This week I feed them on monday with 400uS and 6.5ph, 0.2l each. By wednesday I noticed a little yellowish color in their leaves but nothing to crazy to worry about, it was strange since I'm feeding them with enough nitrogen but maybe next week I raise the nitrogen a little bit.
Today thursday everything seems to be ok, they are vibing and living life. I decided to switch some bulbs off and get the ones switched on, closer to the canopi (30cm). I checked with the photone app and the luminosity is in between 10k and 12k, I think it's enough light intensity for this young ladies.
This week I lowered the temp a bit up to 23°C and humidity stays in 60% without splash them too much, wich was the initial goal. I also started to provide a little of CO2 this week, I do it with yeast, suggar and water, it's fermentation, you just mix 1 litter of fresh water, a spoon of yeast and 150-200gr of suggar. You can heat the water just a bit until is warm so it's easier to mix properlly.
This has been a difficult week for the ladies overall. I noticed they are stunned and not growing at all wich is very bad but I'm trying to figure it out. Maybe I feed them too Early when they where not prepared, so I'm just watering them with plain water. comparing ths 3 gums with other grow diaries I comfirmed they are stunned since basically week 2. Today is the third week final day and they are like the same height. The other reason could be too much light since I got the bulbs closer to them, so I stepped them back to 60cm.
We just have to wait and hope they will recover