I'd like to start by saying how fun this whole thing has been already. Seeing your plants grow is something to look forward to everyday.
They've had some good growth since my last update, not much height, but the leaves are growing and multiplying. I'm looking to start some nutes my next watering (last one was yesterday), I'll be using the flora trio. One of the tyrones has surpassed the blueberry that was biggest in my last update, so now it seems they are fighting for who wants to be the biggest!
There's not much else. I haven't noticed any discoloring or anything. I'm hoping the Chemdogging and the smaller Tyrone will pick up soon. It seems that the Chemdogging is growing bushy, while the others are growing tall. I've returned to 20h a day lighting and will continue that schedule. I've been setting a tea kettle on the wood stove to help with humidity, so I think that will help. So ya! Please hit me with any recommendations/criticisms as that's what I'm looking for by posting here. Thanks for checking my grow out, have a good one!
@BigDaddyK, since my last update I've moved the plants about 4" closer to the light. They're now about 18" away. I'm hoping my bigger plant won't receive any light burn
How much are you watering when you water? And is there a brand name to your soil? Or do you know what your soil consists of? I'd say it's the soil or watering habits,