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Sept 25th a.m. - fed ea. Congo and Natural Mystic 1/2 volume H2o/ Molasses mix; C 2.75L / NM 2.5L - fresh LST where needed - light survey showed an imbalance with taller autoflower in the mix. It was LST’d into a lower profile and moved deeper into the corner. Light distance for the Congo etc is now dialed-in after a bit of a shuffle. *** reminder Oct 8 is Lights-Out *** 36 hrs of darkness 26th - followed-up on yesterdays LST and put some actual direction on the Nat Mystic Branches. Its a tightly spaced unit but the branches are getting into some open air now. Look-out for what happens next 27th, - everything looks great this morning. Big feeds tonight if soil allows; 6.5L congo / 6L NM ** topping observation ** In an effort to produce a 16 cola plant using Topping methods, i am in the middle of a side by side topping experiment, and it does look like one method, Does has an advantage over the other! Waiting for each branch to grow past its first Node, and then produce a second Node, this will be the place to top, once the plant grows Past this 2nd node, on each branch. What results is that you only snip each branch Once, after the original Topping. 5 snips will produce 16 Tops. Allow each branch to grow past the 2nd node, then Top. It will produce 4 nodes naturally on each branch. Better overall spacing/symmetry The other significant feature of this response, is that the Durban Poison was a full week behind the Congo & N.M., and it has caught-up and Passed the progress of the natural mystic. Both of these plants (congo/nm) used the extra topping on the upper branch, and its required longer periods for the 4 bud-sites to develop per branch and extend away from the plant. It required more delicate fiddling than the (d)Urban Poison. **** - short video of the Tent uploaded this morning - no feed tonight, too moist 29th a.m. - soil said Go this morning; 6.5L h2o/nutes for the congo & 6L for the natural mystic - Collected details from N.M. & Congo run-off - pulled Northern Light express auto from the tent and replaced her with a 3.5 week old Green Mountain Grape. Move was done to help acclimatize to the cmh lite, ahead of Flower BONUS, you can actually see a bit of a droop on the Congo leaves… this mornings feed was 2 days overdue; the pot was actually lite & confirmed for me the condition of the soil is OK and not waterlogged. Pushed her a little bit towards a Drier Bottom since her last feed. Nice to see that as I crank it up - GMG has been super-cropped on the 28th, to help establish an even canopy - Slip, Snap, lost a Cola. Even though it was the runt, its gonna be missed 30th - OK, did a little homework last nite and the timing could not be better for me, with regards to Flushing 3 plants, ahead of the move into Flower. This stems from capturing some of the run-off after a bigger feed. What resulted is I found a high EC value on the Natural Mystic (3200) that indicates a build-up of Salts in the soil. The Volume 33% says its a bit much… i have been aggressive in my nutrient values but its been incremental. Regardless N.M. gets a quick bath to flush out this bit o History. Congo had less liquid come through but was still an elevated value (EC 2300) and will receive a Flush as well. ((d)URBAN POISON barely had any liquid come out. It will be flushed as well. Call it a tune-up, I’m in. * should anybody see something from those results that I’m missing or misinterpreted… Id be happy to hear about it. Please & Thanks pH probably has something to do with it too, but I don't care right now Effluent details: -Nat Myst released 2L out the bottom after being fed 6L : I’m going to reduce the volume of Water & Nutes fed, targeting 15% run-off. (5L next feed) -Congo released 600ml after 6.5L was fed; Which is a reasonable amount in active use; close to 10% - with height a constant issue in a tent, in my basement… i’m super happy with how low this whole grow has stayed through Veg. Kinda shocked actually… pic #23 - flushed Natural Mystic w/ 20 gallons water - (the little kids pool that I inflate, to flush-in… of course, sprouted a whole shitload of leaks in the Bottom when I was about 18 gallons in. And Yeh, the discharge hose on my electric pump DID COME OUT OF THE SINK DRAIN, 2x. I had water everywhere lol. Actually out in the garage taking care of things right now) Oct 1 - last day week 7 - re-applied the pins holding Nat Mystic in place. She is damp, Healthier & Hungry soon; target = 2 Meals b4 Lights-out. With Congo flush 100% happening… both Meal volumes tbd - been a busy week & things are about to change again. Learnings impact all the different grows. I’ve never flushed Mid-grow; and I’m liking-it !
Eccoci di nuovo qui!!! Super eccitato per questa nuova collab con Exotic Seed, team davvero al top, che mi ha dato l’opportunità di testare questa nuova genetica e di condividere i progressi con tutti voi!!! Come sempre partiamo nei bicchieri per poi travasare.. Questa volta verrà svolto tutto sotto la Lumatek Zeus 465 ProC, mi aspetto molto da questo ciclo!! Non sono cime, SONO CERVELLI!!! Incredibile come questa piccola sia cresciuta, mi ha sorpreso molto in quanto è in un vaso molto piccolo con poca terra ma nonostante tutto ha fatto una crescita devastante!!! Grazie a tutti per il supporto ❤️🍀🔥
Pflnazen wurden die Woche in 100% Coco umgetopft. 20l stofftöpfe Eine Pflanze wurde aussortiert. Mal schauen wie sie das umtopfen vertragen.
