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Week 3 flower 🌼 , and everything is going well , I have now added scrog nets and bamboo sticks for extra support . These girls are coming along wonderful some strains coming along faster then others Banana kush from BSB is smelling like the most unique strain I have smelt in a while Super kushs are becoming really frosty and packing on the pounds the fastest out of these girls Gorrilla zkittles coming along really well and still stretching also becoming really frosty Gorrilla glue number 4 are doing well Phantom smelling really nice and is also starting to pack weight
Didn't train this nearly enough as I should have, growing vertical instead of horizontal like I would have liked.
Stretch is in full swing. Yellowing of bottom leaves so increasing nutrients all the way around. Other than that top portion of plant is healthy and green full of growth
This week is full of stretch, and unfortunately didn't train early enough. Instead of toping now, used Budclips to bend the main cola but didn't seem to do much. Yellowing on lower leaves so increasing nutrient dosage a bit. The Gorilla strains seem to always be more hungry for nutrients
And off we went, the adventure with Zamnesia's F1 Hybrids started off great, with a stunning 100% germination 8/8 born without any hesitation after a very short time in water and subsequently in soil. She is precisely at the 10th, she is the Pineapple Express, she grows well regularly and very similar to the little twin. One of the characteristics of the F1 Hybrids is stability and for now it has been thoroughly demonstrated since day 10. For the rest we have to say everything is going very well, the parameters are in order, the girls were born in a biodegradable jar which biodegraded a little earlier than expected and I proceeded with the potting, no repotting, be careful the seedling never came out of the jar biodegradable the roots pass it at a certain point of decomposition. So we are now in a comfortable 11 liter house that is perfect for autoflowering in my opinion. Unfortunately, the Zamnesia pots are about to arrive but I didn't have them in time, I preferred to repot them for the sake of the plants, we need to photograph them of course but first and foremost I'm a grower and I care about the health of my little girls. Something tells me we will be growing a lot of Zammi plants so we will use them in the Official Grower version next time. Zamnesia is the best online shop in the situation, you can find everything from seeds, to mushroom kits, through vaporizers and a thousand other things Pineapple Express F1 seeds specifically Site Description ZAMNESIA SEEDS - PINEAPPLE EXPRESS F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC: FRUITY FLAVORS AND ENERGETIC EFFECTS Combining Trainwreck with Hawaiian, Pineapple Express F1 Hybrid Automatic brings a beloved strain to new heights. This autoflowering F1 hybrid cultivar ensures exceptional uniformity, reliability, and stability, making it well-suited to growers of all experience levels. If you've not checked out Pineapple Express F1 hybrid Automatic for yourself just yet, now is the time. GROWING PINEAPPLE EXPRESS F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC All it takes is 8–9 weeks from germination before Pineapple Express F1 hybrid Automatic is ready to harvest. Thankfully, very little effort is required throughout the growing process, aside from a bit of maintenance, to ensure ample, high-quality harvests. Thanks to its F1 genetics, Pineapple Express F1 Automatic offers superb resilience and uniformity, meaning all plants will have a similar height and appearance, and will churn out comparably large yields. Reaching heights of 50–70cm, Pineapple Express F1 Automatic is not an overbearing plant and can effortlessly slot into any setup. Once ready to yield, growers can see a return in the region of 400–550g/m² indoors and up to 200g/plant outdoors. AROMAS, FLAVORS, AND EFFECTS OF PINEAPPLE EXPRESS F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC Just one hit of Pineapple Express F1 hybrid Automatic treats users to a rich assortment of flavors and aromas. This strain offers strong pineapple notes alongside moments of citrus, spice, and pine, making for a mouth-watering blend that's extremely moreish. Bolstered by 21% THC and an array of cannabinoids, Pineapple Express F1 Automatic showcases an energetic and uplifting high that will have you feeling chatty in no time. So if you've been looking for a strain to enjoy with friends, Pineapple Express F1 Automatic could be just the thing. As for fertilizers, I'm doing a small comparative experiment to finish off the fertilizers I had at home, it's not 100% indicative, it's only on two specimens but given the stable genetics I decided to try to compare the results of Plagron Vs Aptus, both excellent brands which they will certainly produce beautiful plants which are already of excellent stable genetics. In the next few weeks the comparison will be more evident now the seedlings are still very small and just potted. So seeds of all brands, in addition to these great F1 Hybrids and the entire Zamnesia line, fertilizers and everything related to the world of cannabis, you should buy them from the best online store in the sector
This strain likes to stretch a lot so in full swing. Bottom leaves crumbling and turning brown/ yellow. This is in a shared autopot base so increasing nutrient dosages throughout.
