FD36 - True to form I completely forgot to take any pics before the lights were out. The third week in a row. I'm detecting a pattern... lol
FD37 - Pics!
FD38 - Today, I was proactive in trying to prevent botrytis (budrot) since I have had problems in the past when temperatures and humidity get too high in late flower.
I started with defoliating hard by removing fan leaves. That should lower the humidity in the tent as there are fewer leaves to transpire moisture, and also increase the airflow around the buds.
Finally, I put my small humidifier in the tent to further lower the humidity.
FD41 - The anti-humidity measures are working. The tent went from an average RH in the high 60s to the high 40s. (The average RH in the last 24 hours was 48.9%.) I'm happy with that, which should be enough to avoid budrot. Better safe than sorry, so I did additional LST to open up the plants and thus increase the airflow around the buds. It's also helpful to increase light penetration, so win-win.
FD42 - We're at the end of the sixth week of flower, and things are chugging along in the tent. The buds are slowly fattening up, but it will take some time before they are done.
There isn't much to do in the tent this late in flower besides watering. Today, each girl got 2.5-liters of water @ pH 6.5.
@love_2_grow, I’ve got a cbd vienti uno elite from canuk goong right now , it’s a whopping 20 percent CBD with one percent thc I think. I’ll follow this and we can see how cbd plants attitudes are, first time I try growing a all cbd strain 🤓
@Coopmc, The Blumat tensiometers are great as they allow me to constantly monitor the moisture level in the soil. Ideally, I would also use a Blumat system but as I can't afford any water leakage I'm stuck with hand watering for now.
I’ll post the cbd plant in my next journal entry, and I find your write up on ganja to Be detailed ,unique and interesting (will hope to learn much from you) peace and have a excellent day/week——
❤️ togrow