Diary Legend:
💧- Watered
🌱- Seedling
🥦- Vegging
🌷- Flowering
🌲- Cut Down
🍃- Defoliation
✂️- Topping or FIM'ING
🚂- Training (LST)
💩- Fertilized
🆕🏠 - New Home (transplant)
12/29/21: Day 64. Trichome production is kicking into full power. The lemon smell is really starting to shine. Hopefully that remains through harvest, but I won't be disappointed if it evolves into more of a kush smell.
1/3/22: Day 69. 💧 Watered heavily, as it was very droopy. It is nearing the time to add in another round of nutrients. I'll get to that during the next watering.
1/4/22: Day 70. Plant has bounced back from the watering nicely, no more limp branches and wilted leaves. I need to start keeping to a regular schedule, so as to not let this happen again.