First 2 pics are Day 65 from seed. All 4 are showing gender, and loving being outside. I put them out for around 4-6 hours per day, then bring them back in when it starts to get too cool. Redt if the time under the Metal Halide. They are in dark maybe an hour per day. They don't mind 7°C weather apparently, cause growth has not slowed. I noticed a mutation on #1, where one of the fan leaves at the node is growing 2 shoots from the same node, separate from eachother, but attached at the stalk of the plant at the same fan leaf.
Looking great... I like the structure of number 3. I also have the same mutation you are describing and amazed at the growth and structure. Already a favorite!
Looking great... I like the structure of number 3. I also have the same mutation you are describing and amazed at the growth and structure. Already a favorite!