Blumats went out for some odd reason. Will fix it tomorrow on my day off. Will hand water and give them tea then reset em all. Wont get to see the dirt as a true water only now but owelp. The garlic storms are Some stretchy bi*tches lol. The one hit the light and the other ain't far off.
What's the best wifi controller to get so I can control lights, humidity, and temps from work? I was thinking about getting 2 Niwa growhubs. Just figured I'd ask u fine people before I actually committed to anything tho.
I don't use that but just had a look at it and it seems quite good for the price. Leave this question up for a few days to see if anyone is using one. I would only buy one if someone can recommend it mate. Good luck.
@WolverineGreens,🤣😂🤣😂seems like when someone gets hurt first we laugh then we jump into action... Glad they're alright an u got a laugh out of it1😅🏆🏆💯💯💯💯
@Rodamis_Prime, it's just practice so it's all good. And I'm pretty sure u just implied that all volleyball are tall and thick and that just ain't right🤦...I'd thank u for taking your anti vball agenda elsewhere sir. Hahahahaha
This slurricane is Awesome, I'm drying a slurricane by Anesia Seeds and it is good too. Anesia one seems to be more indica.
You did an excellent job.
Sweet hugs from us ❤️
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Chilling_Racoons 👨🌾👩🌾