The past week I have adjusted the RO to contain 1.1 EC for the AH and the runoff is a bit lower. Don't know if this is a good thing or not. I have also increased the fertigation to 1,5 L twice a day.
I have set up the AC infinity inline Quiet T10, but the carbon filter has not yet arrived.
Overall all ladies are looking good. some minor Potassium, Calcium, and Phosphorous excess and deficiency are shown on a few leafs, but I think it's nothing to worries about
Day 68-70- the FB and SK were really taking off, especially the FB. omg they are beasts. I need to water them 3 times a day now.
due to the Bud rot I have found(see week 12) om the AH, I've decided to do some defoliation- big time- A lot of small nuggets(or popcorn's?) were in the bottom of all plants, also so many fan leafs that no air was circulating the plants. Also due to high outside humidity I was struggling to maintain- but was several times around 65%RH I think I've got it under control now. the weather has changes so RH% is around 45% outside. and I have the windows open to cool the garden as well