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White Widow Indoor/Outdoor AZ Grow 2022

3 years ago
bestva dc Light Emitting Diodes/250W
bestva dc
Room Type
weeks 6, 13
weeks 6, 8, 11-13
Grow medium
189 L
Pot Size
3 years ago
Started on Wednesday 2/16 on a paper towel and on a heat mat set at 82 degrees. Put in the pot on Saturday 2/19. Her sisters were started in a pot with Arizona Worm Farm seedling starter. I re-potted them after 3 weeks and they already had some fairly decent root development. Therefore, I'm going to pot this little lady at 21 days as well. To give her a little nutrition boost, I've filled 1/2 the seedling pot with Worm Farm seedling mix and the bottom with Fox Farm Ocean Forest. Hopefully that will give her a little extra boost between week 2-3.
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
3 years ago
3.81 cm
It’s been rainy and cold this week. It’s supposed to warm up in the next couple of days and I think by March 1st, we can say goodbye to 40 degree nighttime temps and hello spring temps. She’s been inside during her first week of life, but today I put her outside to soak up the rays. Will keep her inside at night until it’s a bit warmer than move her to the more powerful lights in my shed,
Week 2. Vegetation
3 years ago
6.35 cm
18 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
21 °C
12.7 cm
Nutrients 5
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.651 mll
Fish Shit - Fish Head Farms
Fish Shit 0.651 mll
Kelp Meal 1-0.1-2 - Down To Earth
Kelp Meal 1-0.1-2 1.302 mll
Was concerned that she was a bit leggy, so I put a paper clip to help prop her up. Hit the hydro store and picked up some Fishsh!t and Recharge. Added that, worm castings and some Down to Earth dry amendments to brew up a compost tea. Gave her a big sip on 3/4
Week 3. Vegetation
3 years ago
10.16 cm
18 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
10 °C
15 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 6
Alchemist Stout MSA 1.302 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.651 mll
Fish Shit - Fish Head Farms
Fish Shit 0.651 mll
For my watering this week I used silica and FishSh!t. Silica brand is Alchemist Stout MSA – Monosilic acid. This helps strengthen stems and protect against heat stress. She’ll need all the protection she can get for my Arizona outdoor grow this summer. Really grew well this week. Was going to pot her this weekend, but I think I'll give her another week in the small pot.
Week 4. Vegetation
3 years ago
15.24 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
12 %
13 °C
15 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 6
Alchemist Stout MSA 1.302 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.651 mll
Fish Shit - Fish Head Farms
Fish Shit 0.651 mll
Repotted on 3-14. Wish I would have waited as her stem was really weak. Put her in the pot and propped her up with a chopstick. Gave her a big sip of recharge and fish shit. "Spring" is in full swing. Temps this week in the 80's all week. Gave all the girls FishSh!t/Recharge on March 14th. Still taking them inside the shed at night to get their 18 hours of sunlight.
Week 5. Vegetation
3 years ago
20.32 cm
18 hrs
32 °C
No Smell
12 %
13 °C
15 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 6
Alchemist Stout MSA 1.302 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.651 mll
Fish Shit - Fish Head Farms
Fish Shit 0.651 mll
Spring equinox week. Daytime highs 74-89. Nighttime lows 51-59. Top dressed some worm castings and watered with Fishsh!t on 3/19 and again on 3/24 with some Recharge added to the brew.
