
Oaxacan gold X Yunnan

3 years ago
Oaxacan gold X Yunnan Landrace
Room Type
weeks 1-2
weeks 2-12
Grow medium
Expanded Clay
Grow medium
Grow medium
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 5
11 hrs
Light Schedule
8+ conditions after
KNF fermented grass juice
12 ml/l
Egg shells dissolved in
2 ml/l
Wood ash water
2 ml/l
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
Redbudaquaponics Redbudaquaponics
3 years ago
She is really filling out the bud sites now and I think she is slowing in her stretch. Mid week I flipped to 11/13 light schedule. She is taking a long while to shoot out pistol hairs and I suspect she is like her mother and wants to flower a little longer under 12/12. The plan is by next update I’m going to add about 1.5lb of crushed malted barley as a top dressing to finish the girl through flower. I checked ppm once with the ferments, vinegar/egg shell and ash water and they only add about 80ppm. But with the large bed of soil and how the cover crop and mulch interact with the worms and soil biology. I think we are not going to need anything else to keep this girl happy through flower.
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1Right_Angleweek 4
Lovin that Organic approach. I get closer to it daily. Noticing you run a really cool Temp 18c ! Thats the lowest I’ve seen as normal operating temp. I’m slowly dropping mine from desert conditions ha, wondering whats behind such a low temp ! And Thanks
@Redbudaquaponics, Kudos on a nice grow... Enjoy that Oaxacan +
@Redbudaquaponics, kudos for maintaining the grow in a tough environment. Treating & creating conditions. Even in my basement, the tents are on 3” styrofoam… Cold is a good form of birth control, it works on plants too ha. Love the Colours Bro, giv’r
@1Right_Angle, it’s mainly due to the weather. This setup is in an uninsulated shop. The shop has a filled attic so it has that going for it. I have one exhaust fan on the outside top of this tent exhausting out. I seal it up right and have a 4x4x8 and a 2x4x5 beside this tent with exhaust hoses going from them to this tent. In both of those I have plants, lights and 1 600w floor heater each so I’m exhausting warm are into the tent always. I’m guessing the temps to be honest but I’m sure it gets pretty cold. You can see the purple cold stress.
Kynarethweek 10
good luck!!
CrazyHorseweek 10
Beautiful flowers 😇 Happy flowering mate 😇 💪 🙏
LegacyMarketFarmweek 12
Hey man these are some absolutely beautiful plants, You sure did a great job on this harvest. If I may offer a few small words of advice, Cannabis plants love heat and humidity. It is the buds that hate it, I noticed through out your grow your temps are a little on the low side. Through veg we like to get more vigorous growth from the plants by looking for temps in the low 80's with lights on and no more than 9 degrees less when the lights are off. When we are in flower, 80 max for the first few weeks then after weeks 4 to 6 we drop that down to 77 and begin widening the gap between lights on and lights off temps. Buds will form big above 80 degrees but be very airy and prone to fox tail. Around 77 with lights on we get a more dense formation and more cake will develop. Too cold though and we sacrafice a lot of that size. I would try upping your temps slightly to try to get a mixture of size and density. Beside that youre doing everything great man keep it up. If you got a minute check out my 200 light 7,000 plant diary and follow my profile. The facility in my diary uses the same slow cold dry / cure method in 8x40 sea cans with 3 ton A/C's & dehu's set to 65%.
@Redbudaquaponics, Understandable! sometimes you got to do the best with what you have. I've encountered similar things in the past. I've used buckets of water to help humitidy waiting to afford/waiting in the mail for Humidifier. Space heaters for the greenhouse cause it's been too cold out etc. If you're ever wondering about something/ Have any questions just message me and I'll help as best as I can! Happy Growing!
@LegacyMarketFarm, Absolutely my friend. This particular test grow was not in a temperature controlled environment. The building was a non insulated shop area and so just keeping the temps above freezing was all we could do lol. Temps probably even dipped lower from time to time than what I stated. So this plant had a lot against it temperature wise but I think did surprisingly well otherwise.
cannapassionweek 12
Nice job 👌
OrganicNature420week 12
Looks 🔥👍🏻💚🌱
Redbudaquaponicsweek 12
For anyone interested. I had a sample lab tested and plenty of edible and smoke report. Pretty fuel like with some skunky ness. High is very uplifting and happy. No couch lock but good for body aches. Total cannabinoids: 14.4941% Total active cannabinoids: 13.076 THC: 12.3711% CBD: 0.0404198% Not the highest THC numbers but it is a good one for sure.