So she grew significantly...sideways, upwards..hopefully downwards too...I want a really strong and well structured Stem and root-base!! Reason for Silica, but also trying not to over feed her.. Other than that...was a real blessing watching her pray for light and dance.. Wonderful!!
10 weeks / 70 days old today. Buds are all a bit fatter and a bit frostier this week! They glisten in the light and and are well and truly coated. Noticed a few leaves with brown spots this week and after reading up I decided it could be a calcium deficiency. Gave a cal mag feed and monitored and no more brown spots have appeared. We’re pretty close to the finish line now so not sure I’ve done the right thing or whether I should just let it be. Few more old leaves at the bottom started to yellow so chopped them. Some trichomes are starting to turn milky but majority are still clear. Haven’t bothered with a picture because it’s so hard to get a clear one. Still taking up lots of water and giving 3ml of bloom nutrients in every water. Been reading lots about flushing and I’m not sure whether to do it. Read lots that say if it’s cured properly then there isn’t any difference to the taste. I think half the battle is knowing when to do it. How does a beginner know when you’ve got 2 weeks left?! Been tempted to chop off the popcorn buds and so glad I didn’t. I put some bulbs lower down to give them plenty of light and they’re fattening up pretty well. Bit worried again about the space issue. Lots of new pistils have sprouted and most are around the top buds. Read that it could be foxtailing due to light stress but could also just be buds fattening out and having a last try at pollinating 🤷🏻‍♀️ who knows! Overall another exciting week getting closer to the finish. Booked our summer holiday for August and trying to decide whether to start a new grow when these finish. there’s a risk they might not be done in time but I’m desperate to try again and improve on this one. I have well and truly got the grow bug!!
10 weeks / 70 days old today. Buds are all a bit fatter and a bit frostier this week! They glisten in the light and and are well and truly coated. Noticed a few leaves with brown spots this week and after reading up I decided it could be a calcium deficiency. Gave a cal mag feed and monitored and no more brown spots have appeared. We’re pretty close to the finish line now so not sure I’ve done the right thing or whether I should just let it be. Few more old leaves at the bottom started to yellow so chopped them. Some trichomes are starting to turn milky but majority are still clear. Haven’t bothered with a picture because it’s so hard to get a clear one. Still taking up lots of water and giving 3ml of bloom nutrients in every water. Been reading lots about flushing and I’m not sure whether to do it. Read lots that say if it’s cured properly then there isn’t any difference to the taste. I think half the battle is knowing when to do it. How does a beginner know when you’ve got 2 weeks left?! Been tempted to chop off the popcorn buds and so glad I didn’t. I put some bulbs lower down to give them plenty of light and they’re fattening up pretty well. Bit worried again about the space issue. Lots of new pistils have sprouted and most are around the top buds. Read that it could be foxtailing due to light stress but could also just be buds fattening out and having a last try at pollinating 🤷🏻‍♀️ who knows! Overall another exciting week getting closer to the finish. Booked our summer holiday for August and trying to decide whether to start a new grow when these finish. there’s a risk they might not be done in time but I’m desperate to try again and improve on this one. I have well and truly got the grow bug!!