Week 6. Vegetation
3 years ago
12.7 cm
18 hrs
32 °C
No Smell
12 %
13 °C
15 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 6
Alchemist Stout MSA 1.302 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.651 mll
Fish Shit - Fish Head Farms
Fish Shit 0.651 mll
Compost Tea 3/29 Daytime Highs 68 - 95 Nightitme Lows 58 - 61 3/26/2022 - Day 36 3/27/2022 - Day 37 3/28/2022 - Day 38 3/29/2022 - Day 39 3/30/2022 - Day 40 3/31/2022 - Day 41 4/1/2022 - Day 42
Used techniques
Week 7. Vegetation
3 years ago
12.7 cm
16 hrs
36 °C
No Smell
12 %
16 °C
Nutrients 6
Alchemist Stout MSA 1.302 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.651 mll
Fish Shit - Fish Head Farms
Fish Shit 0.651 mll
Daytime Highs 85 - 97 Nighttime Lows 60 - 66 4/2/2022 - Day 57 4/3/2022 - Day 58 4/4/2022 - Day 59 4/5/2022 - Day 60 4/6/2022 - Day 61 4/7/2022 - Day 62 4/8/2022 - Day 63
Week 8. Vegetation
3 years ago
12.7 cm
16 hrs
36 °C
No Smell
12 %
16 °C
Nutrients 6
Alchemist Stout MSA 1.302 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.651 mll
Fish Shit - Fish Head Farms
Fish Shit 0.651 mll
2nd topping 4/14/22 Daytime Highs 72 - 96 Nighttime Lows 47 - 61 4/9/2022 - Day 50 4/10/2022 - Day 51 4/11/2022 - Day 52 4/12/2022 - Day 53 4/13/2022 - Day 54 4/14/2022 - Day 55 4/15/2022 - Day 56
Used techniques
Week 9. Vegetation
3 years ago
12.7 cm
16 hrs
36 °C
No Smell
20 %
14 °C
189 L
Nutrients 6
Alchemist Stout MSA 1.302 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.651 mll
Fish Shit - Fish Head Farms
Fish Shit 0.651 mll
Planted clone from 1st topping in a solo cup. When she's bigger, will plant in a cloth bag Daytime high 83 - 97 Nighttime Lows 57 - 67 4/16/2022 - Day 57 4/17/2022 - Day 58 4/18/2022 - Day 59 4/19/2022 - Day 60 4/20/2022 - Day 61 4/21/2022 - Day 62 4/22/2022 - Day 63
Week 10. Vegetation
3 years ago
12.7 cm
16 hrs
38 °C
No Smell
20 %
16 °C
189 L
Nutrients 6
Alchemist Stout MSA 1.302 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.651 mll
Fish Shit - Fish Head Farms
Fish Shit 0.651 mll
First triple digit day this week. Thankfully, it's still getting down in the 60's at night, Her clone appears to be doing well - my first successful clone. I am mostly cloning because I want to try my hand at creating feminized seeds, but I have several of these seeds in my inventory, so I'm not planning on cloning her. Will probably just plant her and grow her out. Daytime high 88 - 101 Nighttime Lows 60 - 66 4/23/2022 - Day 63 4/24/2022 - Day 64 4/25/2022 - Day 65 4/26/2022 - Day 66 4/27/2022 - Day 67 4/28/2022 - Day 68 4/29/2022 - Day 69
Week 11. Vegetation
3 years ago
30.48 cm
16 hrs
36 °C
No Smell
12 %
17 °C
189 L
Nutrients 6
Alchemist Stout MSA 1.302 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.651 mll
Fish Shit - Fish Head Farms
Fish Shit 0.651 mll
Just two more weeks till 14 hour days and remove supplemental lights. Topped mom and clone on 4/30. Interestingly enough, mom is not as symmetrical at this stage than the other plants I've been growing are at the 3rd topping. Only two more tops to go, so I'm not worried, but it is interesting genetics. Mom now has 8 colas - clone 2 Daytime high 93 - 97 Nighttime Lows 63 - 66 4/30/2022 - Day 91 5/1/2022 - Day 92 5/2/2022 - Day 93 5/3/2022 - Day 94 5/4/2022 - Day 95 5/5/2022 - Day 96 5/6/2022 - Day 97
