🏆 Last chance to vote!
Hey all welcome back to sort of week 12 or week 4 of flower! I have just got home and don’t no what to say...... gold leaf 1 has nanas that seam to have popped and could have wrecked the whole grow 😭 The girls are def hungry as you can see there is some yellowing of the leaves so they will be getting a good feed today and again in 3 days to keep them in the zone. They are stacking up and getting a little fatness to there buds. Frost levels are just starting to kick in and the tent is pungent!! Well the next few days will be spent watching for signs of any of the other plants turning male on us. Fair to say I’m a little gutted about now as I’m about to chop up a gold leaf that will produce over 4oz of dry buds fingers crossed this diary ain’t over
Scrog Is up & almost finished veg last week I presume . Friday I will flip to 12 12 even with the autoflower I've read there isn't a difference.
Day 1 soaked seeds for 18hrs. Day 2 seeds in dirt two seeds already popped in water and they where the auto's. Day 3 just keeping them moist and warm. Day 4 Northern lights came up and Great white shark came up. Watch these seeds sometimes the shell doesn't come off and you got to help it Northern lights shell was stuck and I took a tooth pick and helped it get it off. Day 5 Acapulco gold came up still waiting on Yumboldt auto and it had a tail on it when put in dirt.. Day 6 planted another Yumboldt auto seed directly in soil the other one was bad. So this one will be 6days behind others.
Updating of the diary was put on hold as had had some personal issues come up, still having to deal with them, so my priorities had been delegated but I will try to upload as regularly as poss.. How has everybody been!? Hope everyone is keeping well! Barry is doing fine. My diary says it's in one stage but if you took the time out to read this then, that simply wouldn't be true. Gelato #25 is in flush at the minute. Going to flush week by week and see how we get on. Looking frosty and the smell is amazeballs! :)
Giorno 49 Le adoro tutte e nel frigor ho ancora 4 semi di Rainbow Belts (guai se non clono questa pianta!!!) per quando sarò un pelo più esperto.Lime appena tocchi la cima poi sfreghi pollice e indice e si sente Zkittlez e come ultima cosa uva misto a qualcosa che ricorda un bagnoschiuma. Milk Monkey anche mi sta colpendo molto. Non sono molto bravo a volte col riconoscere vari odori ma è qualcosa di molto appiccicoso(quasi devo lavarmi le mani appena la tocco... Non oso immaginare l'hashish) e inizia a ricordarmi la gorilla glue #4. Ma c'è anche una nota cremosa quindi non vedo l'ora di fumarla per capire il suo gusto. Le due Zombie fenotipi completamente diversi. Pianta numero #1 prende sicuramente più dalla Sideral (Amnesia x Soma's Lavander) con odore di haze e la pianta numero #2 prende più dalla Bubba Kush (OG Kush x Strain sconosciuto) con odore terroso, legnoso e speziato. A settimana prossima per altre foto 😊🖐️
Doing great, flushed her today with 5 gal of ph'd water and started a new feeding schedule as seen above I will alternate watering and feeding. One week water one week feed. I'll keep this gradually increasing the strength of nutes. As far as everything as a whole couldn't be better. Looking forward to her bounty.
Test Mr Hide seeds / LM301B Bestva Quantum Board Estas Marías automáticas se han hecho enormes, tienen en promedio 1 metro de altura y a mi parecer no es porque se hayan estirado por falta de nutriente en la etapa vegetativa (me encantaría saber su opinión sobre esto al verlas). Aumenté la potencia del ventilador para que tengan más movimiento y potenciar el fortalecimiento de las ramas. El hecho que se hayan hecho tan altas, me hace pensar que con las flores pueda llegar a necesitar estar más robustas en las bases. Se ha utilizado agua llovida, que leyendo un poco indican que no tiene mayor beneficio si se almacena para utilizarla posteriormente (se convierte en agua dulce común), sin embargo he seguido utilizando. Les agradezco sus observaciones para logra identificar así los errores que cometo. Buenos humos y buenas vibras
23Aug This week I'm ramping up Top Max as per the feed schedule. 26Aug Spotting some calmag looking brown rusty spot on the top leaves of one of the plants (shortest one, furthest from the fans). Discovered after watering, but still fed it with 1L water pH 6.5 with 1.2mL/L calmag. I lowered the lights recently but they are not showing signs of light or heat stress. 29Aug Watering all with deficiency-strength calmag today to get ahead with the three others, just in case. Buds seem to have fattened a lot in 3 days. One girl is still showign calmag deficiency.