Hola hermanos de cultivo! 🤜💐🤛 Novena semana para las Green Crack F1 Automatic. Simplificando muchísimo el trabajo con la increíble controladora TrolMaster TentX 🤜💐🤛 🌄El clima se establece como una simulación de día real, con salida y puesta de sol más el pico de mediodía, el clima se siente bastante natural aquí adentro. Hice un nuevo artefacto para distribuir la humedad de manera homogénea en toda la carpa.🌅 _ FLORES GORDAS Y PEGAJOSAS _ Plantas verdaderamente rápidas y con un aroma dulce afrutado y diésel, con un pequeño fondo de incienso. Xpert nutrients en el orden adecuado hace todo a la perfección. Ahora ellas beben cantidades increíbles, 1 litro al día para las dos plantas, intercalando dos riegos con nutrientes y uno de enzimas para no generar sobrecargas. Ph: 6.4 - 6.6 EC: 1000 100+/100- HR: 55% 10+10-. C⁰: 20 - 28 . !! 20 hs 2 x TS600 + 20 hs TS 1000 led max dim !! . Los soportes laterales se encienden antes y se apagan más tarde que la iluminación central en el ciclo lumínico diario, con el control sunset de Trolmaster puedo usar mi TS1000 de MarsHydro para mejorar la entrada de luz y no estresar las pequeñas 🤜🤛 🌅🌄🌌 Un abrazo grande y mucho ánimo para todos, un gusto siempre!
Gracias al equipo de Seedsman Marshydro XpertNutrients y Trolmaster sin ellos esto no sería posible. 💐🍁 Tangerine Snow F1 Fast: Esta gran cepa es un cruce de cuatro vías 75% sativa de (Boost x Tangelo) con (Lavender x Power Plant). Este híbrido Fast F1 proviene de la genética Cali y cuenta con excelentes terpenos cítricos, alta producción de resina para extractos, altos niveles de THC, muy buenos rendimientos y excelente resistencia al moho. Tangerine Snow F1 Fast se puede cultivar tanto en interior como en exterior. Los tiempos de floración en interiores son de entre 8 y 10 semanas, mientras que el tiempo de cosecha en las latitudes del norte es en septiembre, mientras que en el hemisferio sur los productores cosecharán durante marzo. Las regiones climáticas recomendadas son cálidas, secas, húmedas y cálidas. Se trata de plantas altas, semiramificadas, que superan los 200cm y que presentan un alto vigor con muy buena uniformidad. Al igual que muchas otras variedades con fuerte dominancia sativa, Tangerine Snow F1 Fast ofrece una excelente resistencia al moho, así como a las plagas y enfermedades de las plantas. La combinación de terpenos cítricos y mucha resina la convierten en una cepa de muy buen extracto, cuyo método de "lavado" produce muy buenos rendimientos de hachís. El perfil de terpenos cítricos recuerda a las mandarinas y mandarinas y también tiene notas dulces. La producción de THC ha sido verificada en laboratorio en un fuerte 24%, mientras que el CBD es bajo. El efecto es edificante y energizante, perfecto para usar durante el día y las primeras horas de la noche. 🌻🚀 Consigue aqui tus semillas: 💡TS-3000 + TS-1000: se usaran dos de las lámparas de la serie TS de Marshydro, para cubrir todas las necesidades de las plantas durante el ciclo de cultivo, uso las dos lámparas en floracion para llegar a toda la carpa de 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80. 🏠 : Marshydro 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80, carpa 100% estanca con ventanas laterales para llegar a todos los lugares durante el grow 🌬️💨 Marshydro 6inch + filtro carbon para evitar olores indeseables. 💻 Trolmaster Tent-X TCS-1 como controlador de luz, optimiza tu cultivo con la última tecnología del mercado, desde donde puedes controlar todos los parametros. 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: 📆 Semana 5: Definitivamente se ha adaptado muy bien a su hábitat natural, voy con dosis muy suaves de nutrientes ya que ellas tienen prácticamente todo lo que necesitan. El canto de las aves la pone feliz. Poco que agregar, buen sol y buen tiempo 😍
And off we went, the adventure with Zamnesia's F1 Hybrids started off great, with a stunning 100% germination 8/8 born without any hesitation after a very short time in water and subsequently in soil. She is precisely at the 10th, she is Runtz, she grows well regularly and very similar to the twin. One of the characteristics of the F1 Hybrids is stability and for now it has been thoroughly demonstrated since day 10. For the rest we have to say everything is going very well, the parameters are in order, the girls were born in a biodegradable jar which biodegraded a little earlier than expected and I proceeded with the potting, no repotting, be careful the seedling never came out of the jar biodegradable the roots pass it at a certain point of decomposition. So we are now in a comfortable 11 liter house that is perfect for autoflowering in my opinion. Unfortunately the Zamnesia pots are about to arrive but I didn't have them in time I preferred to repot them for the sake of the plants, we have to photograph them of course but first and foremost I'm a grower and I care about the health of my little girls. Something tells me we will be growing a lot of Zammi plants so we will use them in the Official Grower version next time. As for fertilizers, I'm doing a small comparative experiment to finish off the fertilizers I had at home, it's not 