so this time i didn't want to overwater and wanted as good a start with roots as possible so they're good and strong when I move them outside. Misting morning and night, probably 5-10 pulls on the mister. Hopefully its not too little this time! Started 1ml/L root juice on day 1 and upped to 4ml/L by day 3.
Ended up getting an 80w cfl to take them through the first few weeks before hardening off. Made a reflector for the lamp and painted it white - i've read that white paint is pretty good but tbh it doesn't look to me anything like as effective as mylar would be. They're only in there for a couple weeks though so my thinking is that they won't need a huge amount of light anyway.
the 2 big buds grew fine. Both criticals didn't shed their seeds. one i pulled off and i think i damaged it because the cotyledons looked healthy but there were no other leaves. the other i kept dropping water on the seed to soften it, it dropped the shell but the cotyledons were glued together. not gonna waste time with these two so pulled them and started another couple seeds for grow 3. next time i will leave them in water for 24hours to soften and use the paper towel method instead of straight into soil.