It's Harvesting Time and it's about that Time! Lol Very Divine!!! Total Dry Weight is Great and Huge!!! My Grow Tank Grow closet looked Phenomenally Bright and Totally Tight under these Magnificent Grow Lights! I Flushed her out 10 days before the Crop with 2 gallons a day with some Cold Declorinated Tap Water and let to dry for 7 days! I also Applied the Ancient Art of Stem Splitting 7 days before Harvesting to help finish her Up already with Extra Terpy Frosted Budz, then going into 48 hours of Darkness before chopping her down! Then, I Bud sprayed her with Milk Water and Bud washed!
This Awesome and Outstanding #Opium Grew the Distance and Got those Leaners Supported into her 14th W/Flower: No 14th Feed of #HumboldtCountysOwn this Week! I picked Up a pack of 32" bamboo skewers and staked her Up to help prevent her Bodacious Budz from breaking off! She's Packed, Stacked Up and Lights Upgraded!!! Cloned with my Steady's Saliva!!! We'll definitely Grow back to everything here soon! #Pre-Sexed 4/9/21 #Opium/#PabloEscobar *Fems* breed by Team #DivineSeeds #DivineSeedsSquad #DivineSeedsBreedingCompany I'm Very Excited and Extremely Gracious!!! These Cannabis plants are Camping out in the Closet for a week or so! Lol
My #PabloEscobar and #Opium *Fems* from #DivineSeeds Regs: SalamiLegF3's×2 and FireAlienRomulan look$ Outstandingly Awesome and Finished Up Phenomenally Fine into thier 9th week of Flower! Thanks Again for All the Love and Support my fellow Growmies and Growmets!!! These Magnificent and Magical Ladies were Growing in our 48×24×60 ViparSpectra Official Club 🌿 ®️ Grow Tent and under our #Osree QB1000w and #GrowStarQB1000w but Finished out in Flower under our #BloomPlus BP1500w! #TNBNaturals The Enhancer Co2 Despersal canister and ph'd them w/ Declorinated watering w/ TNB ph Up and Down! Totally Top Quality Topz all Around! Thanks Again #GallowGlas420 #HarleyGrower #thehumancannabiniod #AlienBloodGenetix #TNBNATURALS #divineseeds #divineseedssquad #divineseedsbreedingcompany #HumboldtCountysOwn #ThrivingDesign Family's and Teams!!! Your Genetics are Merry Magnificent, Mega Marvelous and Mighty Medical! Love um!!! I really Can't stress enough how Thankful and Grateful I am of All of you and what you've Shared with Us! Means the World!!! It's definitely a Pleasure being able to Grow with these Phenomenal Grow Lights! Please Enjoy! BudBrothers4-Life! Cheers Famz!!! Much Props and Much Topz!💯🔥#BloomPlus #GrowStar #Growatt #Osree #TNBNaturals #TNBTeam #HumboldtCountysOwn #GrowYourOwn #Bliss
Bloom Plus BP-4000
Bloom Plus BP-2500
Bloom Plus BP-1500
BloomPlus Instagram Link:
Thanks Again Broski #SmokinPlantaz for Hosting your Bright and Tight Amazon Prime Day #BloomPlus-1500w Giveaway! I'm still Blinded by the Light!!! Lol (Song Pun) it's Ultimately Lit, Extremely Powerful and Brilliantly Bright! I also Love and Appreciate Everyone out here! Please! Go Over and Spread That Love to my Bro's YouTube Channel and Team #BloomPlus on their Instagram! I'll have thier Links posted ⬆️⬇️! BudBrothers4-L!!! Cheers Famz!!! Much Props and Much Pars!💯
SmokinPlantaz YouTube Channel Link:
[email protected]
Phone: (707) 725-4119
Toll free: (866) 872-9434
Humboldt Bottling
Po Box 429 · Fortuna, CA 95540
HumboldtCounty'sOwn Website Link:
HumboldtCounty'sOwn Instagram Link:
The Grow Bags: https://www.as420