July 1: Very hot weather across Western Canada this week reaching 35-40C. Plants have grown considerably and now starting to form flowers. Thoroughly watered in with well water. Odor is developing nicely and very strong. I can smell this girl from across the field. Frost is already forming. Buds should pack weight and stack over the coming month.
@NorthernAutos, lol, yep. Best autos I've grown are Mephisto and FastBuds 😎🔥. Going out today with some feminized Double Grape pollen to make seed stock for next year👌
It’s crazy hot right now. And about five weeks ago the problem was freezing overnight temps….these plants have experienced about a 40 C range this year. I’m spraying water on a hail net to let it evaporate and mostly just hoping they make it. Will also use some kelp extract as several online sources recommend this to recover from heat stress.
@Northern_Ent, thanks for the ideas/input. Interested to see how this turns out. Indeed heat stress will be a factor. Unfortunately I tend to these only once a week. Watered in heavily last weekend and soil generally had good moisture content already. Should be ok. Risk now is whether extreme heat stunts veg growth and the plant goes into survival mode and puts all energy into reproduction/flowering...