Started with a bit of powdery mildew sprayed her with ph 9.0 water and ordered some hydrogen peroxide. She has a few amber glands now. Could finish anytime now. Very strong aroma smelly garden at times but not to bad
8.8.21 2.5L bottom ph6.4
10.8.21 2.5L bottom ph6.1
12.8.21 2.5L ph6.1
14.8.21 2L bottom ph6.1
14.8.21 sprayed ph 9.0 water because of powdery mildew
woah those look sooo gorgggg! nice grow man, do you by any chance have any extra mephisto seeds? if so do you think i could get just one. Im from virginia and we just legalized weed in july and i really wanna start growing๐