Week started off bad but ended up great. My plants were weak in calcium and magnesium so I put in 1tbs/Gal of Epsom salt into the top of all the soil and watered it down with a PH of 6.7 to raise the PH level from 5.8 closer to 6.2 - 6.5 and it worked marvelously as you can see from the pictures. One stem broke off during training and another snapped so I have tried to tape it together and so far it's holding together very well. I got rid of one other plant because it was growing very slow and replaced it with another seed I found in a bag. I'm super excited to see what happens next week!
Hey! Happy growing my friend! I hope you do well and get some good results! I will come by sometime to see your progress! Keep on growing!
If you ever visit my page please say hello!
Peace & love L.S.T ๐โค๏ธโ๐ฅ