The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Bienvenidos cultivadores de marihuana clandestinos, y también, a los que tienen la fortuna de no serlo!🖐️👨‍🌾 Tercera semana de floración, la planta ha estirado los últimos 2cm, ahora, con la fiesta de la flor comienza el gran juego de los pecados capitales, gula para engordar, avaricia de espacio, más adelante vendrá la lujuria en su esplendor y la soberbia para dominar, la pereza de manicurar y finalmente la ira cuando me la fume toda, no espero a la envidia... Bueno, la planta vive feliz en su esquina, es una glotona, además de dos riegos esta semana he hecho un aporte de enmiendas secas cocinadas con Microorganismos, 4g/litro de sustrato, rodeada de luz, las ramas se muestran poderosas y capaces de soportar el peso de cualquier cogollo por muy grande que sea, los brotes inmaculados resaltan como estrellas, aunque esta planta por su morgología perdió el lugar central de la carpa de cultivo, sigue siendo la reina de mi jardín de la alegría... aleluya! ================== Info de la cepa Mendo T: - 85% Indica, 15% Sativa. THC: 18%. Floración: 8 Semanas. Terpenos: Lavanda picante. - Genotipo inverso masculino: limon t Cruce: Lemon Tree x Cookies & Cream F2. 2019 - The High Chameleon - EUR - Genotipo femenino: Mendocino Purps Reg Selección de THC 1996 - Piratas de CSI Humboldt, California - EE.UU. ============== Hasta pronto... 🖐️👨‍🌾 SALUDOS A TODOS!! =================================
Week 8 flower and the OG Kush looks like fire 🔥 so frosty and covering everything. I thought this seed was a dud but it is definitely not! Flowers are not huge but that’s ok. Tight, frosty, and the smell very nice and getting stronger. The development is slow and has been since the beginning, might be something I’m doing or did, not to sure? Lights are at 12” and she is responding well. Looks like about two weeks to go. TS 600’s have done well again! Blimburn OG Kush seems to be producing some potent looking flowers. Need to do a better job taking care of the fungus gnats moving forward. Thanks for the view!
Week 8 flower and the Gorilla Glue #4 is swelling up nicely and looks like about a week to go, but I’ll probably wait until the Sour Diesel finishes up before I harvest her as I need to dry in this space, the lung room. Lots of frost and thick dense flowers. Very nice colours coming out and the smell is incredible! A few nanners popping out here and there, I’ve plucked a few but it’s late in flower and doubt much will develop from now until the end, if anything at all, definitely not pulling her down because of them. More than likely had the light turned up to high later in flower and was pushing them too much, and that’s why the Sour Diesel is growing a bit foxtail like. Turned the lights down now to 50% and they seem to be happy with that. Still just water through the drip and hand water once a week. Gnats suck and need to take care of them before next grow and do a better job moving forward. These TSW 2000’s from Mars Hydro are awesome and with two of them side by side are more than enough for this space. Blimburn GG#4 is turning out really good and smell is incredible but hard to describe. Thanks for the view!
Belle floraison avec des tache violette
Belle floraison avec des tache violette
Grew in freezing temperatures my tent was barely 16 celcius,
Grew in freezing temperatures my tent was barely 16 celcius,
Really impressed with dry harvest amount. 7.8 ounces of buds. I used my trim bowl to trim and came out with 3.5 ounces off trim which will be used for edibles. Really sweet smell coming off these buds. They are lovely.
Really impressed with dry harvest amount. 7.8 ounces of buds. I used my trim bowl to trim and came out with 3.5 ounces off trim which will be used for edibles. Really sweet smell coming off these buds. They are lovely.
