hey again, good news and bad news. i fixed the nutrient burn and the calmag works great with the silicon, also have changed the ph to 6.1 now that it's starting to flower. I also started training it and clipped a few leaves that were blocking nodes. I tied them down on the tomato ring and hopefully it'll give me a nice shape. now the bad news... I snapped the top growth when trying to tie it down. I thought the top could get the best use out of low stress training but one snapped almost completely off an the other a slight tear. I propped the more damaged one up so that it won't need to move much to get some sun, I'll be giving a little more cal mag and any nutes that will promote healing and immunity. I also got some botanicare sweet berry mineral nutrients to help with the bloom, i ordered a lemon as well for this but I will use a few waterings with the berry first and when the lemon arrives, I will use that for this plant. overall both damaged stems are fine and hopefully the nutrient measurements will heal it fine while training. welp, see ya