How I makever shatter. Load up blast tube not too tight so butane won't flow through well. Freeze nug prior already broke up then blast. I run at least two cans. I go into Pyrex large measuring cup. Have water at 100 in skillet boiler laser measured @ 100 degrees
In well ventilated area. Once butane gone add ever clear until thinned out. Then throw into deep freeze or freeze for 24 hrs. Have funnel with organic coffee filter pour through into another Pyrex bowl. Let ever clear evaporate almost then while still semi liquid pour into parchment paper boat
Let evaporate further may need to dab out some lipids while vaccing with paper towel. Vac in double boiler @100 degrees or in vac oven @100f for 3 days. I occasionally agitate resin to help expell butane. Also helps if no heat vac cure shatter for 4 additional days. Have fun friends