100% indicative, it's only on two specimens but given the stable genetics I decided to try to compare the results of Plagron Vs Aptus, both excellent brands which they will certainly produce beautiful plants which are already of excellent stable genetics. In the next few weeks the comparison will be more evident now the seedlings are still very small and just potted. So seeds of all brands, in addition to these great F1 Hybrids and the entire Zamnesia line, fertilizers and everything related to the world of cannabis, you should buy them from the best online store in the sector Runtz F1 seeds specifically Site Description ZAMNESIA - RUNTZ F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC: UNIFORMITY, RELIABILITY, AND GREAT FLAVOURS! What can we say about Runtz that hasn't already been said? Well, trust us when we say you've never seen it quite like this before! From the team at Zamnesia comes Runtz F1 Automatic. Now, this isn't some Formula One car-related special edition, no. This strain takes everything you know and love about the original Runtz and offers a reliable and uniform growing experience that will impress everyone. GROWING RUNTZ F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC Runtz F1 Hybrid Automatic is the lovechild of Gelato and Zkittlez; the result is a strain that's extremely vigorous and fast to flower (taking just 10 weeks from germination to harvest). While autoflowers generally make for a no-hassle growing option, F1 hybrid seeds take this ethos one step further. Runtz F1 Automatic showcases great uniformity, meaning all plants will have a remarkably similar appearance and output. These plants are also highly resistant to pests and disease, so if it's your first foray into the world of cannabis cultivation, you're in the right hands with Runtz F1 Automatic. Reaching heights of 55–75cm, Runtz F1 Automatic can slot into the pokiest of grow spaces, both indoors and outdoors. But this small stature is not to the detriment of production. Once ready, growers will be treated to a return of around 500g/m² indoors and 100–150g/plant outdoors. AROMAS, FLAVORS, AND EFFECTS OF RUNTZ F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC Another perk of F1 hybrid genetics is that these plants are teaming with terpenes and cannabinoids, making for a pungent and potent experience you're unlikely to see with other strains. When it comes to delivering massive flavors, Runtz F1 Hybrid Automatic certainly doesn't phone it in. Upon taking that first toke, users open themselves up to bold notes of creamy vanilla mixed with candied citrus fruit. The result is mouth-watering. With 25% THC to its name, Runtz F1 Automatic offers an uplifting, euphoric, and creative high that will suit all kinds of scenarios, whether social or solo.
📆 Week 14, 11 - 17 April 2024 11 April - Cut off all yellowing leaves. Reduced light power to 50%. Began the Flush. 12-13 April - Flushed plant. 14 April - Harvested plant and hung in closet for drying. 15-17 April - Continued to hang in closet for drying. 📑 I decided to trim this plant before hanging because of its size, and having the time to dedicate to it. Either way it would have been sticky. It will hang it for 7-10 days in a somewhat climate controlled closet with a RH 60% and temperature of 65 degrees F using a small fan for circulation. Then it will be cut and placed into 1 quart mason jars with Boveda 62% TerpShield, and burped daily until a RH of 62% is maintained for long term storage. Overall Grow Review: With all environmental conditions staying within ideal throughout the grow, I am impressed with the size of these buds and resin production. But she was not on the bigger side of the auto family varieties as far as yield. I contribute this to size of the plant. The breeder claims a height of 100 centimeters, where this plant only achieved about 75. Time of harvest from seed the breeder claims 65-70 days. I did have to add an additional week of flowering to get her matured due to the higher sativa genetics, but that was expected. The time of this harvest was 94 days (42 veg, 52 flower). Would I grow it again? Absolutely! As with any autoflower I’ve grown in hydroponics, they have taken this long, under these conditions, without any major manipulation - seed to harvest just over 90 days. The only major differences are size of plant, and type of bud - not time to grow and properly mature. I did not get the wet bud weight. I still can’t understand the reason for this number, it is the most irrelevant thing to add in this process because it just doesn’t matter. My opinion. Smoq Review: She has a nice profile of terps and the taste doesn’t leave your mouth dry. The high is very pleasant and makes you feel energetic and talkative, leading into an evening of good times. There is not a lot to say when the it’s the right one for anytime, recreational or medicinal, it’s definitely a depression eliminator! 🍶 11 April nutrient changed to RO water 💧 Using reverse osmosis water with EC/TDS at 0 🔆 Light power at 50%, DLI 40-45 canopy coverage at 12hrs 😤 Using PYPABL, Air Pump, 400GPH That is it for this grow. Thanks for the looks, reads and stopping by.
