Yield and bud structure.
This plant was a little fussy from early on, showing Calcium problems from about day 13 due to environmental conditions. Being a lot shorter than the TPFV she was topped less times for 8 colas and grew into a bush with nice symmetry. She carried on being fussy for a while and I ended up over feeding her while trying to meet the Tropicanna Poison's needs but she fared well. My aim was to do all pruning before switching to 12/12 for minimum stress as the flowers developed. But I never took enough from her lowers at that time and ended up having to prune small lower shoots off as she developed into flowering mode. This was done very steadily in a stress free way over a couple of weeks, but will surely have cost me in yield from wasted energy that could have been directed to the tops earlier. However, she still yielded 79g of very sweet smelling buds with large stacking calyx and the top buds being quite firm, the lowers being more squishy. Steady defoliation was carried out through flowering to allow more light to the lowers, but with the plant being quite short and the LED on low power it didn't quite cut it. Still, I'm pleased with the yield for the size of the plant :) In hindsight I think she'd have done better with the CMH overhead instead of the LED on low power.