Yesterday I discovered that, in order to change my timer, I didn't put the clock back onto it. Now they had 3 hours more light on the third day of flowering. Exactly the kind of oopsies this grow really doesn't need.
But it happened and all back on a normal schedule, but I hope the OHS en GG4 aren't affected by it too much... One accidental re-vegging is more than enough for a year.
Also, these sensitive strains can hermie on me for lesser reasons so from now on I'll be checking for male signs daily.
The XTraKush is performing as advertised, with enormous stretch, these plants can go 10 ft up according to the breeder. So I'm tying them down and managing this to fill out the space.
With all the stuff going on, this 'underdog' strain might even prove most resilient, when all is said and done.
They seem to respond really well to the SP-3000 light and If you are in the market for a new light, consider this option from Mars Hydro.
Thank you @MarsHydroLED for letting me try it, it is a dream of a light. I compared it to my old light again and PAR values are not even in the same ballpark.
Thank you for checking my diary and taking the time to read my adventures!
Hug Bud