1 like
Used techniques
Week 12. Vegetation
3 years ago
45.72 cm
16 hrs
38 °C
No Smell
12 %
18 °C
189 L
Nutrients 6
Alchemist Stout MSA 1.302 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.651 mll
Fish Shit - Fish Head Farms
Fish Shit 0.651 mll
One week till 14 hour days and remove supplemental lights. Topped mom (16 colas) on 5/11 and top dressed clone with blood meal in an attempt to fix growing issue and yellow leaves. Mom is really growing strong as she was ready to be topped after 11 days instead of the customary 14. If her growth continues, should be able to do the last top by the 25th and let her grow, grow, grow. shew grew 6" this week. Daytime high 86 - 101 Nighttime Lows 64 - 71 5/7/2022 - Day 77 5/8/2022 - Day 78 5/9/2022 - Day 79 5/10/2022 - Day 80 5/11/2022 - Day 81 5/12/2022 - Day 82 5/13/2022 - Day 83
1 like
Used techniques
Week 13. Vegetation
3 years ago
60.96 cm
14 hrs
41 °C
No Smell
12 %
21 °C
189 L
Nutrients 6
Alchemist Stout MSA 1.302 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.651 mll
Fish Shit - Fish Head Farms
Fish Shit 0.651 mll
Removed supplemental lights. 100% Arizona sunshine. Final topping on 5/19. Should be 32 nodes, but I think it’s only 30. Hubby completed support structure before I did the last top, so couldn’t find all the stems. Don’t think it will be a problem. It’s been my most asymmetrical mainline, so it’ll just do it’s thing. I’ve been trying my hand at cloning as I want to make some feminized seeds. I have killed off every other clone I attempted, but this one took. I have 4 more clones soaking in water right now. I have some seeds in inventory, but if I end up with 5 clones, I may try and feminize 2 or 3 of these. Even with topping her, she still grew 6" this week. Full speed ahead! Daytime high 98 - 105 Nighttime Lows 69 - 73 5/14/2022 - Day 84 5/15/2022 - Day 85 5/16/2022 - Day 86 5/17/2022 - Day 87 5/18/2022 - Day 88 5/19/2022 - Day 89 5/20/2022 - Day 90
1 like
Used techniques
Week 14. Vegetation
3 years ago
88.9 cm
14 hrs
42 °C
No Smell
12 %
20 °C
189 L
Nutrients 6
Alchemist Stout MSA 1.302 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.651 mll
Fish Shit - Fish Head Farms
Fish Shit 0.651 mll
This grow will likely last 30-40 weeks. Since GD only supports 30 weeks of diaries, this "week" will actually last two weeks. Daytime high 94 - 106 Nighttime Lows 69 - 74 5/21/2022 - Day 91 5/22/2022 - Day 92 5/23/2022 - Day 93 5/24/2022 - Day 94 5/25/2022 - Day 95 5/26/2022 - Day 96 5/27/2022 - Day 97 5/28/2022 - Day 98 5/29/2022 - Day 99 5/30/2022 - Day 100 5/31/2022 - Day 101 6/1/2022 - Day 102 6/2/2022 - Day 103 6/3/2022 - Day 104
Week 15. Vegetation
3 years ago
134.62 cm
14 hrs
42 °C
No Smell
12 %
20 °C
189 L
Nutrients 6
Alchemist Stout MSA 1.302 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.651 mll
Fish Shit - Fish Head Farms
Fish Shit 0.651 mll
This grow will likely last 30-40 weeks. Since GD only supports 30 weeks of diaries, this "week" will actually last two weeks. Daytime high 101 - 111 Nighttime Lows 72 - 82 6/4/2022 - Day 106 6/5/2022 - Day 107 6/6/2022 - Day 108 6/7/2022 - Day 109 6/8/2022 - Day 110 6/9/2022 - Day 111 6/10/2022 - Day 112 6/11/2022 - Day 113 6/12/2022 - Day 114 6/13/2022 - Day 115 6/14/2022 - Day 116 6/15/2022 - Day 117 6/16/2022 - Day 118 6/17/2022 - Day 119
