We are pleased to report another great week has been had by all and there are not any issues to mention.
The top dress along with Bokashi was applied and they enjoyed a rain barrel treat mixed with Hygrozyme along with Hyshield once this week. A good spray of NForce helped with the aphids along with the stink bugs that were threatening to take over the gardens and Optic foliar spray was applied once a few days later, so far we are happily growing! We have been watering daily to keep things moist, on the hotter days it has both morning and night.
This beauty had a good clean up two days ago, a storm feels like it’s brewing now and she seems to be enjoying the wind!
Y’all are something else! Extremely talented growers…or rather, artists!!! I cannot believe my eyes haha…very, VERY impressed 👏 Big smile on my face from seeing you enjoy such a bountiful harvest! Lots of love to go around to friends and family, I hope! 😋