Flowers are developing nicely but slowly. Very few feeder leaves are turning yellow yet. I saw some webs between one of her branches and Fractal, so I sprayed them with alcohol and burned some leaves. She and Fractal have the same dense bushy structure. The buds are tight to the stems which traps humidity and moisture nviting pests and fungus.
Flowers are developing nicely but slowly. Very few feeder leaves are turning yellow yet. I saw some webs between one of her branches and Lemon Cake. So I sprayed them with alcohol and burned some leaves. She and L. Cake have the same dense bushy structur. The buds are tight to the stems which traps humidity and moisture. Inviting pests and fungus.
Auto Opiym is in flower and with some cooler night temperatures in upper 50s low 60s the buds and leafs are changing colors🤩 The feeder leaves are yellowing and the sugar leaves are changing to purple 💜 . I top dressed with 2 tbsp bloom soil as fertilizer. Her limbs are spindly ans can't support the weight of her buds. I added a hoop to support branches but many just bent over the wire. I don't see many amber trichomes so I wait.
Been SUPER busy and have had a hard time keeping up with everything. The video was from a few days ago, I don't think I was watering enough. Shes growing nonetheless, and ill be starting liquid nutes this week
After 52 days we harvested because we want that runtz stopping their seed Production. Hopefully there will be Not to much seeds. Now they will dry in the tent for 10 days some buds have many seeds others have fewer. The runtz didn't smell good at first, rather disgusting, but after 10 days of drying and 2 weeks of curing, it developed its full flavour. We are very satisfied for our first grow. The BruceBanner was luckily spared pollination. We have already learnt something for our next run… :)
📆 Harvest Week, 19-25 August 2024 19-22 Aug - Observed and let the plant grow. 23-24 Aug - Flushed with RO water, turned lights down to 40% power. 25 Aug - Harvested the plant, began the curing process. 💚 Thank you Divine Seeds for this sponsored grow! 📑 The final week of flowering for Pablo Escobar! I gave her a good 71 days as recommended by the breeder. She grew using every one of them until the end. Another genetic hit by all means. A pleasure to grow. This is a sativa dominate variety so expect a longer flower time. You will be rewarded with thick dense buds, covered with resins and trichomes, with a sweet herb, earthy smell, nice and danky. Began the curing process in a climate controlled closet with a RH of 53% and temp of 71deg F. The main leaves are removed before the branches are hung upside down for 7-10 days for drying. From there the buds are removed from the branches, separated, and are trimmed to remove as much leaf as possible. Then placed in quart mason jars with a 62% Boveda TerpShield packet, burped daily for about a week or until 62% RH is maintained. Then labeled and placed in a cool, dark closet for long term storage for up to about 8 months or so. 🔥 Smoke Report will follow in about 10-14 days. 🍶 19 Aug final nutrient solution change 🍽️ 19 Aug final feeding schedule update 💧 Using reverse osmosis water with EC/TDS at 0 🐉 Nutrient Solution EC 1.1 at 74 degree F 🔆 Light power at 50%, DLI 35 canopy coverage at 12hrs 😤 Using PYPABL, Air Pump, 400GPH That is it for this grow. Thanks for the all the looks, reads and stopping by.
Pablo Escobar · Divine Seeds
XS2000 · ViparSpectra
GT 60x60x140cm(2'x2'x4.5') · Mars Hydro
TriPart Bloom · Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow · Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro · Terra Aquatica
Fulvex · Botanicare
Hydroguard · Botanicare
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Cali Magic ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Cali Magic ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Cali Magic ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Cali Magic ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Cali Magic ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
25/Aug Another week passed by and she is filling up the net slowly. All green and lush enjoying the notnao cool breeze from the fan. I hope the temp will drop a bit next week. Will let me increase the wattage
Start of Week 9 🙌 I plan to use fertilizer for bud growth from day 64 to day 70+... depending on when the harvest time occurs 😉😄👍
On day 73, she has continued to develop purple stems along with an increase production in trichomes as seen in the photos. Steady growth and beautiful green overall.
We removed the lower 2-3 leaves that turned yellow and started to dry. Maybe dou can call this a defoliation Like the first time, Ztrawberriez is a blast to grow. It already has a sweet, berry flavour. Soon she will be ready...we can hardly wait, but she is fast af
Floração das plantas está linda As sementes da 420 Fast Buds nunca decepcionam.
Seems like Pheno 1 and Mutated are coming to the end, showing fall colors on the leaves and increased amber trichome production on top flowers. I keep following the BioEnhancer schedule of every 2 weeks. Weather was extremely hot again beginning of the week but the girls keep enjoying it. Pheno 2 seems to be the most stretching one reaching 63 cm height. All other phenos stopped stretching at 40-45 cm. This week, they receive a liter of 6.5 Ph water every 2 days. They all seem to grow healthy.
Tag 56 - Ende der 8. Woche. Die Blüten werden weiterhin dicker und nehmen langsam ihre Form an. In der nächsten Woche werde ich den Dünger nochmal anpassen und langsam aber sicher damit beginnen, die trichome zu kontrollieren um den Zeitpunkt für die Spülung nicht zu verpassen. Wir beginnen nun mit der Blütewoche 6. Laut Hersteller dürfte die Pflanze noch etwa 2-3 Wochen brauchen, ich glaube das dürfte hinhauen. An Tag 50 wurde die Pflanze gedüngt. Nährstofflösung: 2 ml/l - B-52 Advanced Nutrients. 4 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Bloom Part A 4 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Bloom Part B 2 ml/l - Bud Candy Advanced Nutrients. 2 ml/l - Big Bud Advanced Nutrients. Davon hat die Pflanze 1l an Tag 50 erhalten.
Tag 56 - Ende der 8. Woche. Die Blüten werden weiterhin dicker und nehmen langsam ihre Form an. Die Stigmen haben sich schon vereinzelt verfärbt und fallen langsam ein. In der nächsten Woche werde ich den Dünger nochmal anpassen und langsam aber sicher damit beginnen, die trichome zu kontrollieren um den Zeitpunkt für die Spülung nicht zu verpassen. Wir beginnen nun mit der Blütewoche 6. Laut Hersteller dürfte die Pflanze noch etwa 2-3 Wochen brauchen, ich glaube das dürfte hinhauen. An Tag 50 wurde die Pflanze gedüngt. Nährstofflösung: 2 ml/l - B-52 Advanced Nutrients. 4 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Bloom Part A 4 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Bloom Part B 2 ml/l - Bud Candy Advanced Nutrients. 2 ml/l - Big Bud Advanced Nutrients. Davon hat die Pflanze 1l an Tag 50 erhalten.