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Growth of 'only' 11cm this week 😅 Just over 8" Still she is growing very nice.
sideways. i am done torchering this creature and am now asking for forgiveness and a salvage harvest. 3rd grow ever in life maybe four but frustrated i am finally starting to understand some things. i feel like there are 40k people on planet earth at least on here who have successs so no reason i cant but have to make notes and pay attention examine these creatures and try to get on a spiritul wavelength while following the leaders many many suggestions. this started out with a blurple then maxsisun mf 2000 and there was a week under a marshydro tsw 2000 and i switched it though i wonder if i am making a mistake not using the maxsisun on the new grow as it has 400 watts from the wall and the marshydro has 300 watts. i also have noticed that many people are having success with nowhere near the shit i have bought. this has become some kind of weird obsession but i am obsessed with my outdoor garden and i have severe bipolar and gardening helps very very much. i get very very depressed in winter and i have realized this is all about a million different things but i will make a maximum effort to keep it simple and not stress this next grow like i did to this poor thing. AS FAR AS IM CONSCERNED, PEOPLE WHO GROW WEED HAVE SOMETHING MYSTERIOUS IN COMMON AND WHATEVER IT IS, ITS NONE OF MY BUSINESS. JUST KEEP GROWING UNTIL I CATCH ON FIRE OR GET REWARDED WITH GOOD SIZED DENSE BUDS THAT LOOK LIKE THEY SHOULD HAVE A BOW TIED AROUND THEM OR AT LEAST TAKE YOU OFF PLANET.
Aaaah che settimana ASSURDA. Ovviamente questo è tutto un work in progress, non si finisce mai di migliorare.. Adesso ho dovuto sostituire la luce cinese che mi si era rotta dopo 3-4 giorni, facendomi maledire la volta che ho deciso di andare low budget >:S Poi ho spento la ventola, che buttava dentro (eh si, perchè invertire i poli non fa effetto) aria fredda, e l'ho sostituita con una piccola stufa, che mantiene la temperatura costante sopra i 20°C. Primo di allora avevo 16-15°C costanti tutto il giorno, la terra non si è mai asciugata come si deve e le ragazze hanno avuto problemi a fare fotosintesi, probabilmente dovuta alla scarsa qualità dei led cinesi :( Iniziamo con un breve recap: La runtz auto è andata. Probabilmente è affogata :( Le tre auto del mio amico per lo stress di questi giorni sono entrate in fioritura! Mannaggia, mi sa che non ci tiro fuori neanche un bonsai :/ La girl scout cookies auto è germogliata nella serretta! Che bello, son cosi contento! Ho dovuto metterle una stampella per tenersi dritta, ma piano piano crescerà.. Le mie in veg, la banana sherbet e la critical 707, le trovate nel loro diario - purtroppo hanno avuto un arresto di crescita, dovuto a vari problemi di freddo e luce.. Le due gemelle Bruce Banner stanno bene, sembrano piante pronte a crescere in maniera gigantesca! E' probabile che una di loro la cederò ad un amico che mi restituirà poi dei cloni in futuro! La monster skittlez sta benone, una pianta che darà ottime soddisfazioni! Sembra un pò carente in qualcosa, ma mi darò un'altra settimana prima di cominciare a pensare di cambiare illuminazione o fertilizzanti.. Il mio amico dovrebbe prendere casa a inizio mese, spero che riesca a sistemarsi entro le prime settimane in modo che possa avere il tempo per far crescere ancora di qualche internodo prima di toppare e fare cloni per me e i miei amicissimi :))
11.týden 71 - den kontrola v pořádku 72 - den. Pohnojím všechny holky, kromě blackberry a brooklynu ty už jen vodou s ph - (5,8) 73 - den listy na autech začínají žloutnout. Jdeme do finále 74 den - kontrola trichomu kapesním mikroskopem. Trichomy se zdají být pořád nedostatečně jantarové 75 den - celoročky jsem dnes hnojil 😁 Blackberry gum, auto brooklyn a sleep proplachuji...
Bonjour à tous les padawans et maîtres jedis Je regrette de ne pas avoir su mieux doser l'engrais car cela a créé une carence qui aura un impact sur le rendement final de la plante C'est vraiment dommage car elle sent vraiment bon et ses buds de couleur pourpre ont l'air vraiment de qualité Je pense que malgré cela elle va tout de même m'offrir un rendement plus que correct
Bonjour à tous les padawans et maîtres jedis Debut du rinçage pour ma belle car les trichomes sont bien laiteux ils devraient ambrés bientôt Je procéderais à la récolte quand ceux ci seront ambrés à hauteur de 30% La plante est saine et dégage une bonne odeur chocolaté un vrai régal pour le système olfactif
First Time grower, growing in a DIY growbox made from cardboard and taped mylar on the walls, some PC fans and an arraged carbon filter, a cheap led light bought on Amazon. I'm curious to see what i can harvest. Planning to do some lst on week 3 and start feeding 8-6-6 npk on week 2
Disaster! I haven’t been able to see the plants for almost 3 weeks after catching Covid. This one looks like it hasn’t faired too well but we don’t give up. I had someone watering the plants for me but no nutrients. I’m guessing that’s why she’s crisped up so much. We will see, I’m back now and she’ll be getting some nutes on the regular. Fingers crossed we can get some nice bud.
These two plants were germinated and planted and then I caught Covid! So I haven’t seen these girls for 3 weeks. But they’re looking healthy. A feed of FishMix should help boost them. I did notice a bit of thrip damage on the leaves. Looks like these little bastards are back. So I have sprayed with canna cure and I will continue too every few days to try wipe them out before they do too much damage. But full steam ahead now the plants are the focus of my attention from now on!
I knew I was right not to give up on her. Wow what a transformation since I last seen her before catching Covid! She looks healthy as can be. Fingers crossed she can produce something nice for me.
Just pulled it today. Lots of pics to come and the weigh in. Going to update everything as I cure. Curing is going well. Speed dried a little as I’m impatient as hell. Pretty happy with the results. This White Widow strain is very good. Extremely resistant to bugs. I’ve dealt with a spider infestation throughout this grow and only got it under control in the last few weeks. Daily maintenance and cleaning got me through flower and I was able to pull this off. At harvest it was cut and immediately went into a bud wash to clean them up and remove any leftover mites, residue, etc. I usually do a bud wash, especially if it’s outdoor. If done properly it has no impact and I find it produces a smoother taste tbh. This was my second attempt at dwc. I’m very happy with it and will continue. I’ll update the weights when things are cured.
So nummer 4 ist am sonntag 24.01.21 auch in 0,25 l Topf gezogen finden sich alle ziemlich wohl in den Töpfchen mit der Erde hab den Ladys heute mal vita race aufgesprüht mal schauen was passiert..... Gibt es ja auch nur einmal pro Woche
Grew 12 inches in a few days wasn't prepared will be next time
Noticed PK deficiency in leaves so added 2 tablespoons on happy frog Bone Meal and 2 tablespoons on Down to earth... Week 9. Plants liked the added PK but damage was dealt plants getting a heavy flushing.