Of the 7 seeds, 5 successfully germinated and were placed in seedling soil in solo cups. Seedlings popped up on May 18th. Hoping to give the plants a full 18 hours during their early stage, I channeled my inner Ricky from TPB and built a make shift grow tent. I used a survival blanket to retain as much light as possible, a small space heater on fan mode to circulate air and a cheap grow light from Home Depot. Although far from ideal, it was nice being able to keep them under light all day, especially when it was raining. By the end of the week they were about 3cm tall and started growing their first real leaves.
@Rock_n_Roll_Randy, I'm using Nature's Care Organic Potting Mix. I received the same advice from an experienced grower I know and have since reduce the amount of water. This has made a world of difference and the plants are thriving!
Vos plantes ont l'air en très bonne santé. L'air frais et le soleil naturel les feront prospérer. Meilleurs voeux pour le reste de votre récolte et profitez des récompenses de la récolte. 😎👌