Bienvenidos cultivadores de marihuana clandestinos, y también, a los que tienen la fortuna de no serlo!🖐️👨‍🌾 Tercera semana desde el paso al horario de floración 12/12h, la planta ha dejado de estirarse, ahora toda la energía está en los brotes florales que asoman por doquier... a jugar! Días fríos y húmedos, las plantas lo notan disminuyendo el consumo de agua (metabolismo), pero hasta ahora todas aguantan sanas, tengo una buena ventilación y extracción de aire en la carpa de cultivo. Lo que menos me gusta de la etapa de floración es que veo poco a las plantas, apenas un momento cuando las luces se encienden a las 22:00h. Esta semana he acabado la instalación de todas las lámparas de la carpa de cultivo, un mix de buenas luces para alumbrar las plantas por todas partes. Al final 450w repartidos en 4 lámparas en el dosel y 3 barras led alumbrando por los laterales. Dos riegos esta semana con mucha energía y toda la gama de macro y micro nutrientes... viva la flor! ============== Info de la cepa Blubonik: - Cruce de Kootenay Blueberry x Blueberry. - Es una planta de altura media, crecimiento robusto con grandes hojas. - Floración Interior: 60-65 días. - Su efecto es muy fuerte, completamente indico. ============== Hasta pronto... 😋👍 SALUDOS A TODOS!! =================================
01/21 - Happy 3rd Birthday! Gave her a bucket and nute change today... ramped up the nutes to 5.25g of Dakine 420 Base and 5.25g of Dakine 420 Grow. Added in some H2O2 to help clean out the roots of the sediment left over from the old bucket... top watering seedlings brings down a lot of sediment into the bucket so this is the time I really want to give a complete change of "scenery" to the plant. Over the past week, I had increased her EC bringing it up to 0.8 which, really, is unheard of for an autoflower this age - but she kept telling me she was VERY hungry... I give credit to this nute line, I think it's the best one I've ever tried so far. I switched to it in mid-grow of a soil grow I did and the results were spectacular... Now that I've figured out how to adjust for a DWC grow with them, I'm really excited... and to see the plant tolerating such a high EC ... well... I've got great hopes! 01/22 - well, the little lady did NOT like the extra nutes.. at all!!! And the pH had swung WAY up this morning ... things were so bad, I'm not going to publish the pic I took of her this morning until she's recovered so as not to stress you out! I'm not worried about her - but you probably would be if you could see what she looked like... poor thing... adjustments have been made and she's already starting to come back ... will update again tomorrow, of COURSE! :-D 01/23 - She's not pulling out of it as fast as I'd hoped but then she REALLY took a hit. Poor little thing! She IS improving and she WILL be ok... I'm just going to have to stop thinking of her as SuperWoman... I doubt these leaves will ever look very good again - thankfully, they're early leaves and they'll soon be eclipsed by new, bigger and better leaves and at some point, I can just lop them off! :-D Eating some humble pie right about now! I rolled her EC back to 0.7 but she's acting just a little bit hungry this morning so I think I'll try to bring it back up to 0.8 - that's going to be an interesting exercise given that these nutes are dry and pretty potent .. going to try to put .75g of the base and the grow in to see how that does... we'll see... sigh.... Update: I gave a lot of thought about what I should do here and ended up doing a bucket change. Along with her general dismal appearance, she was showing signs of a nitrogen toxicity so what I decided was that I needed to change up the composition of what the EC was while I was adjusting it - and that's impossible to do with a bucket that's already got stuff in it. What she's got in her bucket now is 1.5tsp of RapidStart (hoping to boost those roots to help her out), 5g of the Base (NPK 3-13-26), 2g of the Grow (NPK 15-0-15) which may STILL be too much but... and 1/2 tsp of Calimagic. EC now sits at 0.8 which is what I wanted and the pH is 6.0. Just as I was finishing up the bucket change, her lights went out so this is good... I'll check on her again when she "wakes up" ... I won't SEE any change, I'm sure, but I'm hoping the EC and pH don't change... going to do a LOT of checking on her today! She's up from her nap and things are actually looking very good! I think I made exactly the right decision as far as her nutes are concerned.... Her leaves still look a bit like leather (very strange) and are still a little dryish but they're picking themselves up and going for the light which they weren't doing before and the clawing is starting to go away. Now feeling pretty confident in my abilities to diagnose her and make the right decisions... I'll check again just before I go to bed... and will be very anxious to take a look at her in the morning. 01/25 - She's still struggling a little bit but the growth has been at least SORT of satisfactory... I decided this morning that she still is having a tough time with as many nutes in her bucket but instead of a bucket change, simply replaced 1/2 gallon of her bucket with plain water - this brought her EC down to 0.7 - and I adjusted her pH which had been slowly rising AGAIN... so now it's sitting at 6.1. I also trimmed off the lowest leaves which were just sad to look at and were being swallowed up by the pebbles I'm adding to the netpot - so they were of no use anyway.
