIGD2023 Agrobeta: Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Espero que lo disfrutéis, buenos humos 💨💨.
Que hay familia ya traigo la última semana de floración de estas Lava Cake de Zamnesia. Vaya color que se marcan todavía, están bastante sanas , los tricomas están pegajosos , tiene unos aromas espectaculares, me tiene enamorado.Están ya a punto de caramelo. Temperaturas máximas en 28 y mínimas en 25 y una humedad estable en torno al 36%. Os comento que tengo un descuento y para que compréis en la web de Zamnesia de un 20%, el código es ZAMMIGD2023 The discount 20% and the code is ZAMMIGD2023 Agrobeta: Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Espero que lo disfrutéis, buenos humos 💨💨.
Week 1 day 4 of flower, sorry about the late update. Nothing to report just flipped the light schedule to 12/12 and fed 20g of ecothrive life cycle, kneaded into the top soil and watered in well with dechlorinated tap water. Happy growing.
Que hay familia ya traigo la última semana de floración de estas Lava Cake de Zamnesia. Vaya color que se marcan todavía, están bastante sanas , los tricomas están pegajosos , tiene unos aromas espectaculares, me tiene enamorado.Están ya a punto de caramelo. Temperaturas máximas en 28 y mínimas en 25 y una humedad estable en torno al 36%. Os comento que tengo un descuento y para que compréis en la web de Zamnesia de un 20%, el código es ZAMMIGD2023 The discount 20% and the code is ZAMMIGD2023 Agrobeta: Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Espero que lo disfrutéis, buenos humos 💨💨.
This grow went by way to quick! This plant was an absolute joy to grow and nurture. She was extremely easy and hands off! She has an very strong pest and disease resistance and I had zero issues with any cannabis pests nor pm or botrytis! I will 100% recommend this strain and breeder to any grower who will listen. I just cannot say enough great things about this grow! I am very happy with how this grow came out. She came out as a heavy hitter with a wet trimmed weigh in at 7lbs 2.6oz! She has given me the biggest harvest I have had this far.
8/12 (Day 56) - Well it’s a week and things are looking ok I suppose. Everything is staying in check and I’m feeding full strength and the plants seem to be handling it well. Drinking 4-5 gallons a day. I think the stretch is pretty much done so hopefully we can get some big juicy nugs to develop. These ladies are sooooo stick. I defoliate and 10 seconds later it’s like my hand is covered in stick glue, and the smell…sooo sweet. Like a tropical candy. Going to be doing probably one last big defoliation on these girls in the next day or two. I’m always plucking here and there to be honest. But seems to be ok. Thanks for looking! 8/13 (Day 57)- Did some very light defoliation on three of the plants, then the back right plant I ended up removing a ton of the lower growths and leaves. It needed it pretty bad I feel. She is a little behind the other plants but looking good none the less. Just going to continue to monitor and feed regulary. 8/14 (Day 58)- Started the morning with the flush and change of water and nutrients. Everything is looking good, going to leave them alone for a few days let the one plant recover and grow. All conditions are steady and constant. 8/15 (Day 59)- Just continuing to monitor and check for issues, feeding around a gallon or more every 4-5 hours. I am noticing more and more frosty goodness as the girls continue to develop! As always tips and recommendations welcomed and appreciated.
Hallo meine Garten Freunde. Ich heiße euch herzlich willkommen zum Ende von diesem Grow, ich bin mit der Qualität der Blüten äußerst zufrieden. Dieser Strain hat mich vollstes überzeugt, ich bin sehr begeistert von der Resistenz gegenüber den Schädlingsbefall oder im allgemeinen. Man kann ruhig ein zwei Tage mit dem Gießen im Verzug sein ohne das dieser Strain dir das gleich Übel nimmt. Diese Sorte ist auch nicht so anfällig für über Gießen oder über und unter Düngung. Ich habe in der Mitte der Blüte ein kleines Problem mit Frassflügler ( Triepse ) gehabt, da für kurze Zeit mein Lüfter ausgefallen ist, den Befall hat sie ohne weiteres weggesteckt, ohne jegliche Anzeichen für Probleme. Die Buds haben sich sehr vielversprechend entwickelt und haben einen süßlich tropischen Geruch im Raum verströmt. Wo drüber ich am meisten gestaunt habe war dass man diesen Strain Trainieren kann egal ob topping oder HST das haben die Damen gut weggesteckt. Das einzige was man beachten sollte wenn man die Pflanzen toppt ist, dass man mit einer längeren Anbau Zeit rechnen muss. Von insgesamt 5 sind 5 Seeds gekeimt, leider habe ich ein Sämling verloren. Ansonsten haben sich alle Pflanzen so entwickelt wie ich es mir gedacht habe. Der Ertrag hätte größer ausfallen können, dann hätte ich aber auch größere Töpfe nehmen müssen, und das konnte ich zu dieser Zeit leider nicht. Die Medusa #1 braucht noch einwenig länger. Also meine Freunde wär eine schnelle Sorte sucht, dem kann ich diesen Strain ans Herz legen. Vielen Dank das du mich und meine Schönheiten bis hierhin gefolgt bist ich weiß das sehr zu schätzen und wenn du willst kannst du bei meinen anderen Tagebüchern vorbeischauen oder mein Instergram Profil besuchen. Ich wünsch euch eine erfolgreiche Woche und fette Ernten ✌️🏼bleibt alle gesund. Hier gibt es noch 20% Rabatt wenn ihr Diesen oder andere Strains sucht. Bei Royal Queen Seeds gibt es auch viele andere tolle Produkte die dir beim Thema Grow oder dir bei der Fermentation helfen können. Gib diesen Code ein.GROWERS20
Man, I whipped these girls into shape! They got an amazing lolipoping~! its hard to sacrifice some of those branches but they look so much better for it and i hope it better allocates the plants resources! Did a big defoliation that really changed the way they look!
