Interesting how the size and maturity of them have been. They are all planted on the same day and same everything. I do have 3 strains in the tent. I will label them as well
I have questions on the plant in the back left and I also added comments. I am pretty sure they were females but I am curious as to the look at how it is presenting. Any help appreciated. Thanks. I am new!
I'm growing Herbie's Amnesia Lemon & it looked kinda like a crazy haired lady too - she's now put weight on her buds & her hair looks more tamed & normal.🤣
That one plant your asked a question about has the most incredible flower to leaf ratio I have ever seen! You are most likely going to have a plant completely covered in bud 🤞👍🌱
Nice looking tent, good to see your lights nice and close. One thing I would recommend, moving forwards for your next crop, try germinating in a peat puck-sized container. Red dixie cups work great for this as well. The reason is the plants will prefer a tighter area when they are first germinated to develop their root structure. This is why it is good to start small and transplant up, as the roots fill out their previous container. It will also prevent your plants from becoming stunted due to poor root development.