i know still no defoliation but i will get there asap lol apart from that this 2310 is just amazing, she is a half size plant wen compared with the rest of them testers, but she is so damn perfect with this amazing combination of perfect inner node space and beautiful leafs that for that 4 testers are by far the most beautiful and perfect ones, i will take some photos of them wen defoliating , just amazing. and as the week starts to get to an end the room starts also to look way, i mean way to full truly need to get my hands dirty and shave them legs an all on these girls hihihi started the extra feedings hihih with this i mean i am now giving her once a week some flower booster as well some extra P and K since the pellets on the soil provably should be running out soon and since this is all organics i need to think ahead of time on these things and try my best to lisening and understand what my girls need As always thank you all for stopping by and for supporting me on this journey, i am super passion about growing and fell blessed to have you all with me on this new journey <3 <3 <3 Genetics - Fast Buds Tester 2310 Ligth - LUMATEK ZEUS 465 COMPACT PRO 
Food - APTUS HOLLAND #aptus #aptusplanttech #aptusgang #aptusfamily #aptustrueplantscience #inbalancewithnature #trueplantscience #fastbuds #dogdoctorofficial #growerslove With true love comes happiness <3 <3 <3 Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so <3 <3 <3 
All info and full product details can be find in can find @ wen released <3 <3 <3 Growers love to you all <3 <3 <3
Man this 2309 is still my favorite one of them all testers, she is not at all the tallest or what ever but she is amazing and she is the first of them all trowing perfumes to my face and for now they are very floral and herbal mixed ones, supper exited for this one hehehehe as the week keeps going she and all actually , are getting to big, need to find time to defoliate them and with it better air flow as well better photon penetration, i know many of you guys dont defoliate autos, but i do and so far have not encounter any issues with me doing it so, what i try and do is all of my defoliation after the first week or so wen they are in flower, before that i only bend leafs and not much more <3<3<3 and the week is getting to an end and she is for sure on the way to became a very smelly girl and i am loving it, cant wait to see what will next week do to this 2309 As always thank you all for stopping by, for the love and time you guys spend on my stuff, i fell blessed and humble, many thanks to you all <3<3<3 Genetics - Fast Buds Tester 2309 Ligth - LUMATEK ZEUS 465 COMPACT PRO 
Food - APTUS HOLLAND #aptus #aptusplanttech #aptusgang #aptusfamily #aptustrueplantscience #inbalancewithnature #trueplantscience #fastbuds #dogdoctorofficial #growerslove With true love comes happiness <3 <3 <3 Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so <3 <3 <3 
All info and full product details can be find in can find @ wen released Have a bunch more diaries going on, fell free to drop by and say hi dont be shy <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Growers love to you all <3 <3 <3
Piano piano iniziano a formare resina e giorno dopo giorno riuscirò a sentire il profumo dei loro fiori 🌺 🤩..domani preparerò un bel boost con bucce di banane 🍌 ( circa 8 bucce per 10/12L di acqua ) porto quasi a ebollizione e poi lascio raffreddare fino al giorno dopo nella pentola…mi viene fuori una soluzione a circa 1500 PPM che poi diluisco ancora quanto basta…un vero aiuto per rendere i tuoi fiori dolci 🍭 e pieni di tricomi appiccicosi 😎 oltre a questo aggiungo 3ml/L di Canna Terra Flores una volta a settimana…il resto solo tanto amore 🌬️
Hi good fellows!💚 🌱Day 50. Watering with 3L 6.8ph 150ppm clear tap water. Run off water get 115ml and measures is 6.7ph 650ppm. MP4 included.💚 🌱Day 52. Watering with 2.7L 7ph 150ppm clear tap water. Run off water get 115ml and measures is 6.7ph 550ppm. Worry about ppm level. Keep watering with clear tap water!💚 🌱Day 54. Watering with 2.5L 7ph 150ppm clear tap water. Run off water get 35ml and measures is 6.7ph 400ppm.💚 🌱Day 56. Watering with 2.7L 6.8ph 150ppm clear tap water. Run off water get 55ml and measures is 6.7ph 400ppm. Amazing!💚
Le Royal Gorilla 🦍 stanno proprio 😌 una meraviglia, avvicinandomi sento un adore floreale meraviglioso e già posso vedere il ghiaccio ❄️ sulle foglie da zucchero, non vedo l’ora di vederle alla fine della 9º settimana come saranno gonfie e gelide 🤞🌬️🚀✨mi piace tanto questa varietà, è la terza volta che la coltivo e sono rimasto sempre soddisfatto, a parte ovviamente gli errori da coltivatore 👨‍🌾 inesperto ma sicuramente quelle volte ho avuto la fortuna di trovare ottimi fenotipi…cerchiamo di tirare fuori il massimo da ognuna 🤩🙌🦍📸
She is so beautiful her colors are coming in so nicely not to mention the pungent smell of gas that smells just how it did out the bag sheesh buds are nice and dense Im sad to see her coming to an end 😂 soon need to definitely try my hand at a reveg once she is done will continue to update as the weeks follow