I Make 2L Nutrients at a time To always give fresh Nutrients I only water with nutrients Shake before watering. Mix 30/08/21: Kelpack 55ml 30/08 - New Nutrient mix - watered @ 5PM today to further stress Relieve - Excellent Health and Growth - Smelling Amazing! 31/08 - New Mix for flowering Boost week 3 flower Mix Umya Nutrients : Flora 2g; Carbon K 2g Moblend1g (stand 1H for micro Organisms) Calmag 1ml; Multi Amino 2ml Molasses 5ml; Kelpack 25ml - Watered @ 5pm 31/09 - Watered @ 5pm 01/09 - Watered @ 6:32pm 02/09 - got up this morning to some loud smelling MJ Lovin it 02/09 - Watered @ 5:45pm - Pistils Changing color RED 03/09 - Early morning mini Feed 250ml - Pistils Adding purple to color Changes - So turns out on closer inspection that these pistils are orange and dark red not purple as i thought before pic is at the top ^ (* Closer look) - Watered @ 8:45pm 04/09 - Watered @ 8am - Watered again @ 6pm 05/09 - Watered @ 11:46am 1L - added another 1L before she went to sleep today just to see how shed react - Walked into grow area and she's about to disturb the neighbors cause she's loud tonight ! - End of week 11
Me encantó la cepa y su facilidad de cultivo ! Aun que tuve muchos problemas ambientales y climáticos . Me atrasé unas 3 a 5 semanas con estas nenas , pero nos recuperamos bien ! Usamos malla scrog chilena #kanovicultivo , lo mejor que he usado en malla scrog , no se le comparan , su espacio preciso! . Las 4 comenzaron en pequeños vasos , luego de 1 a 2 semanas , trasplanté a macetero de 5.8lts , finalizaron 3 en maceteros textil 19lts y 1 en macetero de 20lts AirPot ! Comencé a brindarle 20hrs de luz / 4 hrs oscuridad , a la 3era semana 19hrs de luz y a la 5ta semana bajé hasta el 18 / 6 . Usé un panel QB de 480w regulables , chips marca Samsung de 3500k , chips epistar UV 660nm iR , el mix completo gracias a mi bro MKleds chile ! Se pasó ! De todas maneras recomiendo una potencia mínima de 600w ( QB LED ) para espacio de 120x .. Usé un bio estimulante chileno , que a mi parecer fue uno de los mejores que he visto y usado ! El grande #trichomemania , te cuento que este producto activa un mecanismo de defensa en la planta (SAR) , haciendo que reaccione y se trate de defender con mayor producción de resina , terpenos y tricomas ! Es increíble ! A los 24hrs tienes resultados , un saludo grande a los hermanos ! El mejor producto 10000000%.... Grande eva seed , buenisima esta cepa , me dí cuenta que si se deja madurar un poco más , su sabor es más frutal candy , exquisita cepa !.... Estamos probando con un papel de blunt organico 100% libre de tabaco marca *jamaican buzz*...al fumarla su efecto es notorio , enseguida viene el efecto psicoactivo y cerebral , se viene a la vista un tanto distorsionado el entorno ...la vision un poco más brillante , y a la vez relajado .. Hoy 18 de agosto estamos probando con un papel de celulosa organico marca lion rolling circus ( foto al final del album ) , quema bastante bien , al parecer ya está casi en su totalidad secado , combustión lenta , buen sabor afrutado citrico con toques candy diesel ...uuff efecto despues de 3 quemadas ya por los cielos , totalmente cerebral y estimulante , un gusto charlar con amigos ! Al manipular su fruto , la planta expele un olor afrutado con limon maduro y skunk , con finales de candy terra , una delicia , muy buena cepa , ahora mientras escribo me siento un tanto "mareado" con esa mitad de blunt ! Buenisinaaa!... ____ La verdad cuando comencé a cortar cada planta era como llenar "infinitamente" el armario donde dejaría secandola , se llenó casi la mitad y un poco más sólo con 1 planta cortada ! Increíble producción , yo estimo unos 90g por planta aprox , ya he consumido un buen peso además ...veremos en estos días que esté por completo su secado ! Esta riquísima , sus efectos fuertísimos ...100% ... ___ Una cosecha buenísima, muy parecido como obtengo resultados en comparación con el sodio , todo bien me gustó la experiencia !.... Además tuve la oportunidad de hacer extracción en seco de su materia vegetal . Obtuvimos entre un 18 a 20% de retorno ! Para mi primera vez , geniaaaal ! Su utilizó prensa de 12 toneladas , de apretó a 80°C por 4 minutos . . . Usen lemon king ! Una delicia .
Settimana dal 23-29/08/2021: Innaffiatura/Nebulizzato. Eliminazione di foglie in esubero. Aggiunta di 1 lombrico per mantenere un terreno adeguato, da ora in poi le dosi di fertilizzazione sarà minore. Tecniche LS/HST/Topping.