Week 16. Vegetation
3 years ago
152.4 cm
14 hrs
43 °C
No Smell
12 %
23 °C
189 L
Nutrients 6
Alchemist Stout MSA 1.302 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.651 mll
Fish Shit - Fish Head Farms
Fish Shit 0.651 mll
This grow will likely last 30-40 weeks. Since GD only supports 30 weeks of diaries, this "week" will actually last two weeks. Daytime high 97 109 Nighttime Lows 73 86 6/18/2022 - Day 120 6/19/2022 - Day 121 6/20/2022 - Day 122 6/21/2022 - Day 123 6/22/2022 - Day 124 6/23/2022 - Day 125 6/24/2022 - Day 126 6/25/2022 - Day 127 6/26/2022 - Day 128 6/27/2022 - Day 129 6/28/2022 - Day 130 6/29/2022 - Day 131 6/30/2022 - Day 132 7/1/2022 - Day 133
Week 17. Vegetation
3 years ago
182.88 cm
14 hrs
46 °C
No Smell
12 %
29 °C
76 L
Nutrients 6
Alchemist Stout MSA 1.302 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.651 mll
Fish Shit - Fish Head Farms
Fish Shit 0.651 mll
This grow will likely last > 30 weeks. Since GD only supports 30 weeks of diaries, this "week" will actually last two weeks. Daytime high 105 112 Nighttime Lows 80 89 7/2/2022 - Day 134 7/3/2022 - Day 135 7/4/2022 - Day 136 7/5/2022 - Day 137 7/6/2022 - Day 138 7/7/2022 - Day 139 7/8/2022 - Day 140 7/9/2022 - Day 141 7/10/2022 - Day 142 7/11/2022 - Day 143 7/12/2022 - Day 144 7/13/2022 - Day 145 7/14/2022 - Day 146 7/15/2022 - Day 147
Week 18. Vegetation
3 years ago
218.44 cm
14 hrs
46 °C
No Smell
12 %
29 °C
76 L
Nutrients 5
Alchemist Stout MSA 1.302 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.651 mll
Fish Shit - Fish Head Farms
Fish Shit 0.651 mll
This grow will likely last > 30 weeks. Since GD only supports 30 weeks of diaries, this "week" will actually last two weeks. Daytime high 99 114 Nighttime Lows 83 90 7/16/2022 - Day 148 7/17/2022 - Day 149 7/18/2022 - Day 150 7/19/2022 - Day 151 7/20/2022 - Day 152 7/21/2022 - Day 153 7/22/2022 - Day 154 7/23/2022 - Day 155 7/24/2022 - Day 156 7/25/2022 - Day 157 7/26/2022 - Day 158 7/27/2022 - Day 159 7/28/2022 - Day 160 7/29/2022 - Day 161
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Week 19. Vegetation
3 years ago
218.44 cm
14 hrs
40 °C
No Smell
12 %
29 °C
76 L
Nutrients 5
Alchemist Stout MSA 1.302 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.651 mll
Fish Shit - Fish Head Farms
Fish Shit 0.651 mll
Been growing this one since Feb. Achieved a 32 node main-line. Towered over 7' tall. On 8-10, discovered that my feminized seed was actually male. This plant was the only one that I managed to successfully clone, so I had two boys. Chopped the bigger one down. Decided to move the clone to another part of the garden and cross breed him with my small Big Bud and Gold leaf plants. Will put up some plastic sheeting to keep the pollen contained. Hubby took him down. He considers killing a plant akin to murder. Not a good day in the garden.
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1 comment
Grow Questions
AZMamaBearstarted grow question 3 years ago
Is it a boy? This was supposed to be a femenized seed, but looks like boy to me. Is it a hermie, or did I mistakenly get a male seed?
Plant. Other
1 like
Pjm70answered grow question 3 years ago
Looks like balls to me. Unless white hairs are popping out, it's a dude.

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