💩Holy Crap We Are Back💩 Well i had so much fun the last round , that we are going at it again 😁 So super happy to be trying this one out , can't wait😝's a twist of Cream Caramel and Deimos so I'm all for that flavor 👌 plus theres very few Diaries on it .....👍 Seed soaked for 24 then placed in a tub with paper towels , once it cracked and rooted , placed into its main pot 👌 👉I WISH GD HAD DISCORD SERVER SO GROWMIES COULD HAVE A PLACE TO HELP AND TALK THINGS RELATED TO GROWING .....👈 👉SO I CREATED ONE ALL YOU NEED IS TO JOIN THE GROWDIARIES DISCORD SERVER !!!!!!!!!!!👈 LINK IS 👉 AND SEE HOW IT PLAYS OUT !!!!!!!
Flower week 2, keeping the RH & temp down as much as possible, so far so good.
Hi growers 👌🏻🍁 This week I’ve had a few slight more issues this run hasn’t been the best so far. But I’m hoping if I can just up my feed as each watering I’m feeding the ppm are only at 450ppm 1ml grow 3ml bloom 2ml top max 4ml heaven 4ml actavira In a 5litre bottle - every 3 days I’ve had a few herm on me - which has been a bit of a disappointing, it just tells me my rooms not dialled in at all. Few more issues to fix next run. All the pink runts autos that finished flowering dried for 1 half weeks then went into canna butter. If anyone can give me a message or comment of anything I can do to try fix these girls I would appreciate it ✌️🏻🍁
Aug 10: added malted barley and Power Bloom for second time as a top dressing. Aug 13: don’t take flash pics of your plants unless you are then using a 730 nm far red light to put them into dark mode. Otherwise you’ll be messing too much with the light cycle and might cause them to hermie. I have no proof but I’m theorizing the red light light might help prevent hermies. Worked last year anyway. Buds look good in flash pics so it’s a nice side benefit of using the red light as a bloom booster. Aug 16: good week for weather and she looks great.
Aug 10: this scrog is looking okay. Likely will avoid doing it this way in future, but it will work out. Aug 11/13: don’t take flash pics of your plants unless you’re also immediately using a 730 nm light as a bloom booster. A bright light at that wavelength converts the hormone and allows the plant to go into dark mode two hours faster. Anyway, the red light cancels out the flash from the pics which is cool because buds look good in flash pics.
Hi growers 👌🏻🍁 This week I’ve had a few slight more issues this run hasn’t been the best so far. But I’m hoping if I can just up my feed as each watering I’m feeding the ppm are only at 450ppm 1ml grow 3ml bloom 2ml top max 4ml heaven 4ml actavira In a 5litre bottle - every 3 days I’ve had a few herm on me - which has been a bit of a disappointing, it just tells me my rooms not dialled in at all. Few more issues to fix next run. All the pink runts autos that finished flowering dried for 1 half weeks then went into canna butter. If anyone can give me a message or comment of anything I can do to try fix these girls I would appreciate it ✌️🏻🍁
Aug 10: doing quite well and is still the tallest of the four plants. Manifolded to 8 colas, and she has the most sativa type leaves of the four plants. Lots of rain lately but still needed lo be watered twice today as always. Top dressing of malted barley and Gaia Power Bloom. Aug 13: don’t take flash pics unless you’re immediately using a 730 nm light as a bloom booster. The far red light puts the plant into dark mode two hours faster. I figure this far red light counteracts the flash which is good side benefi.
Another good week here in the tent. Getting water daily. Defoliated as needed every other day. The girls are looking great and smelling great. Lots of frost coming off these girls. Started the UVB at 30 minutes and have moved up to an hour. The tests went right to two hours but I wanted to ramp it up. Will go up thirty minutes tomorrow and continue that every few days to ramp up usage. The trichomes are coming along but not milky
Another good week here in the tent. Getting water daily. Defoliated as needed every other day. The girls are looking great and smelling great. Lots of frost coming off these girls. Started the UVB at 30 minutes and have moved up to an hour. The tests went right to two hours but I wanted to ramp it up. Will go up thirty minutes tomorrow and continue that every few days to ramp up usage.
Another good week here in the tent. Getting water daily. Defoliated as needed every other day. The girls are looking great and smelling great. Lots of frost coming off these girls. Started the UVB at 30 minutes and have moved up to an hour. The tests went right to two hours but I wanted to ramp it up. Will go up thirty minutes tomorrow and continue that every few days to ramp up usage.