Eccoci di nuovo qui!!! Super eccitato per questa nuova collab con Exotic Seed, team davvero al top, che mi ha dato l’opportunità di testare questa nuova genetica e di condividere i progressi con tutti voi!!! Come sempre partiamo nei bicchieri per poi travasare.. Questa volta verrà svolto tutto sotto la Lumatek Zeus 465 ProC, mi aspetto molto da questo ciclo!! Purtroppo ho perso i file delle scorse settimane e dovrò reiniziare il report da ora scusate per il disagio Pianta davvero incredibile, straborda di resina!!! Sembra nevichi su di essa tutti i giorni, MOSTRUOSA!!! Ora ha manifestato tutto il colore viola tirandolo fuori sulle prendi sole una pianta davvero spaziale! Grazie a tutti per il supporto ❤️🍀🔥
Eccoci di nuovo qui!!! Super eccitato per questa nuova collab con Spliff Seed, che mi ha dato l’opportunità di testare questa nuova genetica e di condividere i progressi con tutti voi!!! Come sempre partiamo nei bicchieri per poi travasare.. Questa volta verrà svolto tutto sotto la Lumatek Zeus 465 ProC, mi aspetto molto da questo ciclo!! Pianta davvero incredibile, molto vigorosa e super resinosa.. Manca pochissimo e ci siamo, sono molto curioso del raccolto!! Grazie a tutti per il supporto ❤️🍀🔥
Eccoci di nuovo qui!!! Super eccitato per questa nuova collab con Kannabia Seed Company, team davvero al top, che mi ha dato l’opportunità di testare questa nuova genetica e di condividere i progressi con tutti voi!!! Come sempre partiamo nei bicchieri per poi travasare.. Questa volta verrà svolto tutto sotto la Lumatek Zeus 465 ProC, mi aspetto molto da questo ciclo!! Ma che colori ha?! Davvero senza parole complimenti TEAM!! Grazie a tutti per il supporto ❤️🍀🔥
Buenas a tod@s... Cuarta semana de las runtz x layer cake de barneys farm... Bueno está variedad va creciendo muy bien, se la ve fuerte, sus hojas tienen libertadad de expresión x q son un poco desordenadas, me encanta verlas crecer y ver qué de a poco yo tanbm voy viendo resultados en mi de aprendizaje, eso me ayuda y me insentiva, más aya de los errores que podamos tener, lo importante es disfrutar de lo q a uno le gusta hacer, y este trabajo me encanta... Quedan semanas x ver crecer a estas nenas y ver lo hermosas q se ponen día a día... A seguir trabajando... 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻⚡⚡⚡😎⚕️ Buenos humos para tod@s... 🔥💨 🇦🇷🤝🏻🇪🇦
PAR- 472.0 R-211.9 G-170.4 B-89.7 DLI - 30.59 Week 4. These weeks are flying by, I just got back from a family vacation and they're are looking wonderful. excited for these autos!
Die dritte Woche der Blüte startet und die Ladies bekommen ihre Mischung aus Orgatrex und Bactrex. Auch hier deaktiviere ich rechtzeitig die Bewässerung, gebe erstmal die Hälfte der Nährstoffe und ein paar Tage später die andere Hälfte. (Die Red Mandarine bekommen die selbe Behandlung, nur eine Woche nach hinten versetzt.) Die Ladies haben einige Blätter verloren und ein zweites Netz bekommen - das Leben ist ein geben und nehmen. Die Lampe läuft auf ca 170w Leistung.
Всем привет, на связи Мистер Грут, решил тут показать свои творения, возможно кому то будет интересно, такие гровы больше ради удовольствия, тут будет 3 сорта, сорт Partizan нету в списке и я не могу добавить После суток замачивания, помещаю орешки на пророст, надеюсь будут живые Очень рад, что все орехи дали корешок, помещаю их в шприцв 50мл, закрыв черной изолентой от проникновения света
Tried to run a lamp at 650 watts unfortunately it was getting to hot in the tent. So this run will probably be a test run off mostly 480 watts. I think 550 led would be a sweet spot, but I don’t have an idea of how to run it like this. Maybe I will buy a new lamp that is fully adjustable. I removed some of the biggest fan leaves that shaded lower branches. It was kind of early at 16-17 day of flower. I hope it will halt the stretch a little and let the lower branches catch up a bit. Blue zushi no 1 and b-45 no 3 are the most eye catching right now with thick branches and big flowers forming. Immediately after removing some leaves they started to point the leaves upwards. I think it’s clearly a stress response. Slight praying is a good sign but very upward leaf position clearly indicate some kind of problem. 4.03 Blue zushi #1 is clearly a beast, not to tall, thick stems, huge balls of early flowers. Aroma is insane straight up skittles with extra twist, just amazing. 💚 B-45 on the other hand has some deepest purple hues I’ve seen so far. I think she’s going to be a true looker.
Start of Week 3 flower | cut only 2-3 leaves blocking light | stretch is done End of Week 3 flower l gave them another light defoliation to have the whole canopy reaching light | buds really start to form rapidly | smell is also really nice Currently running : 28° C at 50% rlf 630 - 750 ppfd 1200ppm CO2
Este es el principio de la semana 2, justo ese mismo día hice transplante que lo subiré hoy jejeje, hice mezcla de sustrato+super soil 100l
Ladies and gentlemen, today is day 27, and this girl is doing great.. i just gave her a feeding around the rim of the pot .. she's leaning a little bit because my eternity grow plant is taking up all the tent, and this poor little girl is struggling to get light.. She's looking good though she will prevail and I believe end up being a great plant.. Kannabia seeds much appreciated. You guys are great genetics, so far doing great as well.. God bless everybody and happy growing ✌️. P.s i'm unable to upload the maxibloom nutrients in the general hydroponic silica that she's getting as well..