Week three started off strong but the plants quickly became unhappy with their small pots. The major leaves began to droop and one of the plants began to turn yellow. I was very busy this week but finally found the time to transplant them, sure enough, the roots were beginning to accumulate at the barrier of the cups. Their final pots are Root Farm Felt 23.9L pots. I was told these pots help with providing oxygen to the roots and provide good drainage to help prevent rot.
@Rock_n_Roll_Randy, I'm using Nature's Care Organic Potting Mix. I received the same advice from an experienced grower I know and have since reduce the amount of water. This has made a world of difference and the plants are thriving!
Vos plantes ont l'air en très bonne santé. L'air frais et le soleil naturel les feront prospérer. Meilleurs voeux pour le reste de votre récolte et profitez des récompenses de la récolte. 😎👌