One more week of blooming and the girls seem to have grown 20cm taller. Well the Purple ones are the smallest, and they seem to be a bit slow, unhappy. I can't exactly tell how to help them. They look pale, as if they are lacking Nitrogen, while the other girls look fine.
I've cleaned the tank this week and added fresh nutrients, minus "Roots", and now the water seems to be staying cleaner. There are for sure some organics in the Roots, making the water murky and slimy.
I'm still fitting to keep the Ph down all the time.
I started giving them some Silica to get them nice and strong.
I was considering for some time to get a camera instead of taking shots with my phone. Luckily I was visiting a friend in the weekend, he's a photographer, and he offered me to buy his old camera 👌
I'm quite happy with it! :D
Thanks for stopping by, see you around, and happy growing! 😉
Thanks! I'm also crossing my fingers for them, as so far they seem to be the least happy(considering size and color of the leaves) out of the bunch.
Your problem was the size of container.
Your roots got bound and was slowly suffocating your plant.
The stunted growth was an indicator of a transplant.