And off we went, the adventure with Zamnesia's F1 Hybrids started off great, with a stunning 100% germination 8/8 born without any hesitation after a very short time in water and subsequently in soil. She is exactly at the 10th, she is the Wurlz, she grows well regularly and very similar to the little twin. One of the characteristics of the F1 Hybrids is stability and for now it has been thoroughly demonstrated since day 10. For the rest we have to say everything is going very well, the parameters are in order, the girls were born in a biodegradable jar which biodegraded a little earlier than expected and I proceeded with the potting, no repotting, be careful the seedling never came out of the jar biodegradable the roots pass it at a certain point of decomposition. So we are now in a comfortable 11 liter house that is perfect for autoflowering in my opinion. Unfortunately, the Zamnesia pots are about to arrive but I didn't have them in time, I preferred to repot them for the sake of the plants, we need to photograph them of course but first and foremost I'm a grower and I care about the health of my little girls. Something tells me we will be growing a lot of Zammi plants so we will use them in the Official Grower version next time. Wurlz F1 seeds specifically Site Description ZAMNESIA SEEDS - WURLZ F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC: EFFECTS TO LEAVE YOUR HEAD IN A WHIRL! As the end product of combining Runtz with Watermelon Candy, Wurlz F1 hybrid Automatic showcases a reliable, uniform, and, above all, easy growing experience. The resulting buds offer mind-blowing flavors and soothing effects, making Wurlz F1 Automatic more than worthy of being on your radar. GROWING WURLZ F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC As an autoflowering strain, it takes just 9–10 weeks for Wurlz F1 Automatic to move from germination to harvest. Fortunately, there's very little required other than a bit of maintenance along the way. This is partly due to the F1 genetics that make this strain robust and uniform, resulting in plants that reach a similar height and provide a similar (large) yield. Moreover, Wurlz F1 Automatic is highly resistant to disease, pests, and other ailments. Reaching heights of about 65–80cm, Wurlz F1 Automatic is not an overbearing plant and can fit into smaller spaces with zero fuss. Once ready to yield, growers have the potential to see a return in the region of 450–500g/m² indoors and 50–150g/plant outdoors. AROMAS, FLAVORS, AND EFFECTS OF WURLZ F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC After Wurlz F1 Hybrid Automatic wows you with its easygoing growing experience, the best is yet to come: the smoke test. Teeming with terpenes, this cultivar offers a fruity and candy-like flavor tinged with just a little bit of pine for good measure. In terms of effects, Wurlz F1 Automatic is bolstered by 24% THC and a finely tuned array of cannabinoids, making for a soothing, physically relaxing, and, in larger amounts, couch-locking high. So settle in with some of your favorite friends, snacks, and movies; this is relaxation at its finest. As for fertilizers, I'm doing a small comparative experiment to finish off the fertilizers I had at home, it's not 100% indicative, it's only on two specimens but given the stable genetics I decided to try to compare the results of Plagron Vs Aptus, both excellent brands which they will certainly produce beautiful plants which are already of excellent stable genetics. In the next few weeks the comparison will be more evident now the seedlings are still very small and just potted. So seeds of all brands, in addition to these great F1 Hybrids and the entire Zamnesia line, fertilizers and everything related to the world of cannabis, you should buy them from the best online store in the sector