So any suggestions to help prevent bud rot and bugs ? I know some are inevitable and other than a few now and again I've been extremely lucky and has been crazy humid. Just don't want my work ruined once they start flowering
Dependerá de tu genética la resistencia a hongos y humedad que tenga, de igual manera prueba con tricodermas, son hongos que se alimentan de hongos malos 💞
Hi there, using neem oil as a foliar spray and an additional supplement to your watering will really help keep pests at bay naturally and organically. Neem oil will also help prevent powdery mildew from forming on your plants. I always use neem oil as a natural organic shield for any bugs that might be thinking about looking for some snacks. Look into it! ☺️
Omg do I ever feel ya! So an ipm program that’s safe for flower and airflow is about all you can do when outdoors! It’s a dice roll! You can use Athena IPM and or Dr Zymes the day before harvest. I do/would spray them at least twice a week at sundown to help with the PM, Mold, and botrytis. Safe for flower. (And bud wash outdoor anyway). And spread them out if you can for better airflow. These help with the bugs too! I feel ya! ✌️🏻💚🌿💨
So I'm not too worried because it wasn't in flower and if you notice 2 branches fused that why it looks like 3 branches when there's only 2. Was going to put honey on it, tape it, and post it and put a scrog over the all of them. Any other suggestions
Yeah I would probably tape it with floral tape for sure, but also get a smaller tomato cage to support the branches once they start to flower so it doesn’t break anymore. They are tough plants ✌️🏻💚🌿💨
Front left is a Sunken Treasure Mac Stomper ( was just an inch or two smaller in size as the two in the middle but did Not spray it with Prime Superior root enhancer and it seems like it just took) Front abd back middle Sunken Treasure Purple Heart and big lady on the far right is a clone that has been dug up and revegged and is a THC Bomb. One of my favorites is back left botanical Sour Warhead and hidden in the back right is a Barneys Purple Punch auto. See hairs on the clone and the two big Sunken Treasures i feel are 90% female but not positive yet.