🌱Transplant to seedling pot ✓
💧 Fertigation commenced at 0.4EC | 6-6.4pH
💡 schedule adjustment to include 6H of darkness.
D1 (📅1st May) - I'm a sucker for neat timing and appreciated the bonus of being able to start my bean counter from the first of a month. It's the little things. Both 🌱's took their time pushing above ground - fault of the grower as I am confident I buried the sprouted seeds unnecessarily deep into the coco pellets. They just seem so delicate in their early days!
D4 - roots visible through both coco pellets. Transplant both seedlings to jiffy pots, pre-saturated at EC 0.4 pH | 6.1.
💡 Schedule adjusted: 24/0 →18/6. Will be mindful of any signs of resistance or enthusiasm towards the addition of a 6H dark period to inform future decisions concerning optimizing early light schedules.