The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Welcome growers Week three of flowering for these SORBET#4 🌿🌿🌿🍧 Two of the three girls are quite fast in producing buds and you are already starting to feel a sweet and particular aroma.. There is also a bit of purple coloring here and there and above all several trichomes have already appeared 💯 One of them, on the other hand, is visibly slower and has no strange colors In any case As seen in the video, the most evident thing these days was a massive defoliation ✂️✂️✂️🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃 Honestly, I never use such an aggressive technique.. This time I decided to practice it on all the plants I have in the garden (10 visible in the diaries + 8 regular all female) out of pure curiosity to see how each of them will react It's a bit of a controversial method, but it's trying and seeing what happens Let's hope so 🍀 I immediately start a more massive fertilization.. Next week we will see how they will be 😉 About nutrients 👇 I still giving their always organic/veganic nutrients.. A little bit of silicium (Bionova) / Crescita (Biomagno) / Activera (Biobizz) / Grow vegan (Bionova) / The Missing Link (Bionova) / X-Cell (Bionova) / Bioheaven (Biobizz) , a little bit of P-K 3-5 (Bionova) /Fioritura (Biomagno) / Bloom vegan (Bionova) and now i have introduced Biomassa (Biomagno) and Florastimo (Biomagno) Basically these nutrients contain primarily NPK in organic / vegan form + kelp extracts, humic and fulvic acids, amino acids, aloe vera, potassium silicate, beneficial bacteria and fungi Like i usually do, a little bit of everything at any watering 💧 And that's all.. See you in week n°4 🌻 Thanks for stopping by 😎👍👍 FC ✌️ 🇮🇹
This week we lost one of the Slurricane due to rotten root that were caused by the electricity blackout. Other plant were doing fine. Hope everything will be good until harvest.
09/22/2022 had to harvest early because of but rot, powdery mildew, bud smells incredible, but I had root issues it had very weak root system, probably my fault for starting her so late in season. I will definitely try again in spring, I might get a couple joints off her but not much more. Again I will take the blame for I did not give her a fair chance.
Cette semaine les plantes grossissent, il y a de beau sujet. 💚J'ai encore un peu de difficulté pendant la germination et cela se voit. J'ai installé l'ensemble des lumières pour la dernière semaine de végétation.🌱 Attention aux tubes d'irrigation ils peuvent se boucher, nettoyer les buses.👨‍🌾🏼
Looks like she might be starting to Flower only been 5 days
Been saving this one she goes to flower Sunday Morning!! Her flower box is ready we will be trying 12 on 6 off to see if it is shortness of the day that causes flowering Just to finish door pannel but it ready for Now
Bonjour a toute et tous alors voilà première plante couper normalement je lui aurait laissé encore 5 jours mais la plante commencé à tomber par terre et j aime pas que les tête trainent dans la poussière 😀 donc j ai couper hier la première cherry cola et demain la 2eme suivi de la gorrila x purple punch mais pour les prochaine j ai le temp (elle tiennent debout encore) je vais completer le journal cette après-midi voilà voilà bonne journee.. Et voilà la 2eme cherry cola à été couper aussi et quel beauté !!! Cristallisation au top , odeur sucrée que j adore (vraiment c est une de mes autofloraison fast bud que je préfère !! Si vous ne l avez pas tester je vous conseille de le faire (ils ont pas menti en disant (modern master pièce) Bon comme dit sur le journal gorrila x purple je ne peut pas peser le poids humide (plus de pile dans la balance) Mais je vous mettrez le poids sec dès 3 plantes qui sont entrain de sécher.. Et d ici la les strawberry x gorrila et dos i dos auront fini leur flusch .. Voilà c est tous pour aujourd'hui les amis.. Petite update vue que j vien de mettre la première cherry cola en bocale avec un jolie 88g sec et trimer se qui est pas mal du tout si on prend en compte que j ai du la recolter une semaine avant sa sœur vue quel ne tenais plus Voilà voilà les plantes on été sécher et mis en bocale j ai obtenu 170g (sec ) De têtes bien dense et couvert de trichomes vraiment un bag-apeal de folie!!
Shes chugging along like a steam engine! I'm so excited to have this in my arsenal. I'm also very content with the way she handled the LST. I'm sure she would be very tall without the training all of that energy would have went to the main cola. Shes budding quickly at this stage shes very happy with less soil than more as it dries quickly I hope others learn this as well. I've found using less soil is producing my largest autos with fox farm ocean forest. It's not how deep the roots go but rather how wide. Check back next week to see just how fast she buds & remember its 4:20 somewhere!!!!!!
She grew a foot in the last week and I'm a little nervous I might have made her too big. Hopefully I'll be able to keep her nice and healthy as she grows closer to the heat 😊
This quite possibly may be the best diary I have ever ran. It's most likely my personal best autoflower. It's not big from a yield perspective but I think I reached max potency. Sometimes when you really hit what a strain wants the results can be amazing. The colors on this lady are absolutely beautiful. Like fall colors in the Adirondacks!!!!! This time of year our leaves outside are loaded with anthocyanins & carotene & xanthophyll the same chemicals that cause our wonderful buds to get thier colors & hues. I know these 3 chemicals very well because I am an arborist & care for trees as a career. I hope you enjoy this very special diary & check back next week to see just how fast she finishes up! In the meantime remember its 4:20 somewhere!!!!
Hope you are enjoying this diary it's really been enjoyable & a learning experience. This is why I always run different soils. I from now on will probably be running autos with less soil but using mostly fox farm ocean forest. It's been a blast watching these plants thrive under ac infinity controls. The only thing I can mess up is watering and feeding (easier than you think). I'm also finding autos can deal with less light intensity overall. I hope you are enjoying these diaries please use them as a tool to learn from any mistakes I have made. Check back next week to see just how fast she buds. & remember its 4:20 somewhere!!!!!!
coming along nicely, this one did not like the low temps. I found 1 bud with some rot on it, cut that out. NO PWM thanks to the foliar sprays of Si. Buds did not grow much from last week to this one due to cold temps. This is an indoor strain here or its going to need to be crossed with something that likes the cooler fall temps.
En voilà une de moins se n ai pas la plus grande du jardin mais c été la plus rapide !! 8 semaine demain. Autrement je passerai remplir le journal quand la plante sera sèche avec le poids etc etc.. Voilà la gorrila x purple punch à sécher et à été mis en bocale j ai recolter un petit 40g sec (pas mal vue la forme de la plante et ces branches toutes fine ) Par contre l odeur est magnifique sa sent le chewing gum fruit des bois sur un fond de canelle , café,très sucrée vraiment une odeur forte mais très agréable (je pense donc refaire cette strain très vite mais cette fois si avec toping .lst etc histoire de gonfler les chiffre;)
So 3rd time and so happy again this is the best auto I’ve ever grown I think that’s about 50 chemdawg seeds I’ve planted and it always comes out the same very strong genetics this has